Il y a actuellement
-------------------------------- Choisissez une chronique ---------------------------
1=0 - Sec
1=0 - Forteresse
1=0 - Die/Déesse
1=0 - Qui ?
1=0 - Coeur
2Sisters - Run, Baby ! Run !
3°Est - De Gré ou d'Force
4dB - Animal
4 Way Split #1
4 Way Split #2
5 Ways to Die
6:33 - Orphan of Good Manners
6:33 & Arno Strobl - The Stench from the Swelling (A True Story)
6:33 - Deadly Scenes
6:33 - Feary Tales for Strange Lullabies : The Dome
6-DTC - CD Promo 4 titres
6 Feet Down - Strange
6 Feet Down - Guns and Glory
6S9 - As Above So Below
7 Days Before - Fast Fame Fast Fall
7th Nemesis - Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow
7 Weeks - All Channels Off
7 Weeks - Carnivora
7 Weeks - Bends
7 Weeks - A Farewell to Dawn
7 Weeks - Sisyphus
7 Weeks - Fade into Blurred Lines
8Control - French Kiss
8Control - Catharsis Act. 1
8Control - You should have Cared
8Vision - EP
9 Chambers - s/t
9 Fake Reasons - Days of Downfall
16Kat - Complètement Flippé
17 Seconds Left - Some Reasons to Kill
18-12 - s/t
20 Seconds Falling Man - Resilience
22 Longs Riffs - A Bout Portant
23 Acez - Redemption Waves
36 Crazyfists - The Tide and its Taker
37Stabwoundz - A Heart Gone Black
40 Below Summer - The Mourning After
42 Decibel - Hard Rock'n'Roll
58 Shots - French Rock Revolution
64 Dollar Question - s/t
65 Mines Street - s/t
86 Crew - Old Reggae Friends
91 Allstars - s/t
91 Allstars - Telle est la Loi
91 Allstars - Retour vers la Lumière
202Project - Les Cendres et le Vent
314 Project - Deceive the Crooks
1984 - 1984
1984 - Le Théâtre des Pantins
2029 - Synesthésie
30,000 Monkies - Womb Eater Wife Beater
+\- - EP
A/Oratos - Ecclesia Gnostica
Aabsinthe - The Loss of Illusions
Aabsinthe - In Search of Light
AanimA - Demo
Abbe Sainte - Démo
Abbe Sainte - s/t
Abbe Sainte - Asphyxie
Abbygail - Gun Control
Abbygail - Still Burning
Abduction - Une Ombre régit les Ombres
Abduction - Toutes Blessent, la Dernière Tue
Abel Orion - Late Night Music
Abhcan - The Black Veil
Abhcan - Build and Break
Abinaya - Beauté Paienne
Abkahn - And People Say
Aborted - The Archaïc Abattoir
Above The Leviathan - Catharsis
Abraham - An Eye on the Universe
Abraham - The Serpent, The Prophet & The Whore
Abraham vs Coilgun - Split
Abre Los Ojos - Démo s/t
Absalem - Chaosvolution
Absded - Nukem EP
Absolute - Bâillonnés
Abstract Agony - Collapse
Abstract Rapture - Hollow Motion
Abstrusa Unde - Introspection
Absurdity - Urban Strife
Absurdity - Industreatment
Absurdity - D:\EVOLUTION
Absurdity - Undestructible
Abused Majesty - Serpenthrone
Abysse - De profondeur en Immersion
Abysse - Le Vide est Forme
Abysse - En(d) Grave
A Call To Sincerity - Foundations
Acaro - The Disease of Fear
Acedia Mundi - Speculum Humanae Salvationis
Ace Frehley - Spaceman
Acid Blitz - Neuroactive Music Bullets
Acide Adore - Tu me captures
Acid Witch - Witchtanic Hellucinations
A.C.O.D - Another Path
A.C.O.D - II The Maelstrom
A.C.O.D - Inner Light
ACOD - Fourth Reign over Opacities and Beyond
A Core et A Cris - Compil' du Grand Sud
Acyl - Algebra
Adagio - Life
Adam's Apple Pie - Yopcore Style
Adam Wood - Hello Again
Addicted - 1st Dose
Addicted - Recipe for the Sick
A Different Day - Open Heart
Admirals Arms - s/t
Adore - Restarted
Adorno vs Sugartown Cabaret - Split
Ad Patres - Demo
Ad Patres - Scorn Aesthetics
A Dream Of Poe - The Mirror of Deliverance
Adrenochrome - Hideous Appetites
Advent of Fire - Verikaste
ADX - Division Blindée 3-titres promo
ADX - Immortel
ADX - Non Serviam
Aegirson - Sons of Etheria
Aenima - Love For Everyone Démo
Aenima - Hippie Hunter
Aeon Patronist - Throught the Paths of Delusion
Aephanemer - Prokopton
Aerial View - Angel BBC
Aerial View - (me&you) under the Neons
Aeris - Temple
Aerôflot - Santa Muerte
Aesthesia - Shattered Idols
Aeterna Hystoria - Legends of Ausphaal
A Failing Devotion - s/t
A Failing Devotion - The Fallen
AFAR - No Landmark in the Void
Affect - L'Odyssée de l'Espoir
Afflictis Lentae - Chapter 1 : Chaos, Hate & Fire
After Feed Back - The First Emotion
After Taste - Les Jours Seuls
After Us - Breaking the Dark
Agatha Cruz - s/t
Age of Torment - Dying Breed Reborn
Aghostino - Collarbones Full Of Cocoons
Agon - Agon
Agone Angel - Discovering The Angel
Agora Fidelio - Le Troisième Choix
Agorphos - Origins
Aguirre - Le Poids de la Fonte
Aguirre vs Hongo - Split
Aguirre vs Bad Luck Ride on Wheels - Tube gave us Wings
Ahasver - Causa Sui
Aiden - Conviction
Aim Project - Bismillah
Aîn - Demo 2015
Aîn - Live in Minsk
Aîn - Stance I
Airbourne - Runnin Wild
Airbourne - Black Dog Barking
Air Sheep Charly - World under Bombs
Airskin - Dblue
A Juggernaut & Bbugg Soundtrack - The Cato Street Conspiracy
Akentra - Asleep
Akerius - Shadowed Paths through Middle-Earth
Akerius - La Malbête
Akin - The Way things End
Akira and the Airborne Particles - Love True Waits
Akïrise - Comme des Mouches
Akïrise - Brouiller l'écoute
Akphaezya - Anthology II
Akroma - Sept
Akroma - Seth
Akroma - La Cène
Akroma - Apocalypse (requiem)
Aksarven - Drifting from Nowhere
Akthesis - Buried Alive
Akuma - Under a Killing Moon
Albez Duz - Wings of Tzinacan
Albez Duz - Enigmatic Rites
Alceste - EP 3-titres
Alch3my - Unbreakable
Alcootest - Hateman
Alea - Mise en Abîmes
Alea Jacta - Tales of Void and Dependence
Alea Jacta Est - Toulouse Hardcore
Alea Jacta Est - Gloria Victis
Alea Jacta Est - Vae Victis
Alea Jacta Est - Dies Irae
Alea Jacta Est - Ad Augusta
Aleister - No Way Out
Aleister - No Way Out
Aleister - Nightmare
Aleska - The Waiting
Aleska - Construire ou Détruire
Alex Cordo - Origami
Alex Dawson - Always Rock
Alex Toucourt - Mémoire d'un Eléphant Rose
Alex Toucourt - Le Fruit du Bazar
Alexx and the Moonshiners - Moonset, Moonrise
Aliasing - s/t
Alice Animal - Tandem
Alice in Neverland - s/t
Alice in Neverland - L'île au Trésors
Alice s'emerveille - Etoile Moi
Alienarium - Idiocracy
Alienfood - Todogluten
Alifair - Infiniment Songe
Ali Veejay - s/t
Ali Veejay - Giant Heart
Alkalys - Choeur Delys
Alkalys - A Pack of Lies
Alkymia - The Principle of all things
All Access - Demo
All Damned - She's a Shade
All Dogmas We Hate - Back to Reality
All Dogmas We Hate - Human Wrath
All Else Fails - Fucktropolis
Allen Olzon - Army of Dreamers
All For Nothing - What Lies Within Us
Allguilty - s/t
All Hail The Yeti - All Hail The Yeti
Allhelluja - Inferno Museum
All My Memories - Artefact
All My Memories - Legacy
All My Memories - Umwelt
All Of You Down - Not Loose My Way
All The Shelters - Reach
All We Need - Cold Dreams
Ally Venable - Texas Honey
Almah - Motion
Almond's Drive - Get your Pogo Shoes On
Almond's Drive - L'Hymne à l'Homme
Aloha Spirit - Aloha Spirit 2
Alone with King Kong - Three Hats on One Head
A Lost Fear - Autumn
A Lost Fear - Through the Elements
Alpha Project - Counter Reset
Already Salted - Enculés !!!
Already Salted - Big Moustache
Alt - I'm A Dancer
Alt - I'm A Singer
Alt - I'm A Model
Alta Rossa - Voids Void of an Era
Alta Rossa - A Defiant Cure
Alter Bridge - The Last Hero
Altered Beast - Living for The Sin
Alternine - 2.0
Altin Gün - Ask
Always Keep the Faith - A Tribute to Warzone
Alyssa Bourjlate - I've lost myself on the way
Amaranthe - Massive Addictive
Amaranthe - Manifest
AmartiA - Delicately
AmartiA - In A Quiet Place
AmartiA - Daylight Beauty
Ambre - Silence
Ambryo - Ambryo
Amen - Death before Musick
Amen Ra - Mass III
Amiensus - All Paths Lead to Death
Am I Not - Apparent Void
Am I Not - Climaxes and Vacuity
Amnutseba - Demo II
Amon Amarth - The Pursuit of Vikings : 35 years in the Eye of the Storm
Amon Din - Where the Dreams No Longer Exist
Amonsethis - Part 1 The Prophecy
Amoure - Vague
Amplifier - The Octopus
Ampools - Hier, J'étais un Autre
Ampools - Puzzle
Ampools - EP 2008
Amy Correia - As We Are
Amy Lee and The Loco Project Band - Lost in Confusion
Anachronia - The Endless Agony
Ana Popovic - Trilogy
An Apple A Day - Fall of Thera
Anarchist Republic of Bzzz - United Diktatürs of Europe rmx 1
Anarco Psychotic - Les Pénibles Vérités
An Autumn for Crippled Children - Lost
Ancient Ascendant - Raise The Torch
Andréas & Nicolas - Super Chansons
Andréas & Nicolas - Singes du Futur
Andreas Fall - s/t
And Say We Did - Final Demonstration
And Summer Die - The Chaotic Chronicle
An Eagle in Your Mind - Intersection
Angher Incorporated - Phase I : Dark City Lights
Angle Mort & Clignotant - Code PIN
Angry Silence - Strange times call for strange measures
Anima Sementis - Interitum
Anksunamon - The Dark Pharaoh
Anna Sage - The Fourth Wall
Anna Sage - Downward Motion
Anne Paceo - Bright Shadows
Annihilator - Feast
Annotations of an Autopsy - Before the Throne of Infection
Anorak - My Own Haze
Anorak - Sick
Anorak - Go Up in Smoke
Anorma - In Destruction
Another Bloodshed - The Entry of the Death Row
Another Kind of Death - Sleepless Every Night
Answerd - Tales and Legends from a Fallen Empire
Antalgia - Perception of Reality
Antarhes - Silaelin
Antechaos - Apocalypse
Antechaos - Dystopies
Antevirus - Tome 1
Antevirus - Pandaemia
Anthares - Afet The War
Anti-Flag - The People or The Gun
Anti-Flag - American Fall
Antigama vs Deformed - Roots of Chaos
Antistatic - Sampler 1.0
Antoine Galey - On ne sauvera pas le Monde ce soir
Antoine Sahler - s/t
Antropofago - Beyond Phobia
Anwynn - Forbidden Songs
Any Given Day - Overpowered
Anything but Yours & I Pilot Daemon - The Light House is in our Back
Aorlhac - L'esprit des Vents
Aorlhac - A la Croisée des Vents (réédition)
Apache - The World We Lefto to Rot
Apex Origin - beyond a Lifetime
A Place To Die - Dystopia
A Plane to the Void - Memento Mori
A Plane to the Void - Commedia
Apocalypse Now - Confrontation with God
Apolline - No Longer Rain
Aporia - Démo 2006
Apple Jelly - Home
Apple Jelly - Die, Motherfucker! Die
Appollonia - Démo 2005
Appollonia - Among Wolves
Appollonia - Blank Solstice
Appollonia - Dull Parade
April - Sunderlands
April's Possessions - E[re]ducation
April's Possessions - Resilience
A Prison Called Earth - Rise of the Octopus (Realistic Tale of A Sprawling City)
A Prison Called Earth - The Ivory Miracle
AqME - Hérésie
AqME - En l'honneur de Jupiter
AqME - Epithète, Dominion, Epitaphe
AqME - Epithète, Dominion, Epitaphe + Les Sentiers de l'Aube
AqME - s/t
Aquilon - Intramedia
Aquilon - Immobile
Arabella - s/t
Arabella - Accoustic Sessions
Arakno - Sous-France
Aran Angmar - Black Cosmic Elements
Arbre - III
Arcania - s/t
Archi Deep - Lightning concept
Architect of Seth - The Persistence of Scars
Aries - Le Dernier Sacre
Aristid was a Jerk - Through The Age of Slavery
Arkan - Burning Flesh
Arkan - Salam
Arkan - Lila H
Arkanan - Cricle
Arkanan - From Disaster Plays
Arkelion - What Else ?
Arkeronn - My World
Arkhon Infaustus - Passing the Nekromanteion
Armageddon - Necromantic Celebration
Arman Méliès - IV
Armellino - Heritage Blend
Arms of Ra - Unnamed
Arnaud Quevedo and Friends - Roan
Arnaud Quevedo and Friends - 2nd Life
Aro Ora - Wairua
Arrach - Artisans du Chaos
Arrach - Sabotage
Arrogant Criminals - Fine & Dandy
Artefact - Magic Spellcraft
Artefacts - s/t
Artefacts - Life is a Question of Time
Arteries Shaking - Burning Streets
Artsonic - Hacktivist
Artweg - Drunk'N'High
Arwen - Corruption
Asaliah - Intra Muros
As A New Revolt - Tx Rx
As A New Revolt - Acid
Ascaris - Des Maux
As de Trèfle - (pas) comme tout le Monde
Aset - Astral Rape
Ashes to Fire - Still Waters
Ashes Will - s/t
Ashka - Ritual
Ash Orphan - The Man who fell from The Moon
Ashura - The Legacy of Hatred
Asidefromaday - Maïeutics
Asidefromaday - Divine Proportion
Asidefromaday - Videographie
Asidefromaday - Manufactured Landscape
Asidefromaday - Chasing Shadows
As It Burns - Mortal Dusk
Askmood - The Weather
A Snake of June - Le Bucle
AsOne - First Investigation
Assacrentis - Colossal Destruction
Assana - Premiers Symptôtmes
Assent - We are the New Black
Ass of Spades - Sleep when You Die
As They Burn - Will Love Life
As They Burn - Ego Death
Astral Doors - Worship or Die
Astral Tears - Hypnotic
Astrayed Place - Edge of the Mist
A.S.T.R.O. - The Shaped Lines
A.S.T.R.O. - From My Window...
A Subtle Understatement - Vestige
As We Bleed - Hail the Sick Ones
As We Draw - Lines Breaking Circles
As We Draw - Mirages
Asyl - Maquette
Atama - En Brèves
Ataraxis - s/t
Ataraxis - Witness to the Collapse
Ataxia - Face the Truth
Atlantean Kodex - The Golden Bough
Atlantis Chronicles - Ten Miles Under Water
Atlantis Chronicles - Barton's Odyssey
Atlas Losing Grip - State of the Unrest
Atomic Garden - Little Stories about Potential Events
Atrocia - Dystopia : The Machine Murders
Atrophia Red Sun - Twisted Logic
Atrorum - Structurae
Atrystos - The Fucking War
At the Mercy - s/t
At the Soundawn - Red Square: We come in Waves
Attractha - Engraved
Aube Grise - Feue
Aube Grise - Hanterieur
Aube Grise - Mauvais Augure
Aube L. - Souls to the Wind
Aube L. - I am
Aube L. - Star in Your Scars
Aube L. - Wake Up the Joy
Aube L. - Time for the Happiness
Au-dessus - end of Chapter
audioFILM - Analog
audioFILM - Transient
Audrey Jungle - Versus
Audrey Jungle - Même pas Peur
Audrey Jungle - Azafran
Aurium - The 2nd Sun
Auroch - From Forgotten Worlds
Aurore - Maxi
Aurus - s/t
Auspex - Resolutio
Auspex - Heliopause
Aussitôt Mort - 6 songs
Aussitôt Mort - Montuenga
Aussitôt Mort - Montuenga+6songs
Automatic City - Triple Ripple
Automatic Sam - Texino
Autopsy - Macabre Eternal
Autopsy - The Headless Ritual
Auxitt - Your Sakura
Avalon - Shores of Avalon
Avalon Fay - Polarity
Avalon Fay - Resurgence
A Vanishing Self - Mirrors
Avantasia - The Mystery of Time
Averse - The Endesque Chants
A Very Sad Story - Time for A Last Hole...
A Very Sad Story - Deep Black Thoughts
A Very Sad Story - Tools of Death
A Very Sad Story - Old Dark Memories
Ave Tenebrae - Tandis que les parjures se meurent
A Voodoo Experience
Avril Lavigne - Head Above Water
Awacks - The Third Way
Awek - Let's Party Down
Ayers - Suffer Pain
Aygghon - Demi-Deuil
Aymeric Silvert - I'm back
Ayreon - The Source
Azgaal - Barzaeil
Aziz Sahmaoui & University of Gnawa - Poetic Trance
Azoah - s/t
Azyd Azylum - 6:00 AM
Azyd Azylum - Head or Tails
Azziard - Vésanie
Azziard - Liber Primus : Metempsychose
Baasta! - Madcalais
Babal - Who will i be when i leave ?
Baby Brings Bad News - s/t
Babylon Circus - State of Emergency
Babylon Pression - Classé X
Babylon Pression - Négative Génération
Babylon Pression - Travaille, Consomme et Meurs
Babylon Pression - Allez Tous Vous Faire Foutre
Babylon Pression - Heureux d'être Content
Babylon Pression - Rock Warrior
Backdawn - EP
Backfire! - My Broken World
Backsight - See the Damage
Backsight vs Kids on the Move - Bridging Oceans
Backstab - Aïki-Taïso
Backstab - Futura
Back To Basics - s/t
Back To Reality - Whatever May Happen
Backtrack Lane - Black Truth & White Lies
Bad Fantasy - Age of Morons
Bad Flower - Ok i'm Sick
Badjoke - Magic Jukebox
Bad Kingz - Take me into your Kingdom
Bad Tripes - Phase Terminale
Bad Tripes - Splendeurs et Viscères
Bad Tripes - Les Contes de la Tripe
Bagdad Rodeo - Quatre : l'album sans fin... part. 1
Bagheera - Drift
Bahimiron - Rebel Hymns of Left Handed Terror
Bai Kamara Jr and The Voodoo Sniffers - Traveling Medicine Man
Bain de Sang - Sacrified for a Load of Filth and Lies
Bak - Sculpture
Bak - Painter
Bak Trak - Voltage
Bak Trak - Hidden Trouble
Balls Out - Let Me in
Balls Out - Get dirty vol. 1
Balls Out - Hot Mom vol. 2
Balrog - Bestial Satanic Terror
Banane Metalik - Nice to Meat You
Banane Metalik - The Gorefather
Band of Skulls - Love is All You Love
Barabbas - Messe pour un Chien
Barabbas - La Mort appelle tous les Vivants
Barback - s/t
Barbarian Koala - Coming Down with A Crash
Barcode - Hardcore
Bardi Johannson - B.O.F. Haxan
Bare Teeth - First the Town then The World
Bärlin - The Dust of Our Dreams
Baron Nichts - Nyan-Hat
Barricades - Le son des Barricades
Barús - EP
Basaalt - You can decide how it ends...
Bastaunt - Démo
Bastien Lucas - L'autre bout du Globe
Batist - New Hard
Batkong - Levrus
Baton Rouge - I
Battle of Britain Memorial - The Aftermath Of Your Bright Beings
Bawdy Festival - Back in Da Wood
Bawdy Festival - Tri Nox Sanomi
Baxter - Black Baccara
Bazar Bellamy - Jusqu'ici tout va Bien
BCS - Démo 2009
Beast in Black - From Hell with Love
Beautés Vulgaires - A Part ça tout va bien !
Beautiful Badness - Walking on a Mirror
Bebly - ULDO
Bedemon - Symphony of Shadows
Belladone - Aliénation
Belphegorz - s/t
Beneath A Godless Sky - EP
Beneath My Sins - Valkyries of Modern Times
Beneath My Sins - An Acoustic Journey
Bengal - From outer Space
Benighted - ICP
Benighted - Identisick
Benighted - Asylum Cave
Benighted - Carnivore Sublime
Benighted - Necrobreed
Benighted - Ekbom
Benighted Soul - Start from Scratch
Benighted Soul - Kenotic
Benny Sings - Studio
Ben Poole - Anytime you Need Me
Bensoussan - Matris Futuor
Bent Sea - Nostaligia
Bernard Allison - Songs from The Road
Bernays Propaganda - Vtora mladost, treta svetska vojna
Berserkers - Lock and Load
Berserk for Tea Time - s/t
Berserk for Tea Time - Ink and Paper
Bert Heerink - Better Yet
Berzerker Legion - Obliterate The Weak
Bestial Soul - First Bleeding
Betrayed Heaven - Inner Bleeding
Betrayed Heaven - Paradox
Betraying the Martyrs - The Hurt, The Divine, The Light
Betraying the Martyrs - Phantom
Between the Buried and Me - Colors
Beyond Chronicles - Shatter
Beyond Chronicles - Human Nation
Beyond Infinity - Welcome to Infinity
Beyond the Ashes - EP
Beyond the Black - Lost in Forever
Beyond the Dust - New Dawn
Beyond the Dust - Khepri
Beyond the Hatred - Tropaion
Beyond the Pale - Monument in Time
Beyond the Styx - eX1le
Beyond the Styx - Sloughing off The Shades
Beyond the Styx - Leviathanima
Beyond the Styx - Sentence
Bhopal's Flowers - Daydreamers
B1ff1ns - B1ff1ns
BigBangBayBees - Little Nothing
Big Batch - The Last to Fall
Big Business - Battlefileds Forever
Big Dez - Last Train
Big Funk Brass- Higher
Bigger - Tightrope
Bigsure - Hydronaüt
Bilbao Kung Fu - L'arc-en-ciel
Billy Boy in Poison - Watchers
Billy Hornett - The Famous Oil for A Perfect Greasing
Billy Montoya - Euro Debout
Billy the Kill - Joy Sex and War
Billy the Kill - An Open Book with Spelling Mistakes
Binary Folks - Girl EP
Biocide - Démo
Biocide - Narkosia, le Grand Sommeil
Biocide - Le Syndrome de Meurfy
Bioconflict - Unhealthy
Biohazard - Uncivilization
[Bio]tech - Démo
Birds in Row - You, Me & The Violence
Birdstone - Loss
Bjørn Berge - Who Else ?
Black Bomb A - Human Bomb
Black Bomb A - Speech of Freedom
Black Bomb A - Illicite Stuff Live
Black Bomb A - One Sound Bite to React
Black Bomb A - From Chaos
Black Bomb A - Enemies Of The State
Black Bomb A - Comfortable Hate
Black Bomb A - s/t
Black Comedy - Instigator
Black Country Comunion - Afterglow
Blackened Corvus - s/t
Black Hellebore - Disorder
Black Iris - L'Eclipse
Black Jesus - Black Jesus saves
Black Knives - The Rise
Black Knives - The Thirteenth Hour
Black Label Society - Grimmest Hits
Blackmore's Night - A Knight in York
Blackness - Dawn of the New Sun
Blackout - Armageddon
Black-Out Arises - BOA
Black Page - s/t
Black Rain - License to Thrill
Black Rain - Lethal Dose of...
Black Rain - It Begins
Black Rain - Released
Black Rain - Dying Breed
Black River Sons - Skins
Black Sargass - s/t
Black Stone Cherry - Kentucky
Black Stone Cherry - Black to Blues
Black Veil Brides - IV
Black Wizard - Livin' Oblivion
Blakend - Rise
Blankass - Les Chevals
Blankass - C'est quoi ton Nom ?
Blast Candy - Future Drone Killer
Blasted - Démo
Blazcooky - Human Chronicles
Blazing War Machine - s/t
Bleed - Chaos Impact
Bleedskin - Blood Reign
Bleedskin - Homicidal Therapy
Bless Her Evil - We are Mystery...
Blight - Without A Break
Blindfolded - States of Mind
Blinding Sparks - Renaissance Insipide - Deluxe Edition
Blindness - Sca(r)red
Blind Race - Come and Get It
Blind Sight - The Tenderstrike Salvation
Bliss - 3 seconds before, 21 grams after
Bliss-Illusion - Shinrabansho
Bliss of Flesh - Empyrean
Bliss of Flesh - Tyrant
Blobfish Killer - s/t
Blockheads - Shapes of Misery
Blod - Mara
Blodsrit - Helveteshymner
Blonk - Carapace
Bloodbound - Tabula Rosa
Blood for Navajos - First Blood
Blood Has Been Shed - Double Cd
Blood of The Sun - Blood's Thicker than Love
Bloodstained - Saligia
Bloody Alchemy - Kingdom of Hatred
Bloody Alchemy - Reign of Apathy
Bloodyflow - s/t
Bloody Mary - Shoot Me
Bloody Rabbeat - Healthy Mind for Dummies
Bloody Rabbeat - Use Your Head
Blurr Thrower - Les Avatars du Vide
BLVL - Empire of Night
Boar - Venefice
Bobato - EP
Bobato - Bonne continuation
Bodie - Où va-t-on dormir ?
Body Fluids - Démo
Body Fluids - Album
Boil - Axiom
Boisson Divine - Enradigats
Boisson Divine - Volentat
Boisson Divine - La HalHa
Bokaputa - Fat and Furious
Bokassa - Crimson Riders
Bolton Wonderland Records - Meet the Bolton's
Bombardiers - Saraba Nakama
Bomb Scare Crew - Violation of the Riot Nation
Bomb Scare Crew - Reign of the Sharks
Bomb Scare Crew - Autopsy of A Monster
Bone Dance - Bone Dance
Boneshaker - Start the Race
Boneshaker - Reborn
Boneyardz - Our Home Our Grave
Boni-Fate - Pendant que la Planète s'use...
Boogers - More Better
Boogie Beasts - Neon skies and differnt highs
Boost - In-Difference
Boost - Reboot
Boozing Truckers - One More
Bord - For Better and For Worse
Bordelophone - s/t
Borderline - s/t
Borderline - From Tales to Reality
Borealys - Là où les eaux se séparent
Bored to Death - Music is a Conspiracy
Borghesia - Proti Kapitulaciji
Born Again - die Hard, Live Free
BornBroken - The Healing Powers of Hate
Born from Lie - The Promised Land
Born from Pain - The New Future
Born from Pain - True Love
Born in Exile - Transcendence
Born to Burn - Money can't be Eaten
Botch Up - 2003
Both - En Attendant d'aller sur Mars
Bottle Next - s/t
Boule - Volant immitant l'Oiseau Naturel
Boulevard des Airs - Paris Buenos Aires
Bow Low - What?
Boxcutter - The Ill Testament
Boys 1st Time - San Francisco
Boys 1st Time - The Final Soul Trade Ep
Boy Hits Car - Boy Hits Car
Brainsqueezed - Emotions
Breakdust - Mutilated Earth
Breakhead - Allegiance to Materiality
Breath From The Void - World Down
Breeding Chaos - Disant Planets
Breed Machine - Eveil Hardcore
Breed Machine - Renaissance
Breed Machine - 3
Breed Machine - A l'Aube du 8ème Jour
Breed Machine - Asura
B.R.E.F. - Goyave Chronicles
Brieg Guerveno - Valgori
Bring Out Your Dead - Bring Out Your Dead
Broadway Calls - Good Views, Bad News
Broken Bomb - Full Mental Racket
Broken Down - The Other Shore
Broken Down - Drop Dead Entertainer
Broken Edge - Kaos/Fear
Broken Edge - Unleash My Soul
Brokken Roses - Dick Reverse
Broknface - Leave to Live
Broussaï - Avec des Mots
Bruit - Monolith
Brume Retina - Linéaire des Libres
Brume Retina vs Hiro - Split cd
Brume Retina - Agresse Gueule
Bruno Karnel - Hic Sunt Dracones
Brutus - Slachtbeest
Brymir - Voices in the Sky
B.S.D. - Trauma
BT93 - BT93
Buck - Among Your Fears
Buffalo Summer - Second Sun
Bukowski - Hazardous Creatures
Bukowski - Eponyme
Bullcharge - A Near Extinction Level
Bullethole - Incarnation
Bullrun - Wilderness
Bullshit Inc. - Life Under Pressure
Bullshit Inc. - RepliKanT
Bulweria Bifax - One Day on Earth
Bumbklaat - Boomshine Drinkers
Bumblebees - Cissetive
Bunch of Bones - Dishing The Dirt
Bunkum - Still Drunk
Bunkum - And Everything goes Crazy...
Buried Option - Share Once More
Buried side - Heading to the Light
Burking Youth - Fire
Burking Youth - Waters
Burning Each Day - Some of Them are Us
Burning Fight vs Intruder vs Nine Eleven - Split cd
Burning Flesh - New Chaos Order
Burning Heads - Hear This
Burning Heads - under Their Influences
Burning Lady - Until The Walls Fall
Burning Skies - Desolation
Burning Skies - Greed.Filth.Abuse.Corruption
Burn Process - Justice
Burn The Flags - Alive but Not Living
Burn Your Karma - Neurotic Machinery
Bursted Bones - New Deadly Sins
Bursting Wonderland - David vs Goliath
Bypass - Bypass
Bysshe - Forever in the Eye of Change
C4 - Démo 2002
C4 - Démo 2003
C-Rom - The Winding Star
C-Rom - Flames of Knowledge
Ça - 24615
Cachemire - Qui est la Punk ?
Cadavera - You Will Better Die
Cadaveres de Tortugas - Incarnation
Cadilac - Cold Sweat
Cadillac Corrida - Enter The Arena
Caesaria - Come on and Dance
Caedes - Chômage Mental
Caedes - Un Mal pour Un Bien
Caedes - Paralipses
Caelum - La Mémoire des Cieux
Cafe Flesh - I Dumped my Wife, I Killed my Dog
Cafe Flesh - Lions will no Longer be Kings
Calciferum - The Beast Inside
Caldera - Mist through your Consciousness
Calice - s/t
Caligula - Not too Short to be Great
Caligula - Greatests Hits
Calling of Lorme - Corporation
Calling of Lorme - Pygmalion
Calliophis - Doomsday
Callisto - Noir
Calm - Are we Supposed to Be...
Calmos - Maintenant quand je mets un Doigt c'est pour vider un Poulet
Calva - Cactus Costume
Calvaiire - Rigorisme
Calvaiire - Forceps
Cambridge - How to walk a Tighrope
Camera Men - Alice
Cancel The Apocalypse - Our Own Democracy
Cancel The Apocalypse - Terminus Stairway
Candy Flesh - Démo
Candy Flesh - Rouge
Canine - Boiling Drops in an Ice-Cold Ocean
Cannibal Penguin - Ne sait pas
Cannibe - Hideous Human Vintage
Captain Obvious - Let It Burn
Captain Obvious - Let's Do Porn
Captain Stark - Anticrust Superstar
Carbid! - Breaking Walls
Carcariass - Planet Chaos
Carcariass - Afterworld
Carc[H]arias - [tetuKo]
Car Crash - Et le Silence est Entendu
Carmen Maria Vega - Santa Maria
Carmyn - One
Carmyn - Sophomore
Carnage of Children - Extinction
Carnal Lust - Whore of Violence
Carnal Lust - Rebirth and Hate
Carnal Lust - Dawn of the Hatred
Carnal Lust - The Hate Complete
Carne - En Attendant la Fin
Carne - Ville Morgue
Carne - Modern Rituals
Carnifex - The Diseased and the Poisoned
Carole Masseport - En Equilibre
Carson State - H.G.H
Carven Stone - The Rising
Cassandra Lunar - Poussière d'étoile
Catchlight - Helios part One
Catfish - s/t
Catfish - Muddy Shivers
Catfish - Morning Room
Cathar - Cathar
Catherine Graindorge - The Secret of Us All
Cat Squirrel - Blues what am
Catuvolcus - Gergovia
Caution - Démo
Caution - Promo3T Toujours dans l'Ombre
Cavalera Conspiracy - Inflikted
Caza Kunz - Maxi
CCW - Scream and Live
Cease Upon the Capitol - s/t
Cease Upon the Capitol - The End of History 7"
Cease Upon the Capitol - 12" sans titre
Cécile Delpoïo - Tuolla, a Tale by Cécile Delpoïo
Cecilia::Eyes - Here Dead We Lie
Cecilia::Eyes - Disappearence
Celeste - Pessimiste(s)
Celeste - Nihiliste(s)
Céline Bonacina - Fly Fly
Cellscape - s/t
Cenesthesie - Visceral
Cente Détresses - Terre Amère
Century - Black Ocean
Certa Mortis - Caput Mortuum
Cesspit - Mon Fils est une Omelette
Ceylon - Où ça en est
Ceylon - Le grand secret des oiseaux de sable
Chabtan - Eleven
Chabtan - Compelle Intrare
Chadhel - Failure/Downfall
Chakora - Fractured Fate
Chanvre - Valkyrie Mécanique
Chaos E.T Sexual - Sexual Ep Ov
Chaos E.T Sexual - Ovna
Charcoal - Rocks
Chariots of The Gods - Tides of War
Charles in the Kitchen - s/t
Charlie Bonnet - Sinner with Song
Chasma - Declarations of the Grand Artificer
Checkmate - Immanence
Cheinsow - Démo
Cheinsow - Maxi
Chelseea - Illogical Love
Chere Catastrophe - Démo
Cherry Pills - Black jack
Cheyenne - Surprends-moi
Chicken Foot - LV
Chief and TheDoomsdayDevice - Panic Ruminations
Childrain - The Silver Ghost
Children in Paradise - Esyllt
Children of Doom - Doom, Be Doomed ör Fuck Off
Children of Technology - It's Time to face the Doomsday
Chimaira - Chimaira
Chimaira - The Age of Hell
Chimaira - Crown of Phantoms
Chimère Prod - Sampler volume 1
Chine Laroche - Outsider
Chocolate Pain - Bliss
Chosen - Resolution
Chris Holmes - Shitting Bricks
Christiane F - Les Aventures Sonores de Christiane F
Chromb! - 1000
Chromb! - Cinq
Chronicles - The Man on a Leash
Chrystall Meth - Core of Delusion
Churchill - Ravage
Ciguë - Swallow the Pain
Ciguë - Phobia
Circé - Aerian Echoes
Circle II Circle - Seasons will Fall
Citadel - Textures of the Impact
Citadel - All Ready Know
City Weezle - Taboo
Ckraft - Epic Discordant Vision
Clampdown - Vision of Splendor
Clara Luciani - Sainte-Victoire
Clarika - La Tournure des Choses
Clarika - De quoi faire battre ton Coeur
Clarika - A la lisière
Clarknova - Bunker Anatomique
Classe Mannequin - s/t
Clean State - CD 3-titres promo
Clean State - Dead Angel Factory
Clear Cut - Clear Cut
Clegane - Funeral at Sea
Clegane - White of the Eye
Cliché Boys - Overstated
Clio - Déjà Venise
Cloé du Trèfle - D'une Nuit à l'Autre
Clone - Genôme
Clone Inc. - XY
Clone Shop - Antarcticall
Closet Disco Queen - s/t
Cloud Cuckoo Land - Somewhere in Between
Cloverseeds - Innocence
Club Bombardier - Last Word First Move
Coalition - Solis Impulsio
Coexistence - Flow
Coexistence - Carrion Comfort
Coffees & Cigarettes - Freak Show
Coffees & Cigarettes - Roller Coaster
Coffin on Tyres - Red
Cohol - Démo 5-Titres
Coilguns vs Never Void - Split
Coilguns - Commuters
Cold - Year of Spider
Cold Lands - s/t
Cold Lands - Inside
Cold Lands - Inside (reissue)
Cold Lands - Unplugged Live at Le Studio Hangar 38
Coldsight - Until Your Last Breath
Collapse - The Fall
Collapse - The Sleep in Me
Collapsing - We are Nothing
Collaps Machines - In Gold We Trust
Collapsus - Jeux de Maux
Collectif 13 - Chant libre
Colorblind - s/t
Colosse - Origin
Colossus - Fragments
Colossus - Lobotocracy
Colossus Fall - Sempervirens
Colossus of Destiny - Eden
Colossus of Destiny - In Lesser Brightness
Colt Silvers - s/t
Colt Silvers - Night of the Living Robots
Columbus - s/t
Comea - Révolution Humaine
Coming Wolves - Howl
Comity - The Deus ex-Machina as a forgotten Genius
Comity - The Journey is Over
Comme John - Douce Folie
Commodor - Diving out of Focus
Como Muertos - Cronica del Dolor
Condore - Jaws
Confessor AD - Too late to Pray
Confort - Champ
Confront - My First Gun
Conniving Silence - One Again
Conniving Silence - Two Much
Conniving Silence - Ici ou Ailleurs
Conniving Silence - Album
Constantinople vs Memoria - Night Watch Black Metal Hautes Alpes Propaganda
Construcdead - Endless Echo
Contwig - Autobahn 8
Convulsion - Youbastard
Cool Cavemen - Multipolar
Cooper - Right Now !
Cooper - Cooper
C.O.P. UK - No Place for Heaven
Copycat - Clotide
Copy of a Copy - Lost Everything, Do Anything
Copy of a Copy - This is It
Coquettish - s/t
CoreDump - s/t
Coriace - DVD Assaut Coriace
Corpus Diavolis - Apocastatase
Corpus Diavolis - Elixiria Ekstasis
Corrosive Cell - The Ev[i]lution
Corrosive Elements - Chaos Unleashed
Corrosive Elements - Cut the Serpent's Head
Corrupt - s/t
Corrupt the Day - Scheduled Human Decay
Cortez - Initial
Cortez - Phoebius
Cortez - Thunder in a Forgotten Town
Corvius - Signals
Cosmic Monarch - Superlative Spacetime
Cosmogon - Chaos Magnum
Cosmogon - Penumbra
Cosmonauts Days - Path of the Restless
Cotton Belly's - Rainy Road
Cotton Belly's - Live sessions vol. 1
Could Seed - The Drop Crisis
Coupe Gorge / The Hammer - Split
Counterfeit - Promo 3-Titres
Counterfeit - Between the End & the Middle
Coverage - Chrysalides Funèbres
Cowards - Shooting Blanks and Pills
Cowards - Hoarder
Cowards - Rise to Infamy
Cowards - Still
Cradle of Filth - Nymphetamine
Cradle of Filth - The Manticore and Other Horrors
Crankset - Future for Thought
Crankset - Graceful Delicacy
Craving - Fucked Up beyond Repair
Crawford - Cindycore Propaganda
Crawling in Sludge - Tarzé a Crvéa
Crawling in Sludge - Le Dormi dau Munstre
Crazy Hammer - Roll the Dice
Crazyjess - Le fils de l'Histoire
Creeping Fear - Onward Apocalypse
Crescent - The Order of Amenti
Crest of Darkness - Evil Messiah
Crippled Black Phoenix - White Light Generator
Crisis Crew - La Saga continue
Crisix - Against The Odd
Cris Luna - Phoenix
Cris Luna - Musical War
Critical Pint - Thirst of All
Cross9 - s/t
Cross Damage - Silence of Decay
Cross Damage - The Opposite Cycle
Crossfaith - Apocalyze
Crossingate - Looted Passion
Crossingate - 7,000,000,001 Screams
Crossing The Rubicon - s/t
Crossing The Rubicon - Definitely Deaf
Crowmorph - Chroma
Crowmorph - Aversion
Crown - The One
Crown Cardinals - Devotion
Crystalium - Diktat Omega
Crystal Viper - Crimen Excepta
Cub3 - Identité
Cubensis - Pré-prod
Cubensis - Metaphysical Impact
Cultes des Ghoules - Haxan
Cult of Erinyes - A Place to call my Unknown
Cult of Erinyes vs Zifir - Split
Cult of Luna / The Old Wind - Raangest
Cum Machine vs Unformed - Split CD
Curtiss - Moment
Curtiss - List
Curtiss - Simplicity
Curtiss - Shaker
Curtiss - Easy Ride
CXK - Castels dins la Luna
Cyado - Mhä's Dogmas part. II : Samsara
Cyclope Vison - H.A.M.M.E.R.S.M.I.T.H
Cynical Bastard - Art of Pain
Cynical Bastard - Act of Aggression
Cyphre - Idolatry
Dabelyu - 11
Dacast - The Undertown Experience
Dacast - Smooth As A Riot
Dadabovic - Carbamazépine
Dad was a Bad Mother - Blurred
Dagara - La Règle du Je
Dagara - La Route du Chaos
Dagara - Réminiscence
Dagoba - Release the Fury
Dagoba - s/t
Dagoba - What Hell is About
Dagoba - Poseïdon
Dagoba - Post Mortem Nihil Est
Dagrind Split - 4 ways split
Daisy Driver - Nulle Part
Daisy Duke - Vertigo Crysis
Dame Skool - K.A.O.H
Damn Seagulls - Soul Politics
Dancefloor Disaster - Demo
Dandy Freaks - La Source
Danforth - Danforth
Danforth & 91 Allstars - Split CD
Danforth - No Fear 2 Bleed
Danforth - Crime In Hell
Daniel Jea - A l'instinct à l'instant
Daniel Jumeau - Guérillas Urbaine
Daniel Paboeuf Unity - Monstro
Dani Llamas - Speaking thru the Others
Danisco (for beauty) - Mi Amor di Verano
Danishmendt - Eaux-fortes
Danishmendt - Un Passé Aride
Dani Terreur - Les Portes du Paradis
Danny Diablo vs The Vendetta - When Worlds Collide
Danny Lips - Balancing Birds
Dan San - Shelter
Daphné - Iris Extatis
Daran - L'Homme dont les Bras sont des Branches
Darcy - Fangio
Darcy - Tout est à Nous
Daria - Red Red
Daria - Impossible Colours
Darius - Grain
Darjeeling - Démo
Darkall Slaves - Promo 2008
Dark Confessions - Insanity
Darke Complex - Point Oblivion
Darken - Welcome to the Light
Darkest Hour - Deliver Us
Dark Inskides - Netherworld
Darkness Dynamite - The Astonishing Fury of Mankind
Darkness Dynamite - Under the Painted Sky
Dark Poetry - Au Ugly Little Freak
Dark Prophecy - Sexual NecrObsession
Darkrise - Realeyes
Dark Salvation - Der Letze Weg
Dark The Suns - In Darkness Comes Beauty
Darwin's Theory ? - And Then...
Da Silva - Au Revoir Chagrin
Das Model - Featuring Animals
Das Röckt - Odile
Dätcha Mandala - Rokh
Dätcha Mandala - Hara
Dathura - Je suis un Monstre
Datura - s/t
Datura - The Darkest Hours
Daturha - Beyond The Reason
Daughters of Sophia - Soeurs de Sagesse
Daverio - Pulsar
David Carroll - Songs of Love and Protest
David Giguère - Constance
Da'Wa - Appportez Demain
Dawn Harbor - Half a World Away
Dawn of Justice - Seeds
Dawnshape - We couldn't Seize a Bit of Truth
Dawohl - Leviathan
Day by Day - The Difference between Truth and Fact
Dayshell - Nexus
Days of Crisis - Systemic Disaster
Days of Decline - Le Premier Jour
[dazed] - The Fake Silence
[dazed] - Killing Me is Not Enough
D.Basser - Blind in the Sun
DBK Project - 480°
DD's Brothers - From The Day till the Dawn
Dead Bones Bunny - What's Up Rock ?
Dead by April - Worlds Collide
Dead Chic - The Venus Ballroom
Dead Cowboy's Sluts - The Hand of Death
Dead Cowboy's Sluts - Obedience
Dead Ficus - Rise or Fall
Dead End Finland - Stain of Disgrace
Dead Like Me - s/t
Deadlock - Wolves
Deadly Joke - s/t
Dead Man Square - Troublemaker
Deadmen - Get Lost
Deadmen - Fullness
Deadmen - Just a Blink
Dead Pop Club - Superpower
Dead Pop Club - Home Rage
Dead Season - Prophecies
Dead Sexy Inc. - Rodeo Boys
Dead Side - s/t
Dead Side - Before Chaos
Dead Side - Sous les Cendres
Dead Shall Rise / Hostile System - Split CD
Dead Talking Mind - Social Therapy
Dead to Fall - Are your serious ?
Dead Tree Seeds - Push The Button
Dead Tree Seeds - Back to the Seeds
Deafbrood - Hell Reel
Deaf Mute - Sundance
Dealer - Degradacja
Deathawaits - The Abominable
Deathawaits - Solve Coagula
Deathawaits - XX
Death by the Sin - Atlas, the Lost
Death Destruction - s/t
Death from Above - Altered Dimensions
Death Mercedes - Du Soleil Refroidi
Deathtale - The Origin of Hate
Death to Pigs - Live at Karachi
Debout sur le Zinc - Vian
Decades of Despair - Alive
De Calm - Disparue Juliette
Deceit - Mass Cultural Obliteration
Decipher - Intuition
Declamatory - Human Remains
Decline of Humanity - Corrosive
Dédales - Bande Originale
Deep in Hate - Origins of Inequality
Deep in Hate - Chronicles of Oblivion
Deep Within - 1st album
Deeva - s/t
Defaced - Dark Planets
Defdaf - By the Light
Defdump - David Versus Corporate Society
Defdump - The Sparkle has Become a Flame
Defeater - Travels
Defeat The Earth - Beyond Creation
Defechate - Unbounded
Deficiency - State of Disillusion
Deficiency - The Prodigal Child
Deficiency - The Dawn of Consciousness
Deficiency - Warenta
Deflectime - Deflectime
Deflesher - Ossuary
Deftones - Diamond Eyes
Deftones - Koi No Yokan
D-Fé - Zwinx2Death
D-Fé - Album
Dëgénéréscence - Hélas! Je ne suis pas fait pour cette haine
Deg United - Fais-Toi Plaise
Dehumanize - Possess Me... Till I Puke my Hate
Dehumanize - Full of Hate
Dehumanize vs Nihilism - Something Old Something New Something Borrowed...
Deiphago - Satan Alpha Omega
Deiphago / Ritual Combat - Split
Dejected - Sheer Bullshit Incorporated
De Kift - 7
Delicious - Un Monde Parfait
Delightful Spleen - Our Buried Memories
Deliverance - Chrst
Deliverance - Holocaust 26:1-46
Deliverance - Neon Chaos in a Junk-sick Dawn
Delta Tea - The Chessboard
Déluge - AEther
Delyria - III Oracles and Tentacles
Demago - Camarade X
Demande A La Poussière - s/t
Demande A La Poussière - Kintsugi
Demented - Fields of Suffering
Demented - Accross The Nature's Stillness
Demenzia Mortis - Memento Mori
Demian Clav - Adrift (Ten Years before Scardanelli)
Demokhratia - Bled El Petrol Takoul Lekhra
Demon Vendetta - Guardians of the Bitter Sea
Demosys - Murder School
Demosys - No News from God
dEMOTIONAL - Discovery
Denis Agenet & Nolapsters - Piece of Land
Denny Life - Soundtrack to a Mass Riot
Dentelles Nerveuses - The Whistl
Dentelles Nerveuses - Accident on a Bridge
Dentelles Nerveuses - Accident on a Bridge
Department of Correction - L'école du goût
Depraved - Dive into Psycho Terror
Derealized - Isolation Poetry
Der Kaiser Der Narren - Le Temps s'écoule
Desasterkids - Superhuman
Desdemonia - Existence
Desert Dew - Mirrors
Desire before Death - In the Eyes of Tragedy
Destinity - Under the Smell of Chaos
Destinity - In Excelsis Demenita
Destinity - Synthetic Exisentence
Destinity - The Inside
Detoxed - It was in Written Blood
Detoxed - Modern Slavery
Devianz - Una Duna in Mezzo all'Oceano
Devianz - A Corps Interrompus
Deviate - Dev8
DevilDriver - The Fury of our Maler's Hand
DevilDriver - The Last Kind Words
DevilDriver - Beast
Devil in Me - The End
Deville - Come Heavy Sleep
Deviltears - The Keys
deVolt - Grey
devon - s/t
DevonMiles - We May Lack Timen But we don't waste it
Dewey - s/t
DeWolff - Thrust
DeWolff - Live & Outta Sight II
Dham - Eponyme
Dhärnürgh - Apocalyptic Vision
Diablow Swing Orchestra - Sing Alongs for the Damned & Delirious
Diabolical - The Gallery of Bleeding Art
Dialekt - Yell at this Mademoiselle
Di Allelon - De part et d'Autre
Diamond Head - The Coffin Train
Diana Rising - Eon Through The Mist
Diary of Destruction - Dark Road to Recovery
Diego Annuitti - Love is our Way
Die Krupps - Risikofaktor
Die Out - Until We...
Digitipus in Nazoo - Malibu Sheba Wasabi Bleu
Dimitree - Nine Lives
Dimoné - Bien Hommé Mal Femmé
Dimoné & Kursed - Mon Amorce
Diogen - Hobohémia
Dionysos - Monsters in Love
Directorscut - Septem
Direwolves - Me from Myself, to Banish
Direwolves - Aegri Somnia
Dirt Angel - Le Ciel Pleure
Dirt Angel - Le Ciel Pleure {version 2}
Dirt Angel - Too Strange
Dirty Black Summer - Great Deception
Dirty Bootz - Broken Toy
Dirty Dogz - Wheels on Fire
Dirty Charly - s/t
Dirty Fonzy - Here We Go Again
Dirty Fonzy - Underground City
Dirty Fonzy - Too Old for this Shit
Dirty Fonzy - Too Old for this Shit
Dirty Fonzy - Comix Tatoo
Dirty Shirt - Same Shi(r) Different Days
Dirty Shirt - Freak Show
Dirty Shirt & Ansambul Transilvania - FolkCore DeTour
Dirty Shirt - Lechtology
Dirty Shirt - Get Your Dose Now!
Dirty Sound Magnet - What Lies Behind
Dirty Sound Magnet - The Bloop
Dirty Work of Soul Brothers - Girls Ashes
Disagony - Venom Dish
Disbelief - Symbol of Death
Disbelief - The Ground Collapses
Discloser - T.O.Y. TV
Disco Ensemble - Magic Recoveries
Disconnected - White Colossus
Disconnected - We are Disconnected
Dishammer - Vintage Addiction
Dislaynom - demo
Dismo - Absurd
Dismo - Bulls & Gods
Dismo - The Architect of Chaos
Disphoria - Sleep and Fly Away...You'll be Tortured Forever
Disregard Us - We're willing for Nothing
Dissident Pachyderm - Ivory
Distress - Others
Distress - Near the Swans
Disturb - The Last Resort
Disturb - The Worst is to Come
Disturb & Fat Society - From South We Rise
Diva Faune - Dancing with Me
Divine Shade - From The Sky
Divine Side - Entity
Dizorder - Moon Phases
Djabah - Djabah
Djeudled'Vak - Reste à ta Place
Djeudled'Vak - Last Party before The End
Djiin - Meandering Soul
Djiin - Mirrors
Djone Dow - Oméga
DK Dance - Smells like Riot
D'la Coke et des Putes - Disco Sucks
D'la Coke et des Putes - Fast Fashion Federation
Doberman [crew] - s/t
Doberman Crew - Le Grand Soir
Doctor Pepper's - The Neverending Story
Doctor Zaius - Minister of Hate
Doctor Zaius - Out of My Cage
Doctor Livingstone - Notre Niveau est trop élevé...
Doctor Livingstone - Notes du Paradis...
Doctor Pepper's - Carrot Cake
d.ö.b - Violence Dead End
D.O.G - In my World
Dog Fries - Globular Cluster
Doggone - And the Rain fell...
Doggystyle - Moments of Awakening
Dog'n'Style - s/t
Dog'n'Style - Pub's Calling
Doin' Just Fine - Weight Of Your Soul
Doll - The Ragdoll Diaries
Dolores - Dolores
Dolorest - les Yeux d'la Rue
Dol Theeta - The Universe Expands
Dominic Sonic - Qu'avons-nous fait ?
Domino & The Ghosts - With Decay... and no Compassion
Dona Confuse - Broken Silver Cigarette...
Dona Confuse - Beyond The Cosmos Cover
Dona Confuse - Elements of Cosmogonie
Donkey Punch - Middle Class
Do Not Machine - Heart Beat Nation
Doomina - Doomina
Do Or Die - Heart Full of Pain
Do Or Die - The Meaning of Honor
Do Or Die - The Downfall of the Human Race
Do Or Die - Crows
Doorsfall - Journey of a Silhouette
Dope Out - Bad Seeds
Doppelgänger - Doppelgänger
Doppelgänger - Anatomy of Melancholy
Doppelgänger - Memento Mori
Doppler - Songs to Defy
Doro - Under My Skin
Dot Legacy - To The Others
Down - Down IV, Part I : The Purple
Downcast Collision - Rise Up
Downfall - Maxi
Downfall - s/t
downhill - DownHill
Downright Malice - Perpetual Return
Downright Malice - s/t
Downright Malice - The Final Disaster
Downright Malice - Mechanica Tempuris
Down Trigger - ...Then The Chaos
Doyle - Submerge
Doyle - And Gods will...
Doyle Airence - Monolith
Draft - Stockholm Syndrom
Draft - Slow-motion Suicide
Draft - Harmonic Distortion
Dragonfly - Zeitgeist
Dragon Rapide - See The Big Picture
Dragon's Daughters - Tits on Fire
Drakwald - River Earth
Drawbacks - How We Feel
Drawers - This is Oil
Drawers - All is One
Drawers - Drawers
Drawers / Marble Feather - Split
Dreadful Silence - s/t
Dreadful Silence - Carnival of Dead Bodies
Dreadful Silence - Carnival of Dead Bodies
Dreadlock Pussy - Tsumi
Dreamcatcher - Emerging from the Shadows
Dream Catcher - Vagabonds
Dream Fool Disease - Welcome to the Fall
Dreamlost - Psychomedia
Dreamquest - The Last Angel
Drenalize - Destination Everywhere
Dress for Success - Priorities
Drifting Breed - Hope Hereafter
Driving Dead Girl - I Think the Drums are Good
Dr No - The Yellow
Droit Divin - Our Sins
Dronte & Raoul Sinner - La Bête
Dropdead Choas - Underneath the Sound
Dropdead Choas - This is not the Beginning
Droste - Chasing the Sun
Dr Ravioli - Mechanics
Drugzone - Digital Screams
Drugzone - PLastic Kids CD1
Dry Can - Something like That...
Dry Can - Something like That...
Dry Can - Meanwhile
Dry My Tears - s/t
DSK - Opressed/Deformed
DSM - DSM (n°2)
Duality - Elements
Dubioza Kolektiv - #fakenews
Dublin Death Patrol - Death Sentence
Duck Explosion - Zebra Pilot
Duel - Vertiges - #1
Duel - Vertiges - #2
Duel - Palma Pop
Duff - Vision(s)
Dugs - s/t
Dum Spior - Hors Chant
Dune - Near or Far
Dunkelnacht - s/t
Dusk of Delusion - (F)unfair
Dusk of Delusion - Watch Your 6
Dusk of Delusion - World at War
Dusk of Delusion - COrollarian RObotic SYStem [CO.RO.SYS]
Dust - Two Doors on the Ocean
Dustbowl - Not The Same
Dustbowl - Bound(s)
Dustbowl - Drops of Chaos
Dustbowl - In Recoil
Dusteed - Brisons la Chaîne
Duster 71 - Go Baby ! Go ! Go !
Duster 71 - Size does Matter
Dust in Mind - Never Look Back
Dust in Mind - From Ashes to Flames
Dust in Mind - CTRL
Dust Lovers - Fangs
Dust N Brush - Filth of Our Blood
Dust River - Permanent Crisis
Dust-Theority - Wolves
Dwail - Helter Skelter
Dwail - The Human Concern Part. I
DXS - Catharsys
DXS - The Musical Box
DXVXDXD SXLF - Of Wolves and Men
Dying Before The End - I Swear
Dying Humanity - Fallen Paradise
Dying Seed - Tsuba
Dylath-Leen - Insecure
Dylath-Leen - Cabale
Dynamo Code - The Burglary
Dynasty's Bastards - Démo
Dysfunctional - John Stones Lives
Dysfunctional By Choice - Gamma
Dysfunctional By Choice - Travelling in Travel
Dysfunctional By Choice - Atomic Clock
Dysilencia - Boule à Facettes
Dyslocker - Kingdom of Dys
Dysmorphic - Dysmorphic
Dyssomnia - Face of Mankind
E-Breed - Birth
E-Breed - The Alternative - Part One
Earthshine - EP
Earthship - Exit Eden
Earthship - Iron Chest
Earth Smile - Corps et Âme
Earthstate - s/t
Earthtone9 - For Cause and Consequence
East. - Hula Hoop
Eating Shit - Paradox
Eating Shit - Bon Appétit
Eating Shit - Bon Appétit édition Collector
Eating Shit - Supersonic Black Metal
Eating Shit - Chéri réveille toi ! Y'a comme un bruit à la Cave...
Echancrure - Discours sur le Colonialisme
Echoes of Hate - Negative Thoughts
Eciton - Oppressed
Eclectika - Lure of Ephemeral Beauty
Ecr.Linf - Belluaires
Ed Äke - Stade Kritik
Edenya - Another Place
Edge of Attack - s/t
Edge of The Fall - Through Defiance
Edinburgh of the Seven Seas - Islandsis
Edinburgh of the Seven Seas - L'Âtre et l'Enfant
Edison Post - Démo.0
Edison Post vs Eva-01 - Split cd
Edith Nylon - La fin de vie sauvage
Ed Mudshi - On s'en Sort par Là ?
Ed Mudshi - Agnès et Achougoudou
Ed Mudshi - Mudshissimo
Edomah - Toucher le Vide
Edomah - Mayday
Edouard Nenez et les Princes de Bretagne - Prise de Choux
Ed Warner's Cage - Iera Anagafh
Ed Warner - L'Avènement de la Femme Insecte
Ed Warner - Ed Warner is fucking Dead
Ed Wood Jr - s/t
Ed Wood Jr - Ruban de Möbius
Eepocampe - Day after Day... All Takes Another Way
Eepocampe - When Things get Abstract
E-Force - Modified Poison
Ego Miss Blinded - A View
Eibon - II
Eidon - Fantasia
Eightfist - s/t
Eight Sins vs VII - Blood of Revenge
Eight Sins - World of Sorrow
Eight Sins - Straight to Namek
Einna - Les Angoisses d'Arcadie
Ein Zwei Drei Vier ! - s/t
Ekhô - Rebirth
Eko - Déficit d'Humanité
Ektomorf - Black Flag
El Comer Ocho - Clinical Life Chemical Lie
Eldad Zitrin - Three Old Words
Electric Beans - Sobres et en Sourdine
Electric Beans - De Retour en Noir
Electric Charged - s/t
Elefant Talk - s/t
Element - Nos Corps Perdus
Elements - Nouvelle Ere
Eles - Neige à Londres
Elevate Newton's Theory - Spirals
Eleventh Sunrise - Until We Fall
Elfika - Secretum Secretorum
Elijaah - s/t
Elijjaah - Eponyme
Elisapie - The Ballad of The Runaway Girl
Elizabeth - Where Vultures Land
Elizabeth - Where Vultures Land Deluxe Edition
Ellipse - Souffle Temporaire
Ellipse - L'Ampleur du Vide
Ellipse - A Nos Traîtres
Ellipsis - Comastory
Ellipsis - From beyond the Matics
Ellyptik - s/t
El'Nath - Paranoïa Urbaine
El'Nath - Isolation
Elodea - Cataclysmic
El Royce - Deaf for Life
El Royce - Black Saints of Bourbon Street
Elseetoss - s/t
Eltharia - Innocent
Elusion - Singularity
Elvaron - Gravitation Control System
Elvaron - Ghost of a Blood Tie
Elyose - Théogyne
Elyose - Ipso Facto
Elysian Gates - Crossroads
Elyx - Annihilation partie 1
Ember Falls - Welcome to Ember Falls
Ember J. - Calm Rest in Peace
Embes - EP
Embraced by Hatred - Time Waits
Embrace Today - Soldiers
Embryo - L'Erreur est Humaine
Emergency Bloodshed - Aimless EP
Emergency Bloodshed - Wage Slavery
Emia - Run to Live
Emil Bulls - Sacrifice to Venus
Emil & The Ecstatics - Rise Again
Emklem - L'Autre Sphère
Emmanuel A. - La Découverte
Emma Sand - Door to Door
Emmos - Vol. 1 et 2
Emo Glam Connection 2 - Compil' Punk Rock Français
Emphasis - Into Infinity
Empyreal Vault - Judgement
E-Musikgruppe - Lux Ohr
Encarsia vs The POMBB - Split CD
En Eaux Troubles - Au Nom de Ces Cris qu'on Eteint par Le Bruit
End. - The Never Ending Whirl of Confusion
Enderr - Seeds of Darkness
End of Mankind - Faciem Diaboli
End of Mankind - Antérieur à la Lumière
Endless - Winter Words
Endless Inertia - Oktiabr/Novembre
Englemaker - Englemaker EP
Enhancer - Street Trash
Enhancer - Désobéir
Enhancer - Best-Of
Enhancer - Best-Of (2ème chronique)
Enigmatik - Slitherin
Enkindle - Engage Yourself
Enlightened - Until The End
Enlightened - The Healing
En Minor - When the Cold Truth has worn its miserable Welcome Out
Eno - Stea.Alto
Enob - La Fosse aux Débiles
Enola - The Light From Below
Entropia Invictus - Human Pantocrator
Envy - Recitation
Enzo Carniel & House of Echo - Wallsdown
Eole - s/t
eOn - Démo
eOn - Brutal Awakening
eOn - Unscarred
eOn - Chaos Behind Us
Epic Schmetterling - Vol. 1
Epileptic - A Piece of Eternity
Epilexique - Cerebro Dancing
Epitome of Frail - Society
Epsylon - Astronaute
Epsylon - Six
Equal Minds Thoery - s/t
Equus - Eutheria
Eradicate - Armageden
Eradikal Insane - The Dementia Process
Eradikal Insane - Mithra
Eradykate - Raktalization
Erazer - L'Océan des Âmes
Erei Cross - The Widow and the Others
Erevan - A Way from Lie to North
Eric Bibb - Ridin'
Eric Debeir - Le Dix-septième
Erlen Meyer - Démo
Erlen Meyer - s/t
Eros Necropsique - Crise de Lucidité
Erotic Psycho - The Lost Boyz
Eryn Non Dae. - Hydra Lernaia
Eryn Non Dae. - Meliora
Escape Lane - Chaos Paradisiaque
Escarres - Plumérid
Eskelina - Le Matin du Pélican
Eskeype - Legacy of Truth
Esprit d'Escalier - Thresolds
Esquys - Instinct
Eternal Flight - Positive Rage
Eternal Flight - Under the Sign of Will
Eternal Tango - First Round at the Sissi Cafe
Eternal Tango - Welcome to the Golden City
Eths - Samantha
Eths - Soma
Eths - Tératologie
Eths - III
Eths - Ex Umbra In Solem
Eths - Ankaa
Etno - Souch Core
Euclidean - EP
Eufobia - Eufobia
Euglena - ??????
Eulogy - Utopian.Belief
Europe - War of Kings
Evangelium - Nightside of Eden
Evas Kiss Anger - s/t
Evas Kiss Anger - Collapse
Evenline - The Coming Life
Evenline - Dear Morpheus
Evenline - In Tenebris
Event - Le Combat continue...
Everaged - Adrift
Everrise - After The Eclipse
Every Reason To... - s/t
Every Second Week - Demo
Every Silver Lining Has A Cloud - s/t
Everwaiting Serenade - Lungwork
Evil Country Jack - Jack's Country
Evilness - Unreachable Clarity
Evilness - New Perspectives, No Evolution
Evil One - Evil never Dies
Evil One - Militia of Death
Evolvent - Delusion
Evolvent - Delusion
Evolvent - Human Instinct
Evolvent - Whatever Happens
Ewigkeit - Land of Fog
Exanimis - Marionnettiste
Except One - O.M.N.I.#1
Except One - Broken
Exhope - Madkind
Ex Inferis - Defunctus in Heresi
Ex Inferis - Hidjama
Existance - Wolf Attack
Ex-LD - Démo 3T
Ex-LD - Cliché
Ex-LD - Antivirus
Exod's - Promo 3-titres 2009
Experience - Hémisphère Gauche
Expect Anything - The Meaning of Life
Explicit Clowns - Des Maux
Explicit Clowns - Sous les Mots, des Larmes
Explicit Human Porn - In Excexx
Explicit Silence - Nothing Lasts Forever
Explicit Silence - Face Your Demons
Explicit Silence - Condemned to Struggle
Explicit Silence - False Supremacy
Explicit Silence - Embers of an Undying Flame
Exsonvaldes - Time we spent Together
Extravasion - Origins of Magma
Extreme Cherokee - s/t
Exxistence - Phusis
Exylem - s/t
Eyeless - When Shadows Seduce
Eyeless - Path to the Unknown
Eyeless - The Game of Fear
Eyeless - The Diary
Eyesberg - British Crown Land
Eyes Front North - s/t
Eyes of Verona - Chapter 1 - The Fight
Eyes of Verona - EX - VOTO
Ezox - One Last Breath
Fabian Tharin - Fosbury
Face2Fake - Acte III
Face Down - The Runaway
Face Down - The Long Lost Future
Face Down - Soylent Green
Factor Hate - Scary Tales
Fada Rivolta - Eponyme
Fading Bliss - s/t
Fading Bliss - Journeys in Solitude
Fago.Sepia - L'âme sûre Ruse Mal
Faithless Messiah - Ghosts
Falaises - They are Here
Fallakr - LVC
Fallaster - Disclosing
Fallen Angels - World in Decay
Fallen Joy - Order to Die
Fallen Joy - Inner Supremacy
Fallen Lies - Confusion
Fallen Lillies - No Master for Lilly
Fallen Mankind - Bleak Ocean
Fall For Rising - Test A Lion
Fall For Rising - Are you sill living
Fall of Death - demo
Fall of Death - Horror's Odysseys
Fall of Death - Sublime EP
Fall of Serenity - The Crossfire
Fall Out Boy - Save Rock And Roll
Family - Portrait
Fans of the Dark - Suburbia
Far - Water & Solutions DVD
Far Away - Viaje
Far Plain - Human Forbidden
Farthest Theory - Human's Disasters
Fashion Week - Prêt-à-Porter
Fashion for Stars - Démo
Fast4Ward - Démo
Fast4Ward - New 2 Titres
Fast4Ward - The Bright Side of Things
Fastened Furious - 10 ans plus tarés
Fast Friday - The Sweeter The Sin, The Bitter The Taste
Fast Friday - Gambling with the Truth
Fatabien - Hors du Chemin
Fatal - Barbarism
Fatality - Psychonaut
Fat Ass - Past is Lost Forever
Fate Scream - Like A Loaded Gun
Father Merrin - All is Well that Ends in Hell
Fat Society - Through the Pain I Suffer with a Smile
Fat Society - Illusion's Demise
Faxe - Maximum Hangover
Fayne - The Queen of Kings
Fear Factory - Transgression
Fear Factory - The Industrialist
Fearful Symmetry - The Difficult Second
Fedup - Maxi
Feeding - Diesel
Feet 1st - Heaven Home Hell
Feet in The air - We are (just) a Punk Rock Band
Feeva - Prends ça dans ta Gueule S.V.P
Felipecha - Les Lignes de Fuite
Féloche - Chimie Vivante
Feradur - Parakosm
Feral - Doomwalk
Feral - Spiritual Void
Fergessen - Far Est
Fergessen - L'été
Feuerzeug - Dead Wahines and Tsunamis
Fever 333 - Strength in Numb333rs
Fever 333 - Wrong Generation
Feverish - Lorsque mes Désirs se heurtent à la Réalité
Feverish - La Mort du Cygne
Fhoi Myore / Pestiferum - Split
Fhoi Myore vs Wyrms - Les Limbes Pourpres / Mehxôhoor
Fhoi Myore - Per Antiquum Chaos Divina Animae Fides
Fickle - Hopeless Utopians
Fickle - ID
Field Of Illusion vs Homestell - Deceit Split CD
Fields of Naecluda - s/t
Fierce - One Aim
Fifty One - Love Hate
Fights and Fires - We could all be Dead Tomorrow
Filade - Le Rythme Fatal
Filigram - La Victoire de l'Homme sur l'Homme
Filigram - La Volonté en Dernier
Final Trigger - Skrap Metal vol. II
Final Cut - Jackhammer
Finch - Say Hello to Sunshine
Find My Name - Trying
Fingerless - K
Finger Lick - One way Ride
Finnugor - Death before Dawn
Fire at Will - Today is Mine
Fire at Will - Hoping the Best... Expecting the Worst
Fireback - Wake Up
Firebug - No return
Firecrackers - She Demon
Firecrackers - You Gotta Love It !
Fire Wolves - Beyond The Storm
First Failure - The Option
First Rage - Carton Rouge
First Try - Kiss the Ground
First Try - Ill-Gotten Life
First Try / Upstart - Through the Hardships
'Fis(ch)ðr - 'Fis(ch)ðr
'Fis(ch)Er - Instable
Fishing with Guns - The Night Fell
Fishing with Guns - Blood on the Ropes
Fishing with Guns - Under the Silver Lake
Fister - No Spirit Within
Fist of Fury - Démo 2002
Five ((O)) - Ther is A Name for Everything
Fizzyfeez - La Sliptèp volume 1 : Lavage à Froid...
FlashFalcon - s/t
FlashFalcon vs Los Disidentes Del Sucio Motel - East Side Story
Flashy Entrance - Tolerance Zero
Flat Earth Society - Friends are temporary, Ego is Forever
Flavia Coelho - Bossa'Muffin
Flaw - Through the Eyes
Flayed - Monster Man
Flayed - Empty Power Parts
Flèche - Hey! Light Up the Canyon Parade
Flesh 77 - Spectral K
Flesh 77 - Excès/Terra
Fleshdoll - Animal Factory
Fleshdoll - Feeding The Pigs
Flexa Lyndo - Slow Club
Flipsong - A Touch of Magic, A Drop of Pop
FloatingArms - Parallel
FloatingArms - Loud Long Life
Flood - Strangers with Memories
Fluctuate - Seeds of War
Flunky - An Emotion Ending
Flying Colors - Eponyme
Flying Colors - Third Degree
Flying Donuts - Renewed Attack
Flying Donuts vs The Joystix - This Machine Makes Loud Records
Flying Donuts - Still Active
Flying Pooh - Viva San Antonio
Flying Pooh - Never Slow Down
Flyin' Saucers Gumbo Special - Swamp It Up
Flyin' Saucers Gumbo Special - Nothin' But
FM - Metropolis
F.M. - The Organ King
Foax** - 2nd EP
Foetur - La Vie est Belle
Foggy Bottom - Une Histoire à l'Envers
Foggy Bottom - Dans cet endroit
Fogwax - Swimming with Sharks
Follow Me - A Story of...
Fontiac - Oxurya
Fools Gold - Flying Lessons
Forceed - Ivory Marsh
Force Fed - Still Hungry
Forest In Blood - What A Wonderful World
Forest In Blood - Pirates
Forest In Blood - Haut et Court
Forest In Blood - Abyss
Forest Pooky - Every key hole has an eye to be seen through
Forgotten Tomb - Springtime Depression
Forgotten Tomb - Love's Burial Ground
For Many Reasons - Time to Play
For Many Reasons - Make Your Own
For My Hybrid - Highway 88 Revisited
Fornication - D N Hate
Forsaken Peddlers - Songs of Fate and Freedom
Forsaken World - As Time Reflects Our End
For The Hackers - Le Cap
For The Sin - Human Beast
Fortunato - From High Above
Forty'Oz - Sounds from Ordinary Madness
Forty'Oz - Another Day in Hell
Foscor - Those Horrors Withers
Four Letter Lie - What a Terrible Thing to Say
Fourth Circle - Lifetimes
Fourth Circle - Elements
Four Trips Ahead - ...And the Fire within
Fractal Gates - Beyond The Self
Fractal Universe - Engram of Decline
Fragment. - Temporary Enlightenment
Frakasm - Century of Decline
Frakasm - And so the Blood was shed
France de Griessen - Six Uses for A Heart
France de Griessen - Orphéon
Franck & Damien - Juniper Road
Franckie IV Fingers - Shut Up and Drive
Franckie IV Fingers - Vol. II
Frantic Machine - Peace of Mind
Frau Fleischer - When the Sun's Down
Frctrd - Fractured
Freaks - Just a Boy
Fred & The Living Deads - Dead Star
Freddy and the Phantoms - Times of Division
Freedom Call - Land of Crimson Dawn
Freedom Call - Ages of Light
Freebase - My Life My Rules
Freedom for King Kong - Issue de ce Corps
Freevolt - Call me at Night
French Boutik - L'âme de Paris
French Connection vol.3 - Compil' DIY
FrenchCore - Compil'
French Metal - De l'Ombre à la Lumière
French Metal - Contre Vents et Marées
French Metal - Sérénades avec la Mort
Frenesy - Le Temps des Songes
Frenesy - Le Vestige de l'Aube
Fresnel & Vancouver - Split 7"
Fretting Obscurity - Das Unglückliche Bewußtsein
Friend of Misery - Memento Finis
Frijgard - Chapter Zero
From Man To Dust - Repossession
From The North - Homeward
Frontal - Death Eaters
Frontside - MCD
Frozen Time - Lifelines
Frozen Yellow Spot - Off the Screen
Frozen Yellow Spot - Heading West
Frrt - Cowboy from Bled
FTX - Life is too Short
FTX vs WOOF - Split Cd
FTX - Between Ghosts and Shadows
FuchkShitUp! - The Great Art of the Northern Underground Lopsided Laboratory
Fud - Justifier mes Yeux Noirs
Fujicolor - ep
Full in Your Face - Everytime the Storm
Full Screen - s/t
Full Throttle Baby - s/t
Full Throttle Baby - Rock'N'Brawl
Fülü - s/t
Funeral Parade - s/t
Funeral Parade - F.P
Furaya - Visceril Vulnere Vitrus
Furia - Le Lac de Larmes et de Sang...
Furia - Kheros
Furia - Blast'n Fuck
Furiapolis - Déesses
Furious Zoo - Furioso V - Anal Oriented Rock
Furr - Thank You
Furykane - s/t
Furykane - Fake
Furykane - Second Album
Gabriel Keller - Clair obscur
Gaëtan Henrion - Pas si seul
Galoche - Rien ne vaut les Travers
Galva - s/t
Gameness Meet Boog-ïa - Split CD
Gamesdoglär - Sex, Sex Hallelujah
Game Zero - W.A.R. : We Are Right
Gamma Ray - Skeletons & Majesties Live
Gamma Ray - Empire of The Undead
Gantz - Les Jours...
Gantz vs Cleaner - Split Cd
Gantz - La Chambre des Morts
Gary Hoey - Dust and Bones
G.A.S. Drummers - Decalogy
G.A.S. Drummers - We Got The Light
Gaspard Lanuit - La Trêve
Gate of Mind - Uprooted
Gatha - Laisse-Moi
Gazers - s/t
Gazpacho - March of Ghosts
Gecko-5 - De l'échec dans les idées
Gecko Five - EP
Gecko Palace - Tout va si Bien...
Geeky Plea/Rage of the Owls - School Bus Attack
Geila - DebarK
Geisha - s/t
General Cluster - Greetings from Black Mountains
General Lee - Hannibal Ad Portas
General Lee - Raiders of the Evil Eye
Generic - Open City
Geneva - s/t
Geneva - Sail on Suds
Genital Grinder - Genital Grinder
Genital Grinder - Compulsive Severing Art
Genital Nectar - Spermatozao Extrauterine Slam
Ghern - Fortunes
Ghord - Will You Understand
Ghost - Infestissumam
Ghost - Meliora
Ghost Around My Ear - Hidden Side
Ghosther - EP
Ghostone - Le Mangeur d'Ames
Ghost Orchid - Premice
Ghost Orchid - Eponyme
Ginger Brain Man - Terreurs Nocturnes
Ginkgoa - One Time
Glamour of The Kill - Savages
Glass Museum - Deux
GL Band - Don't Stop Rock'n'Roll
Gleewood - Sweet, Sweet Time
Glide on the Black Cloud - s/t
Gliesers - EP
Gloomy Hellium Bath - Sistema Solera
Glorior Belli - Manifesting the Raging Beast
Glory Hole - First Experience
Glowin Shadow
Glyder - Backroads to Byzantium
G.M.B.C - Complete Omnivore
God Damn - Old Days
God Damn - Back to the Grindstone
Godisdead - II
Godisdead - Just... Die
Godo & - On Time
Godsmack - When Legends Rise
Gojira - The Link
Gojira - The Link Alive DVD
Gojira - From Mars to Sirius
Gojira - To Sirius (Clip Vidéo)
Gojira - The Flesh Alive
Gojira - L'Enfant Sauvage
Gokan - Mode de Pensée
Golden Zip - Bring to Fever Pitch
Gomm - 4
Gonezilla - Aurore
Gonoreas - Minotaur
Goodbye Diana - 3-titres promo
Goodbye Diana - Mobilhome
Goodbye Diana - Mobilhome
Goodbye Diana - Odds & Ends
Goodbye Diana - s/t
Good Charlotte - Generation RX
Gorebringer - Terrified beyond Measure
Goro - Demo
Gorod - A Maze Recycled Creeds
Gotthard - Silver
Gouge - Doomed to Death
Govt Mule - Shout
Graffen - Out of Focus
Grand Central - 01 EP
Grand Design - Time Elevation
Grandizer - Like A Fistful Noise EP
Granit 665 vs Goudron - Split
Granit 665 - The Fine Art of Poisoning
Gran Mono - Ocean of Nothing
Grand Palladium - s/t
Grant Haua - Mana Blues
Gravewurm - Blood of Pentagram
Gravity - Syndrome
Gravity - Eutheria
Gravity - Noir
Gravity Slaves - Come Down
Gravity Slaves - The Vertigo Chronicles
Grazed - Neandertal
Great White Shark - Love your Mother
Greedy Guts - Songs and Bullets
Greenrose Faire - My Home is where My Heart is
Green Vaughan - Waiting for the Prophet
Greenwich Cavern - Travel
Grendel - Grendel
Grèn Sémé - Poussière
Griffon - De Republica
Grim Comet - Afterlife
Grimlord - Dolce Vita
Grimmstine - Metal Heaven
Grinding Up Silence Tendernss - Eponyme
Grorr - Ep
Grorr - Pravda
Grorr - Anthill
Grorr - The Unknown Citizens
Ground-Ø - Born in the Pit
Grymt - My Dark One
G.T.I - Utopia City
G.T.I - One Thousand Blasting Words
Guerilla Poubelle - L'ennui
Guillaume Pingard - Theatrealisation of The Missing Part
Guillo - Macadam Animal
Guilty of Reason - 8
Guilty of Reason - When Reason Disperses The Darkness Of Pride
Guilty of Reason - Shades of Sanity
Guitare Rouge - Life is Rock'n'Roll
Gunsmoke Brothers Band - Band of Brothers
Gurkkhas - A Life of Suffering
Gutworm - Disfigured Narcissus
Hacride - Cyanide Echoes
Hacride - Deviant Signal Current
Hacride - Back to Where You've never been
Haeredium - Ascension
Haeresiarchs of Dis - Denunciatis Cinis
Haereticus - Our Legions Fight Religions
Hailey Tuck - Coquette
Hal Flavin - The Talk
Hama Saari - Ineffable
Hammonds from Texas - TV Show
Hand of Blood - Last Call
Handful of Hate - You Will Bleed
Hand to Hand - Design the End / Follow the Horizon
Hangman's Chair - (A Lament for...) The Addicts
Hangman's Chair - Hope///Dope///Rope
Hangman's Chair - This is not supposed to be Positive
Hangmoon - Live at Ninkasi Kao
Hanibal Death Machine - A Bout de Souffle
Hantaoma - Malombra
Happening - Birth
Happening - In the middle of the Seas
Happy Face - Histoires sans Parôles
Happy Face - Tah !!!
Happy Face - Le Tigre
Hardcore Anal Hydrogen - Division Zero
Hardcore Anal Hydrogen - The Tales of Satan
Hardcore Anal Hydrogen - HyperCut
Harlots - Betrayer
Harmdaud - Skärvor
Harm Done -s/t
Harsh - Out of Control
Harun Demiraslan - In Motion
Hasswut - Atomkrieg
Hatebreed - Perseverance
Hate Six Remains - Understand...
Hateful Monday - Half a World Away
Hateful Monday - It Must Be Somewhere
Hate Me Tender - Love as You Hate
Hate Me Tender - In the Wake of Reality
Hat Fitz and Cara - Hand it Over
Hathors - s/t
Hathors - Brainwash
Hatred Down - Démo
Hatred Down - EP 2009
Haut&Court - La Vie EP
Haut&Court - Troffea
Havamal - Tales from Yggdrasil
Haylen - Blue Wine
Hazelight - The Twilight Zone
Headbanger Box - Of Gods ans Men
Head Blast - Fucking Authority
Headcharger - s/t
Headcharger - Watch The Sun
Headcharger - The End starts Here
Headcharger - The End starts Here
Headcharger - Slow Motion Disease
Headcharger - Black Diamond Snake
Headcharger - Hexagram
Headcharger - Sway
Head Slice - Instable
Headust - Toxiconaut
Headust - Beyond Laws & Rules
Heart Attack - Stop Pretending
Heart Attack - The Resilience
Heartbeat Parade - Burning Nantucket!
Heartbeat Parade - Hora de los Hornos
Heartlay - Remedy
Heaven's Colt - Labour du Vice
Heaven's Scum - It All Ends in Pain
Heavy Duty - What We've been Through
Heavy Duty - Built to Resist vol. 1
Heavy Petrol - The Last Barrel
Hectic Patterns - Random
Heet Seas - Sélection 2008-2009
Heims - Cold Void Journey
Heir - Au Peuple de l'Abîme
Heleven - Medusa's Love Story
Helioss - Antumbra
Hellavista Asocial Club - Robolution
Hellbats - One Minuite Suicide
Hell Burns Away - The Vehemence of the Speech
Hellfest 2012 - Compilation
Hellfest 2013 - Compilation
Hell Gate - Par-delà l'Existence
Hellixxir - Corrupted Harmony
Hell Niño - Sound Movie Experience
Hell Niño - Motion Picture
Hell Niño - Civil Disobedience
Hell of A Ride - Fast as Lightning
Hell Rules Heaven - Sinners
Hell's Ass - The Sound of Underground
Hellsing MX - The Sun will never Rise
Helluvah - Lonely riots
Hellvetron - Death Scroll of Seven Hells and its Infernal Majesties
Hell Within - Shadows of Vanity (Flash)
Helmut - XI IX XI
Helium Horse Fly - s/t
Hemafrost - HemaFrost
Hemeroplan - High Tide
Henke - Seelenfütterung
Henke - Herz
Henker - Eponyme
Henri et les Flammes de l'Enfer - Brutal Arcade Mode
Henri et les Flammes de l'Enfer - She Paints
Heonia - Simulacra
Heonia - Winsome Scar
Heonia - Portraits
Heptaedium - How Long I Shall Suffer Here ?
Heresians - Heresians
Heresians - By the Notes
Heresy - The Dark Shore
Heresy of Dreams - Ante la Bestia
Herkainn - s/t
Herkainn - Humanity for Sale
Herkainn - Brutality as Normality
Her Name is Calla - The Quiet Lamb
Herod - They were None
Herpes de Crachat de Fillette vs LGB - Split cd
Herrscahft - Les 12 Vertiges
Hertz & Silence - Bio]un[Logical
Hervé Samb - Jolof
Hetroertzen - Uprising of The Fallen
Hevius - Millénaire
Hewitt - Sacred Heart
Hexis - Abalam
Hexvessel - No Holier Temple
Hexvessel - Iron Marsh
Heylel - s/t
Heyser - Anteroom of Death
Heyser - Murder Hills
High on Wheels - FuZZmovies
High-School Motherfuckers - Backseat Education
High-School Motherfuckers - Say you just don't Care
High-School Motherfuckers - Trouble in Paradise
Highscream - HS Démo 4T
High Scream - Hey Girl
Highway - United States of Rock'n'Roll
Highway - IV
Highway - The Journey
Hila - 21
Hildebrandt - Les Animals
Hildebrandt - îLel
Hills N'Pills - Delicious Nourriture
Himinbjprg - The Fall of Valhalla
Hiro & Amalthea - Split CD
HK - Petite Terre
HK vs Pledge Alliance - Split
HMX - Impero
Höküs Pöküs - Et au Pays des Fées...
Holding Sand - Ebb & Flow
Holding Sand - On Sleepless Nights
Holding Sand - Some Things are better Left Unsaid
Holding Sand - A Life Worth Memoirs
Hollow - The Infinite Cycle
Hollow Corp. - Cloister of Radiance
Hollow Graph X - The Alternative
Hølls - ILL
Hollywood Porn Stars - Year of the Tiger
Holophonics - A Land to End My Flight
Holophonics - Travel Diary from Inner Landscape
Holy Cross - Place your Bets
Holy Doxa - Puzzle Therapy
Holy Fallout - All Down and Deviant
Homa - The Taste of Old Times
Homeboys - Breaking Away
Homecook Vs Scarr - Split CD
Homestell - Désillusions
Honesty - Can You Feel the Bite of Life
Hooka Key - Little Things
Hooks & Bones - Time of Reckoning
Hoperckut - Blessed by Nothing
Hopescure - Nostalgia pt. I
Hopes of Freedom - Freedom Storm
Hopes of Freedom - s/t
Hopes of Freedom - Light fire and iron
Hopper - A Tea with D.
Hopper - Deergirl
Hopkins - Le Waldgänger
Hord - The Waste Land
Horizon Line - A Place in Time
Horizon of the Mute - Chiliad Rite
Horizon Waves - Freedom of Mind
Horror Show Destruction - Remains of the Night, Morning Glory
Horror Vacui - Nihilistic
Horroscope - The Crucial Design
Horsol - s/t
Hotel - Instant Zéro
Hot Hell Room - Kingdom Genesis
Hotroad - Insanity
Houle - Ciel Cendre et Misère Noire
Hounsi - Hounsi
Housebound - Demo 2003
Housebound - On A Daily Basis (Promo 3-Titres)
Housebound - On A Daily Basis
Housebound - Winter Blow
Housebound - Schadenfreude
Houston - Write Short. Think Long
Howard - Obstacle
How It Works - Take It Away
Hrad - Tales from the Analog Past
Hrafngrimr - Holmganga
Hrafngrimr - Niflheims Auga
H-Tray - Worst Times of Decline
H-Tray - Distressing Report
H-Tray - Suspend the Hours
H3M! - D.Zakor
HucK - Faire parler la Foudre
H.U.D - Pulsion
Hugger Face - Morse of Beyrouth
Human Fate - Part 1 Re-issue
Human Side - Lapse
Human Song - The Birth of Seven Crows
Humatronic - Demo
Humatronic - Structures
Hum Hum - Blueberries
Hungry for the Truth - s/t
Hungry for the Truth - Overflow
Hunting Horror - Cult[ist]
Hürlement - Terreur et Tourment
Hutchinson Suicide - Démo
Hwi Noree - s/t
Hwi Noree vs Shit Yourself Little Parrot - Split
Hyana - Oxygen
Hybridism - s/t
Hybridium - Hybridium
Hybrid Sheep - Free from the Clutches of Gods
Hyems - Antinomie
Hyperborea - Umbra
Hyperdump - Rational Pain
Hyperdump - Syncretism EP
Hypnagone - Qu'il passe
Hypno5e - Manuscrit côté ms408
Hypno5e - Des Deux l'Une est l'Autre
Hypno5e - Acid Mist Tomorrow
Hypno5e - Shores of the Abstract Line
Hypnosis - Seeds of Fate
Hypnosis - The Synthetic Light of Hope
Hypnotic Drive - Road Rage
Hyrgal - Serpentine
Hysteria - When Believers preach their Hangman's Dogma
Hysterical Blindness - Mon Héritage
I am Stramgram - Tentacles
Ibogaine - Kontahkt
Ibogaine - Ibogaïne
Ibogaïne - React
Icarus Rising - Horizons
Ice Age - Waves of Loss and Power
Ice Chemicals - Primal
Ice Dream - Coeur de Glace
I Decline - Time to Shine
I Defy - On the Outside
Idensity - Serenity
Idensity - Chronicles
Idiome - Idiome
Idle Class - The Drama's Done
Idol of Fear - All Sights Affixed, Ablaze
IFS - High Pressure Level
IFS - Inner Stories
Ignis Fatuus - Under Command of the Leviathan Cross
Ignitions - Day after the Apocalypse
Igor And The Hippie Land - 4
Igorrr - Poisson Soluble
Igorrr - Nostril
Ikerasak - Ikerasak
Illegal Process - The Art of Disobedience
Ill Niño - Revolution/Revolucion
Ill Temper - Hoax Naevus
Ilmatar - Swarm of Suffering
Imperial Jade - On The Rise
Imperial Sodomy - Demolished
Imply In All - S/T
Imply In All - Relentless
Imply In All - Wonderland 01
Imply In All - The Flesh Clockwork
Impure Wilhelmina - L’Amour, la Mort, l’Enface Perdue
Impure Wilhelmina - Prayers ans Arsons
Impure Wilhelmina - Black Honey
Ina-Ich - L'Année du Tigre
Ina-Ich - L'Année du Tigre (album)
Ina-Ich - Ma Chair et mon Sang
Ina-Ich - ii3
Ina-Ich - Une Voix
Ina Karian et Paris La Nuit - Ina Karian
In Arkadia - Eyes of the Archetype
In Balance - IB 18
Inborn! - Persona
In Cauda Venenum / Heir / Spectrale - Split CD
Inch - Démo 3T
Incry -
Incry - Pandore
Incubus - Morning View
Incubus - Trust Fall EP
Independent Compilation vol.2
In Der Welt - Sungazing EP
Indica - Promo 5-Titres
Indochine - 3.6.3 Live
Idols for Dinner - Tenant of A Declining World
Indust - A Quiet Live
Indust - On Evil's Right
Indykush - Iboga
Indykush - Chronicle of An Advanced Polution part. 1
Indykush - On the Grill
In Element - Victory or Defeat
Inepsys - Time for Redemption
Inertia Pills - Behind The Skyline
Inexistence - Le Jugement Dernier
Inexistence - Danse Macabre
Inexistence - Fantasmagoria
Inexistence - Metamorphosis
Inexistence - Messe des Morts
Inexistence - The Enchanted Waterfall
Infectious Hate - Insanity Begins
Inferia - Grind Campaign
I.N.F.E.S.T - D-Mo
Infest - Feel the Rage
Infest - Moshroom
Infinityum - Lord of the Infinite
Infinityum - Alliance
Inhatred - Olena
Inhatred - 10 Seconds before Sunrise
Inhumain - Inhumain
Inhuman Rampage - Pathfinder
Inhumate - Life
Inimikall - Troubles Vies
Inked in Blood - Lay Waste the Poets
Inlandsys - The Fallen
Inmate - Who dou You Think You Are ?
Inmate - The Sweet Melody of A Deadly Day
In Memory Off - Tales of a Mercantile World
[IN MUTE] - Gea
[IN MUTE] - Chaos Breeder
Innerchaos - Phase Inversion
InnerDeathExperience - Red Paradox at the Origin of My Disease
Innerfield - s/t
Inner Landscape - 3h33
Inner Light - s/t
Inner Light - Structure
Innerload - Mater Tenebrarum
Inner Reflections - Reset
Inner Suffering - Sôma
In Other Climes - Sword of Vengeance
In Other Climes - The Final Threat
In Other Climes - Empty Bottles & Wasted Nights
In Other Climes vs Confronto - Split CD
In Other Climes - Leftøver
In Other Climes - Party Animal Advisory
In Other Climes - Ruthless
Inquisition - Ominous Doctrines Of The Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm
Inred - Just abour anything is Possible
Insalus - Démo
Insane - Addicted
Insert Coins - C'est pas gagné
Inside Conflict - Spherical Mirage
Inside Conflict - Good Bye and ....k You ! (DVD Posthume)
Inside Dawn - 18 Degrés
Inside Project - Resistance Hardcore
Inside Project - Alone Facing Death
Inside Project - A History of Violence
Inside the Tour Bus - From Euro to Eternity
Inside the Tour Bus - Kingston Gangsters
Insidious Omen - Anointed with the Blood of Chaos
Insight After Doomsday - Events of Misery
Insight MHC - Live Fuckin Fast, Die Motherfuckin Old
Insolvency - Illusional Gates
Instead of Trying - Breaking Down
Integrity - Palm Sunday
Interlock - Crisis/Reinvention
Interlock - Skinless Remixes
Interria - Maxi 2006
In The Divine Machine - Inner Whispers
In The Guise of Men - Ink
Intractable - Inner Decay
In Trails - From Ashes To...
_Intramuros - ...Like a New Pathology ?
_Intronaut - Void
Inward - Corrida
Inys - Enkrateia
Inzinia - Fo ke ça Beute
Ipecacuana - Lucides
Iphaze - Worship
I Pilot Daemon - Happily Depressed
Ipsum - Mystic Evilition
Irdorath - The Final Sin
Irminsul - Ainsi soit-il
Irminsul - Geist
Iron Bastards - Fast and Dangerous
Iron Bastards - Cobra Cadabra
Iron Maiden - Maiden England '88
I See Maya Soul - s/t
I Shalt Become - Louisiana Vodoo
Ishtar - From The Gates
ISP - Rusty Ambition
It Came From Beneath - When No Light Remains
Itch - Éponyme
I The Phoenix - Traces
It Is Imperative & Ampools - Splut eponyme
Itsari - Saveurs Acides
Izund - The Ancient Spirits Howl
J&V - Stairway to Nowhere
Jack and The Bearded Fishermen - Playful Winds
Jack Error - Démo
Jack Face - Strange Birds
Jack Face - Golden Cage
Jack Nicholson Punk Rock - Demo from Hell
Jack of Spade - C'est Ma Faute
Jadallys - Le Silence
Jadallys - Labyrinthes
Jade Bird - Jade Bird
Jail - Mali Glas
James Eleganz - The Only One
Jamie Elsewhere - Guidebook for Sinners turned Saints
Jamie Gallienne - Under the Radar
Janaka - Démo
Jane Doe and The Black Bourgeoises - Pretty Terror
Jarell - Hidden Side
Jargoon - EP
Jarir Sirniö - Allófonus - The Final Gathering
Jaypee-Jaypar - Meet Me Again
JC Jess - Battlefront
Jean-Baptiste Soulard - Le Silence de l'eau
Jean Paul Trash - Démo
Jeanphilip - La Mécanique des Jours
Jedethan - While the Black City burns
Jehuty - Anybody's There
Jekyll Wood - Who You Are
Jenny in Cage - Solid Liquid Either
Jenny in Cage - The Perfect Side of Nonsense
Jenx - Unusual
Jenx - Fuseless
Jenx - Enuma Elish
Jeremiah Johnson - Heavens to Betsy
Jerkstore - The Great Time Robbery
Jessica93 - Who Cares
Jesu - Lifeline
Jetsex - Paris by Night
Jewly - Bang Bang Bang
Jewly - Rebellion
Jimm - s/t
Jimm - In[can]decence
Jimm - Distortion Cérébrale
Jirfiya - Still Waiting
Jive Me - s/t
Jo Dahan - Ma Langue aux Anglais
Joe La Mouk - Au Top du Stress
Joesson vs The June Ampera - Split CD
John Diva & The Rockets of Love - Mama said Rock is Dead
John Merrick's Family - démo
Johnny Montreuil - Narvalos Forever
Johnny Montreuil - Zanzibar
Jonbar Hinge - s/t
Josh - My Storm
Josh - Position Number Nine
Jo Wedin & Jean Felzine - Pique-Nique
JPL - Sapiens, chapitre 3/3 : Actum
Judas Priest - Firepower
Judoboy - Maxi
Juggernaut - Démo 2004
Juggernaut vs Mantys vs Coven - The End Begins
Juggernaut - Architects of Deceit
Juggernaut - Out of The Ashes
Julie Colère - Cinq
Julien Bitoun & The Angels - The Little Ones
Jumping Jack - Cows ans Whisky
Jumping Jack - Trucks & Bones
June & The Soul Robbers - Sweet Lilith
June Bug - A Thousand Days
Junkyard Birds - Ride from the Junkyard to Hell
Junkyard Birds - Free Wheeling Free Will
Junon - The Shadow lenghten
Junon - Dragging Bodies to the Fall
Justin(e) - d+/m-
Just in Time - So Far Away...
Just in Time - Page of Our Lives
K6 - K6
K.A - D.Termination
K.A - Reborn Again
Kabul Golf Club - Le Bal du Rat Mort
K-Again - Memories of An Evolution
Kadinja - s/t
Kadinja - Ascendancy
Kaederic - It comes from the Inside
Kaets - Human Machine
Kahora - A l'Arrache
Kaïdust - s/t
Kai Reznik - Awkward Motions
Kaïwone - 16.10 Art-[H]-core Music
Kaïya - Integrity
Kaïzen - Clear the Path
Kalamazoo - How to Hunt A Deer
Kalune - s/t
Kamera Obscura - s/t
Kamera Obscura - Copycat vol. 2
Kami no Ikari - See you in Hel
Kamizol-K - Rising
Kampfeswut - Des Barden schwarzer Gesang
Kamran - Pose Ta Marke
Kamran - Spreading the Disease
Kamtalium - Make us Stronger
Kandjar - s/t
Kaori - A Ciel Ouvert
Karelia - Golden Decadence
Karimouche - Folies Berbères
Karma Flow - The Rock Opera Videogame
Karma Sutra - Laisse toi Faire
Karma Zero - s/t
Karma Zero - Architecture of A Lie
Karmic Link - No Light but rather Darkness Visible
Karmic Link - Esoterica
Karnage Opera - V comme Love
Karnak Seti - In Harmonic Entropy
Karnysera - A l'Aube d'une Fin
Karsohn - Jeux de Maux
Kartikeya - Samudra
Karvane - Trahison
Karysun - Interceptor
Katarsis - 22h22
Kazahar - Earth
Kazan & After Taste - Split CD
Kazan - Maslow 0
Kaz Hawkins - My Life and I
Kaz Hawkins - Until we meet Again
Kcuff Facts - Another Day
Kehlvin - The Montain Daylight Time
Kehlvin & Rorcal - Ascension
Kehlvin - Holy Cancer & Live DVD
Kehlvin - The Orchad of Forking Paths
Keidola - L'Odeur des Cendres
Keishah - Trip
Keishah - Keishah
Keith Kouna - Bonsoir sherif
Kells - Lueurs
Kells - Anachronie
Ken Mode - Venerable
Kent - La Grande Illusion
Keops Production - Trapped in Yourself
Kept Inside - s/t
Kept Inside - Infinite
Kept Inside - [open cage]
Kera - s/t
Kerion - Holy Creatures Quest
Kerplunk - Brotherhood
Kess'khtak - May not be the one you want
Kess'khtak - Nurturing Conditons for Rupture
Kess'khtak - Inbreeding
Ketah - La Folie des Hommes
Kevorkia - Nerve
Kevorkia - Elusive
Keziah Mason - IV
Khams - T.O.C
Khams - Peuple de Rats
Khemeia - Melhadenso
Khold Valley - Demo
Khoma - All Erodes
Khous - Geroaren Haziak
Khynn - Breakin' The Fury
Khundalini - Album
Khundalini - Deus in Machina
Kiff'n'Kilim - Maxi
Kickback - Les 150 Passions Meurtrières
Kickback - No Surrender
Kickback - Et le Diable rit avec Nous...
Kid Colling Cartel - Living on the Wild Side
Kiddie Coke - s/t
Kiddie Coke - Love Kids and Coke
Kiddie Coke - Medical Walls
Kid Francescoli - With Julia
Kid Rock - Rebel Soul
Kids of Rage - Whatever May Come
Kiju - Demo(n)craty
Killbody Tuning - Hello ! Welcome, so far...
Killed By My Soul - s/t
Kill For Peace - Logjam
Kill For Peace - Agony
Killin' Baudelaire - Vertical Horizons
Killing Joke - The Singles Collection 1979-2012
Kill Me This Monday - s/t
Kill Me This Monday - Kill Me This Monday
Killswitch Engage - s/t
Killswitch Engage - The End of Heartache
Killswitch Engage - Disarm the Descent
Killswitch Engage - Atornement
Kill The Innocent - Ayahusca
Kill The Princess - Bitter Smile
Killus - Ultrazombies
Kilo - Front Kick
Kilo - Lock the Dogs Out
Kims Over Silence - Carpe Diem
Kina Temple - Flesh
Kina Temple - The Choice
Kingcrow - The Persistence
King of Clubz - Vile Time
Kingsize Blues - Live Fast and Die
King's Rage - I Need All The Time
Kingwitch - Under The Mountain
Kingwitch - Body of Light
KinkyYukkyYuppy - Escape
KinkyYukkyYuppy - Until The Sun goes Down
Kitchi Kitchi - Demo v2.0
Klakomaniak - Massacres
Klàng - Walking Dead
Klang!!! - After the Silence...
Kloak - A True Bohemian Revolutionnary
Klogr - Fractured Realities
Klone - Démo
Klone - Duplicate Promo 4-Titres
Klone - Duplicate
Klone - High Pressure Blood
Klone - All Seeing Eye
Klone - Black Days
Klone - The Eye of Needle
Klone - The Dreamer's Hideaway
Klone - Here Comes the Sun
Klone - Unplugged
Klone - Meanwhile
Klone - The Unseen
Klozecore - Backdraft
Klozecore - Seven Days
Klozecore - To be continued...
Klymt - Hear The Chief Moo Downtown
Klymt - What I Own to Savages
Knaklown - Démo
Knocked Dawn - Drawing the Rails
Knuckledust - Unbreakable
Knuckledust - Time won't Heal This
Knuckledust - Bluffs, Lies & Alibis
Knucklehead - Holsters and Rituals
Koan Aspia - Hurle au Vent
Kob - Close to Dawn
Kobayes - Unité
Kobayes - A Bout de Souffle
Kohlhaas - s/t
Kokoon - Kokoon
Kolony - Sledge
Komah - Between Vice and Virtue
Kombur - Catharsis
Komodo Experience - Chronique du Désordre
Kongs - Yell It
Kooma - Jo the Seal
Kopper 8 - s/t
Kopper 8 - Addiction
Korea - Insufficient Karma
Korin F. - CD de Voiture
Korn - The Greatest Hits vol.1
Korn - III Remember who You are
Korn - The Path of Totality n°1
Korn - The Path of Totality n°2
Korn - Live at The Hollywood Palladium
Korn - The Paradigm Shift
Koroded - Heresians
Korrosiah - Creepy Feelings
Korrosiah - The Specter
Korsakov - Pogruzhat
Korypheus - Over The Rainbow
Koudeta - Koudeta
Kozh Dall - Deaf Mute
Kozh Dall Division - s/t
Kraainen - By My Bones
Krack - Verbum Irae
Krack - Bakounine
Kragens - In Fight
Krass T - Le Jour du Saigneur
Kraton - World Eater
Krokodil Dental Plan - s/t
Krokodil Dental Plan - Feed My Krokodil
Krokus - Dirty Dynamite
Krokus - Adios Amigos Live @ Wacken
Kruger - Redemption Through Looseness
Kruger - 333
Kruger - Adam and Steve
Krysaor - Foreword
Krys Holden - Around the Bend
Krys Holden - Speechless
Kryzalid - The Beginning...
Kryzees - The Wheel of Fate
Kryzees - Unchained
Kubrik - Kubrik
Kubrik - Pas de Temps à Perdre
Kugelblitz - Pale Blue Dot
Kullwad - Délivrance
Kumshot Diesel - Démo
Kursed - Psychotic Lowland
Kursed - Like a Coffee (chronique part. 1)
Kursed - Like a Coffee (chronique part. 2)
Kursed - Miaow
Kurt Michaels - Stones from the Garden
Kvelertak - Meir
Kwamis - Le Sens de l'Ordre
Kwashiorkor - Dismay
La Ballade des Rats - Rattus Magnus
Labirinto + Thisquietarmy - Split
La Cafeteria Roja - One Shot
La Caravane Passe - Nomadic Spirit
La Cavaska - L'Intelligence & La Connerie
Lace Weeper - As The Crow Flies
Lack of Reason vs Flamingo 50 - Split Cd
Lacuna Coil - Delirium
Lacuna Coil - Black Anima
La Division Mentale - Mirek
Lag I Run - Vagrants Sleepers
La Horde - En Passant par le Monde
La Horde - Dystopsie
La Logique du Pire - Hiro Shima
Lamb of God - Walk with Me in Hell (DVD)
Lamb of God - Resolution
La Mess - Sweet Rage
La Moutarde me monte au Nez - Ecole de Garçons
Lands of Pasts - Call of the Depths
La Nébuleuse d'Hima - s/t
LâoH - The Liquid-Crystal Sins
La Phaze - Visible(s)
Lapko - Young Desire
La Poison - s/t
Lappalainen - Road to Greenland
Lappländer - Cinemascope
L.A.R.M - La Cible
La Roulette Rustre - s/t
Larsen - Eponyme
La Ruda - Odeon 1014
La Soucherie - Parasite Auditif
Last Addiction - Last Addiction
Last Addiction - Inner Abyss
Last Barons - Elephantyasis
Last Barons - Cheval de Troie
Last Dive - s/t
Last Order - Engaged Conflict
Last Prey - Last Prey
Last Prey - Another Way
Last Star Down - The Comfortable Dark Knownothingness
Last to Remain - Operation Beatdown
Latitudes - Bleak Epiphanies In Slow Motion
Latrodectus - Altered Flesh
Laura Perrudin - Perspectives & Avatars
Laurent Pernice - A World Too Late
La Vie sur Mars - Vu d'en Face
Lazare - LZR
Lazy - Nuthin' But Your Truth
Lazy - Eponyme
Lazybones - Deadly Game
Lazybones - Deadly Game
LCDK - Karl-Life in Little Bits
Lead Orphans - One Evening Coming
L[ea]htan - s/t
Lean Wolf - Limbo
Leaving Paris - New Days
Leaving Passenger - When it's done
Le Bal des Enragés - Live
Le Bal des Enragés - Le Grand Retour
Le Bal des Enragés - Le Grand Retour DVD
Lebowskii - Liquidators
Lecks Inc. - A.I.D.S.
Lecks Inc. - E.G.O.
L'éclat du Déclin - Pale écho de ce que nous fumes
Le Complot des Lépreux - Intention de Nuire
Le Coq - Chaconnes
Le Core & L'Esprit - s/t
Le Dead Projet - s/t
Le Dead Projet - Keep on Living
Lee Evans - Mississippi Flood
Left Hand Path - Banner n' Salvation
Leï - Maquette
Leï - Introspection
Leïden - Empty
Leïden - Dualité
Leïtuss - Leïtuss
Leïtuss - 141A2
Lelahell - All insane... The (Re)birth of Abderrahmane
Le Minus - Make My Day
Lémo - Des Larmes et du Silence
Lémo - En Dérive
L'Endevi - An Eternity
Length of Time - Antiworld
Length of Time - Let The World with The Sun go Down
Lenine Renaud - La Gueule de l'Emploi
Le Noyau Dur - Renaissance
Le Pacte des Lourds - Le Docteur avait trop Bu
Le Pied de la Pompe - Hors-piste
Le Pré où Je suis Mort - EP
Les 3 Fromages - V
Les Berthes - Les Chroniques Amères
Les Enfants de Dagon - De Profundis
Les Hurlements d'Léo - 13 ans de Caravaning
Les Hurlements d'Léo - Luna de Papel
Les Kroutes - Change rien
Les Olivensteins - Euthanasie
Les Olivensteins - Inavable
Le Skeleton Band - Bella Mascarade
Les Lutins Patates de l'Espace - s/t
Les Marteaux Pikettes - Racine carrée de vos utopies
L'Esprit du Clan - Chapitre 0
L'Esprit du Clan - Chapitre 1
L'Esprit du Clan - Chapitre 2 : Révérence
L'Esprit du Clan - Chapitre 3 : Corpus Delicti
L'Esprit du Clan - L'Enfer c'est le Notre - Chapitre IV
L'Esprit du Clan - Chapitre V : Drama
L'Esprit du Clan - Chapitre 6
Les Ramoneurs de Menhirs - Amzer an Dispac'h
Les Sales Cons - Mettez-vous des Claques !
Lessen - A Redemptive Decay
Lessen - A Nebulous Being
Less You Stay - God will make the End of Time
Less You Stay - Take Part for Revenge
Les Tambours du Bronx - Evilution
Les Thugs - Road Closed 1983-1999
Les Thugs - Radical Hystery (Réédition)
Les Thugs - Come On People !
Les Tit' Nassels - En plein coeur
Les Tit' Nassels - Le live des 20 ans
Les Toons - Partisans du Chahut
Les Voleurs de Swing - Hotel Molotov
Les Wampas - Evangelisti
Les Wampas - Sauver le Monde
Les Yeux de la Tête - Mosca Violenta
Lethaeos - Pillar of Hope
[Leto] - Inno 100
[Leto] - Degré Zéro
levith - Around the Impulse
Lewis - Inside
Lewis Evans - Le Rayon Vert
Lex Talionis - GuitarScreaMachine
LGB - Tendrement...
L'Homme Puma - L'Homme Puma
Lie - Démo
Lies - s/t
Lies - From the Ashes of Your World
Life as War - To Tell You This
Life Kit - Life Is A Code
Life Kit - Munkey Number One
Lifestream - Post Ecstatic Experience
Lighted Son - s/t
Lightmare - Got Beer ?
Light Deflection - Monsters
Light Pupil Dilate - Snake Wine - Rien n'est Sens - Elevé à la Peur
Lilium Sova - Epic Mourning
Lilix & Didi - Young Girls Punk Rock
Linkin Park - A Thousand Suns
Lion's Law - A Day Will Come
Lion's Law - Open Your Eyes
Lion's Law - Zonard
Lion's Law - The Pain, The Blood and The Sword
Lipstone - s/t
Liquid Bear - Heavy Grounds
Lisa Portelli - La Nébuleuse
Lise Cabaret - Délirium Passionnel
Lithium 694 - Face Contre Terre
Lithium 694 vs Akela - Split CD
Little Boy - Anyway
Little Boy - You, demon
Little Odetta - s/t
Little Odetta - Little bit of Soul
Livarkahil - First Act Of Violence
Livhzuena - Dark Mirrors Neurons
Lvin'Evil - Prayers and Torments
Lvingstone - Turn Bizarre
Lizzard - Out of Reach
Llorah - Ep sans titre
Lloyd - Black Haze
Lo - Black Kites
Lo! - Look and Behold
Lo! - Monstrorum Historia
Loathing // Deep Red - This is a Face of Deshumanity
Loch Vostok - V - The Doctrine Decoded
Lockdown - s/t
Lock Up - Demonization
Loco Muerte - Maquina de Guerra
option value="locomuerte2.html">Loco Muerte - Traicion Bendicion
Loco Muerte - Los Clasicos de Locos
Loco Muerte - Parano Booster
Lodges - Walking on Hands and Knees
Lodz - And Then Emptiness
Lodz - Something is us Died
Lodz - Time doesn't Heal Anything
Lofofora - Le Fond et La Forme
Lofofora - Lâme de Fond
Lofofora - Les Choses qui nous Dérangent
Lofofora - Mémoire de Singes
Lofofora - Monstre Ordinaire
Lofofora - L'Epreuve du Contraire
Lofofora - Simple Appareil
Lofofora - Vanités
Lofofora - Coeur de Cible
Loggerheads - Homemade
Loggerheads - Parts of Us
Lolicon - Sampler Promo
Lokurah - EP
Lokurah - When the End Comes
Lokurah - The Time to do Better
L'Ombra - Soli
LomoR - Perseverance of Sickness
Lonah - Entre Chien et Loup
Lone Survivors - Run 1
xLooking Forwardx - The Path We Tread
Lo Pailhes - Echos
Lopsided - Holda's Grace
L'Orchidée Cosmique - Supernova
Lord Nelson feat. Lies - Fight
Lord Shades - The Rise of Meldral Nok
Lorenzo Sanchez Band - Blue Avenida
Los Disidentes Del Sucio Motel - Arcane
Los Disidentes Del Sucio Motel - Polaris
Los Disidentes Del Sucio Motel - Breath
Los Sin Nombre - Blind leading World
Lost in Battle - Demo 2004
Lost in Battle - Demo 2006
Lost in Kiev - Nuit Noire
Lost in Pain - Plague Inc.
Lost in Veglia - X-section
Lost Pagan - s/t
Lostprophets - TheFakeSoundOfProgress
Lostprophets - Start Something
Lost Smile - The Smillenium Project
Lost Sphere Project - Verse XXIV
Loudblast - Planet Pandemonium
Loudblast - Frozen Moments between Life and Death
Loudblast - Burial Ground
Loud Discharge - EP
Louis Arlette - Sourire Carnivore
Louis Arlette - Des ruines et des poèmes
Louise Roam - Stargaze
Louka - Sublime Violence
Louka - Des Singes en Automne
Lou Tavano - Uncertain Weather
Lovelorn Dolls - Deadline stories
Love Sex Machine - s/t
Love Sex Machine - Asexual Anger
Low id - Discoverock
LSB - See Hear no speak Evil
Lucid Dream - Visions from Cosmos 11
Lucide - L'Adversaire
Lucky Striker 101 - Night Room
Lucky Striker 101 - s/t
Lufo - 2-titres
Lugubris - Sorcière
Luhde - Somatika Démo
Lukaz - s/t
Lull - The Epilogue
Lunar Tombfields - An Arrow to the Sun
Lunatic Age - Miranda
Lunatic Age - The Month of Misfortune
Lutece - Our Ashes blown Away
Lux The Band - Gravity
Lycosia - Midnight Rock Celebration
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Last of Dyin' Breed
Lyr Drowning - Orchestral March
Lyr Drowning - Blind from Birth
Lys - Go Your Own Way
Lyse - Je suis Wallace Hartley
M-Sixteen - M16
Maatkare - Rise to Power
Macadam Bumper's - Believe in Yourself (promo)
Macadam Bumper's - Liars
Machina Deus Ex - Unease
Machina Deus Ex - Figurines
Machine Gun Kelly - Back in your Ass
Machine Head - Supercharger
Machine Head - Unto the Locust
Machine Head - Machine Fucking Head Live
Machine Vertigo - Sapiens
Maczde Carapate - A l'Intérieur
Mad - 3 accords dans la Gueule
Madame de Montespan - 1667-1680
Madame robert - Comme de Niro
Madcraft - Sans Attendre que les Choses Viennent...
Mad Hatter - Mad Hatter
Mad Hatter - Pieces of Reality
Madonagun - Grovel at Her Feet
Maéso - De l'enfer au Paradis
Maestro - Monkey Business
Magnacult - Infinitum
Magoa - Animal EP
Magoa - Topsy Turvydom
Magoa - Imperial
Magon - Out in the Dark
Magoyond - Kryptshow
Magoyond - Necropolis
Mahestrya - The Undying Thing
Maïeutiste - Maïeutiste
Maïno - Maïno
Maïsman - Le Retour de Méchant Man
Maison Close - Erreur Système
Major Cooper - s/t
Make Me A Donut - s/t
Malefice - Entities
Maleficentia - Finis Gloriae Mundi
Maleus Maleficarum - Des Bibles, des Hymnes, des Icônes...
Malhkebre - Prostration
Malignant Growth - Démo 3T
Malkavian - Annihilating The Shades
Mallory - Honey Moon
Mallory - 2
Mallory - Sonora r.f. part 1
Malmonde - Démo 3T
Malmonde - Album
Malmonde - Eva
Malstrom - S/T
Malummeh - Revival
Mama's Gun - Mama's Gun
Maniac - The Art of Cainam
Maniac - Ruthless
Manifest - Written in Blood
Manigance - Recidive
Manimal - Démo
Manimal - Eros & Thanatos
Manimal - Succube
Manimal - Multiplicity
Manitu - Raw
Man Made Origin - False Consciousness
Manowar - The Lord of Steel
Mansfield.Tya - NYX
Mansfield.Tya - Corpo Inferno
Mantra - Into The Light
Mantra - Laniakea
Manu - La Dernière Etoile
Manu - La Vérité
Manu Lanvin & The Devil Blues - Blues, Booze and Rock'n'Roll
Manu Lanvin & The Devil Blues - Grand Casino
Maquerelle - Siffler l'indifférence
Maraboots - EP
Marcel et son Orchestre - Hits, Hits, Hits, Hourra !!!
Marcellus Rex - s/t
Marcellus Rex - II
Marc Fichel - #il ou #elle
March of Scylla - Dark Myth
Marduk - Rom 5:12
Marie Mifsud - Récif
Marillion - Sounds that can't be Made
Marillion - Marbles in the Park
Marjana Semkina - Sleepwalking
Marka - Terminé Bonsoir
Mark Lanegan Band - Bubblegum
Mark Morton - Anesthetics
Marla Singer - s/t
Marnitude - Death of a Hedonist
Martyrium - Destiny Wore a Bondage Mask
Martyrs - Every Day...
Mary Slut - Regards de la Terre
Masacritka - Raza de Kain & Homonimo
Mascarade - J'aime pas Mascarade
Mascarade - Rien N'a Foot
Masnada - Maîtres du Je
Mass Confusion - Acapulco
Mass Hysteria - De Cercle en Cercle
Mass Hysteria - Une Somme de Détails
Mass Hysteria - Failles
Mass Hysteria - Live
Mass Hysteria - L'Armée des Ombres
Mass Hysteria - A l'Olympia
Mass Hysteria - Maniac
Master Crow - Down from the Sky
Master & Servant - sans titre
Masterplan - Novum Initium
Master Voice - Avalanche
Mastiff - Strength in Despair
Mastodon - The Hunter
Mata Hari - Building Site
Mate's Fate - A Home for All
Mathilda - s/t
Matier - Make me Shine
Matrass - Inner Wars
Maudits - Maudits
Maudits - Angle Mort
Maudits - Précipice
Maud Lübeck - Divine
Mauser Fuckers - Never too drunk
Maussade - Insiipiiide
Maverick - Firebird
Maya Kamaty - Pandiyé
Mazingo - Hey You
MC² - Réponse à Questions Multiples
MC² - Pyramides
MC Salo - Sybilline
Meaningless - Ignorance
Mean To You - Fallen
Me As the Devil - EP
Me As the Devil - s/t
Me As the Devil - Cannibal
Me As the Devil - Bhell City
Mechanical Seed - Embrace the Chaos
Mechanical Decay - Chapter II Dolores Ex Machina
Median - Absolu
Megadeth - Super Collider
Mehtnakriss - 10252112119129
Mein Kopf Ist Ein Brutaler Ort - Brutalin
Mekong Delta - Intersections
Melencolia Estatica - Hel
Melmac - Le Désert avance
Melt - s/t
Melted Space - Between
Meltdown Project vol.1 - Compil'
Membrane - Utility of Useless Things
Membrane - A Story of Blood and Violence
Membrane - Reflect Your Pain
Membrane - Beyond your Beliefs
Memnon Sa - Citadel
Memories of A Dead Man - s/t
Memories of A Dead Man - Beyond The Legend
Memories of A Dead Man - Maze
Memories of A Dead Man - V.I.T.R.I.O.L
Memories of A Dead Man - Ashes of Joy
Mena Brinno - Princess of The Night
Mensäyäk - Mondialiénation
Merda Mundi - Hatred
Merge - Elysion
Meridian - Metallurgy
Meris - Abandon All
Merrimack - The Acausal Mass
Merzhin - Nomades
Mesryne - Cette Chaleur
Messaline - Vieux Démons
Messaline - Braconniers du Silence
Messonges - s/t
Mes Souliers sont Rouges - Ce qui nous lie
Mestre - Beyond The Lines
Metallica - Quebec Magnetic
Metal Zone - Compil' CD & DVD
Metaprism - Catalyst of Awakening
Metronome Charisma - Notre Amour est assez puissant...
Metropolis Child - As Dreams make us Live
Meylo - Lady Blues
Mezcla - Démo
Mezcla - Salir Sin Pagar
Mezcla - Metalmorfosis
M Fallan - Contagious
M.F. Crew - First Ride
Mhonos - Humiliati
Michael Romeo - War of the World pt. 1
Michel Doneda/Erikm/Jerome Noetinger - Dos d'Anes
Mick Hypnotik Sensation - s/t
Mick Hypnotik Sensation - Trusted Failures
Microfilm - The Bay of Future passed
Midnight - Complete and Total Hell
Midnight - Satanic Royalty
Midnight Rovers - Suburb Rock'n'Roll
Midwinter - The Glassy Waters
Miegeville - Longue Distance
Migaso - MeKaNiKa
Might is Right
Mighty Mo rodgers & Baba Sissoko - Griot Blues
Mikhmah - Groovy Wonderland
Miksha - Collect your Hazardous Waste
Miles of Grace - EP
Miles of Grace - Gathering Stones
Miles to Perdition - Vengeance
Miles to Perdition - Blasphemous Rhapsody
Milkilo - Ostéologie des Pères
Milkilo - Atlas
Milkorova - s/t
Millencollin - Home From Home
Mils - Man is a Lonely Soldier
Mind Driller - Involution
Minded of Heart - Trust in Your Path
Mind Imperium - Nemesis
Mindlag Project - Karybda
Mindlag Project - Skylla
Mindlag Project - MP
Mindpatrol - The Marble Fall
Mindpatrol - Vulture City
Mindpatrol - Ikaria
Mindpatrol - Monster
Mind the Step - CD 4 Titres
Mind Whispers - Live at Lembarzique Café
Mind Whispers - Cosmic Obedience
Mind Whispers - Serpentarius
Mingawash - Imposteur
Minushuman - Bloodthrone
Mirizøn - Shrinking Violet
Misanthrope - Metal Hurlant
Miserable Failure - Hope EP
Misery - We Will Be Brave
Misery - Mélancolie IV
Misery - Asthemia
Misfortune - Collapsing Serendipity
Misginvgs - s/t
Miss Burton - My Shell
Missing - Missing
Missing - Right4pleasure
Missing Mile - The Blackship
Missing Pride - The Last Days shall be Red
Missmyvenus - From Nowhere from with Love
Mistaken Element - Engraved in Memory
Mistaken Element - Mind over Matter
Mister Moonlight - The Basement Tapes
Mithras - Time Never Lasts
Mithryl - Defect of Quality
Miximetry - Madame
Miximetry - Réalité Diminuée
MKNX - Devillusions
Mlah! - s/t
MM-Project - Full Screen Réalité
Mnemotechnic - Awards
Modelo - Fanny
Modus Operandi - s/t
Moebius - Hybris
Moghan-Ra - Golden Hell
Moghan-Ra - What You Think
Möker - Total Domination
Moke's - EP
Moksha - Supersilver Haze
Moksha - s/t
Molllust - Bach con Fuoco
Molosse - Meurtrie-Ere
Molosse - Misanthropique Incarnation
Monarch - Dead Men tell no Tales
Mongol Metal Split - Ego Fall / Nine Treasures / Tengger Cavalry
Monkypolis - Jet Lag
Monnekyn - Ape Home
Mono - Hymn to the Immortal World
Monochrome - Eclat
Monogrenade - Tantale
Monolithe - Neula Septem
Monolithe - Okta Khora
Monsieur Po - Démo 2004
Monsieur Po - There was Life...
Monsieur Toc - Hybridcore
Monsieur Toc - Kanibal
Monsieur Z - NSLB [Chap. 1]
Monster Truck - Sittin' Heavy
Monsutä - s/t
Montagne Rouge - s/t
Moon - Caduceus Chalice
Moonlight Benjamin - Siltane
Moonlight Benjamin - Simidò
Moonlight Benjamin - Wavo
Moonlight in the Desert - Back to the Universe
Moonloop - Devocean
Moonreich - Pillars of Detest
Moonreich - Fugue
Moonshade - Sun Dethroned
Moonworshipper - 13 Full Moon Nights of Doubt
Moonya - Faces
Mor - Hear the Hour Nearing
Morbid Angel - Kingdoms Disdained
Morg - Animal Factory
Mörglbl - The Story of Scott Rötti
Morgue - The Process to Define the Shape of Self-Loathing
Morgue - Barbed Wire Cranium
Morgue - Doors of No Return
Mormieben - De Charybde en Scylla
Mornifle - Egratinures
Morpain - Call to Fight
Morpain - These Dark Days
Morpain - Deny the Truth
Morrigu - The Niobium Sky
Mörse - s/t
Mörse - Beliefs Destroyer
Morse - Pathetic Mankind
Mortal Peril - Of Black Days and Cruel Alliances
Mort Mort Mort - Le Chant des Sirènes
Mortuseternam - s/t
Mos Generator - Shadowlands
Møsi - Noble dans la Défaite
Mother's Cake - No Rhyme No Reason
Mother & Pearl - Psycho Thrill
Mother Superior - Grande
Mothertrucker - Trebuchet
Mötley Crüe - The Dirt Soundtrack
Motörhead - The World is Ours vol. 1
Motörhead - Aftershock
Motörhead - Under Cöver
Motörhead - Louder than Noise - Live in Berlin
Moundrag - Hic sunt Moundrages
Mourir - Insolence
Moven.S - s/t
MPL - L'étoile
MPO - Deny Life
Mr Jack - Jack'n'Roll
Mr. N - Mr. N
Mr White & Embers - Touch and Go
Muckrackers - #01
Mudbath - Red Desert Orgy
Mudbath - Corrado Zeller
Mudbath - Brine Pool
Mudface - Awaken to A Different Sun
Mudweiser - Elvis Loves Me
Mudweiser - Holy Shit
Mudweiser - Angel Lust
Mudweiser - So said the Snake
Mudweiser - The Call
Muhadib - In Reverse
Muhadib - In Equilibrium
Mumakil - Démo 2005
Mumakil - Customized Warfare
Munda - s/t
Mundilfari - The Last Soul Standing
Munkyposse - A Dead Season
Munkyposse vs Nothing To Prove - We are the Tools of our Tools
Mur - Mur
Mur - Truth
Murder One - Live in LembarziK
Murdum - Just Lower Yourself
Muta - s/t
Mutilation - Conflict Inside
Mutiny on the Bounty - Danger Mouth
My Concubine - Comme elles s'en vont
My Dark Project - s/t
My Dear Hunter - Démo
My Dog Ate It - The Aftermath
My Dying Bride - A Map of All our Failures
My Dying Bride - The Manuscript
My Dynamite - Otherside
Mygük - A Un Fil
My Heroine - Propaganda
My Inner Burning - 11 Scars
Mylidian - Seven Lords
My Mental Health Degrades - EP
My Only Scenery - Begin to Walk
My Only Scenery - We Are
My Own Fear - Violence made History
My Own Private Alaska - Eponyme
My Own Private Alaska - Amen
My Own Private Alaska - All the Lights on
My Perfect Alien - Face The World
My Perfect Alien - Under Control
MyPollux - Trouble Amarante
Myrath - Tales of The Sand
Mystical Faya - Born Again
Mystik Mötörcycles - Fuck of and Die !
Mystik Mötörcycles - Twice Fasta Twice Harda
My Ticket Home - Unreal
M'Z - Emancipé du vide ?
Nadj - L'Oeuvre au Noir
Nailgun - New World Chaos
Nailhead vs Sworn - Split Cd
Naïve - Illuminatis
Naïve - Altra
Naked - On A Wire
Naked - s/t
Nami - Fragile Alignments
Nanowar of Steel - Stairway of Valhalla
Naös - s/t
Nära - Home iw Everywhere
Nasser Ben Dadoo - Blue Legacy
Nasty - Give A Shit
Native Nothing - A Piece of Life
Nature Morte - Messe Basse
Nawather - Wasted Years
Nawel Ben Kraïem - Par mon Nom
Nazca - Cowboy's Secrets
N*Cest - Clarence
Ndidi - Dark Swing
Near Death Condition - Evolving Towards Extinction
Near Death Experience - Brief is the Light
Near Form Offense - Silves Ab Irato
Neat - s/t
Nebel - Nebel
Nebulous - Destroy to Build to Destory Again
Necroblaspheme - XXVI : The Deeper, The Better
Necroblaspheme - Belleville
Necroverdose - Off
Necrowretch - Swords of Dajjal
Nedgeva - Pré-Prod 2003
Nedgeva - 9.0 mm
Nedgeva - Black Revolution
Nedgeva - Lost Signal
Nedra - D'un Extrême à l'Autre
Needle Sharp - s/t
Neekibo - Ordinaire et Pratique
Néfastes - Scumanity
Nehëmah - Shadows from the Past...
Nehëmah - Requiem Tenebrae
Neige Eternelle - s/t
Nekhen - Burn d'em All
Nemo - Les Nouveaux Mondes
Nemost - As The Ocean Burns
Nephalokia - s/t
Nephalokia - Sunshine
Nephalokia - Journey
Nephilym - Emma
Nerthus - Black Medieval Art
Nerv - Mech.Naturaleza
Nerv - Vergentis is Senium
Nesseria - Les Alternatives
Nesseria vs The Grizzly Twister - Dead Rodeo Stars
Nesseria - s/t
Netfastcore - And Everything returns to Dust
Netfastcore - The Wrong Hand
Nervous Decay - s/t
Neva - Game Over
Nevborn - Five Horizons
Nevercold - Demenphobia
Nevercold - Rebirth
Never Give Up - Vigilante
Nevermind the Car - EP 2
Nevrotic Explosion - Smile, Tears & Disillusions
Nevrotic Explosion - Echec et Mat
New Assholes - Récits d'Ivres
Newborn Division - From the Fridge
New Disorder - Mind Pollution
New Favourite - s/t
Newsted - Heavy Metal Music
Newtt - The White Noise of Ignorance
Nexdek Dub'On - Démo 5 Titres
Next On The List - Promo 06
Next Step - Legacy
NFZ - Version 1.1
NHS - Illusion
NHS - Exhale
NI - Panthophobie
Nico Chona & The Freshstones - s/t
Nico Wayne Toussaint - Burning Light
Nico Wayne Toussaint - From Clarksdale with Love
Nic-U - Eponyme
Nic-U vs M.A.D - Confusion
Nic-U - Don't Disturb the Beast
Nic-U - The Old Legend of Black Eagles
Nic-U - Intense Reflections
Nic-U - The End of Anti-parallelism
Nic-U - Constellations
Nic-U - A Subtle Line of Understatement & Tweak Before...
Nightmare - The Burden of God
Nightrage - A New Disease is Born
Nightwish - Decades : Live in Buenos Aires
N'iH - Processus de Bordelisation
Nihil - [In]visible
Nihil - Pandora's Box
Nihïlanth - Graceless Planet
Nihilism - Twelve Thousand
Nihilism - Beyond Creation
Nihilism - Apocalyptic Fate
Nihilism - Codex Nihilistic Exhumed
Nihilo - Doom
Niki Niki - Absence
Nile Red - Nile Red
Nina Attal - Pieces of Soul
Nine Eleven - Use your Disillusion
Nine Eleven - City of Quartz
Nine Eleven - Le Rêve de Cassandre
Nine Eleven - 24 Years
Nine Eleven - SentinelS
Nine Street Arago - Eponyme
Nine Street Arago - Avenir Imparfait
Ninja Cyborg - The Sunny Road
Nippercreep - Test
Nippercreep - Combustion
Nippercreep - Trpiède Majeur
Nirnaeth - From Shadows to Flesh
Nitrogods - s/t
Nitwits - Death to Lo-fi
Nobody's Cult - Mood Disorders
Nobody's Straight - Demo
Nobody's Straight - Tolérance
Nobody's Straight - Bicéphale
Nobody's Straight - Utopique
Nobody's Straight - Transition
Nocaïne - Behind the Truth
No Compromise - 6 Billions Failure [work in progress]
Noctem - Oblivion
Noctem - Haeresis
Noctem - The Black Consecration
Nocturnal Blood - Devasted Graves-The Morbid Celabration
Nocturnal Fear - Excessive Cruelty
Nocturn Deambulation - The Grand Opening
Nocturne Animal - s/t
Nodolton - Démo
Noflag - Big Boss
Noflag - Spit English or Die
No Good Men - Everything Changes
No Guts No Glory - Yes, We have partying Skills
No Hay Deaz - #3
No Heaven - La Grande et Majestueuse Roue
(No) Hope in Sight - Embrace
Noïd - High & Do[w]n
Noïd - Sleepless Night
Noïd - The Ever Expanding
Noien - Infection - Erasure - Replacement
No Innocent Victim - To Burn Again
Noise Data - YHWH Experience#1
Noise Emission Control - s/t
Noiss - s/t
Noiss - Deafening EP
Noïsy - EP
Noisy Fate - CD Promo
Nojazz - Beautiful Life
Nojia - Solarchitects
No Junk Food - 1680 Axial Flow
Nolentia - Sell your Soul to Grind'n Roll !
Nolentia - One Loud Noise and it's Gone
Nolwenn Leroy - Folk
No-Mad - s/t
No Money Kids - Trouble - s/t
None Shall Be Saved - Choose Your Side
None Shall Be Saved - Knowledge is the Key...
None Shall Be Saved - Those Days are Gone
None Shall Be Saved - Choose your Side (réédition)
None Shall Be Saved - Marseille Hardcore
None Shall Be Saved - Enemy of A World gone Blind
Nonsense - Silent Shout
Nonsense - Earth
No Omega - Shame
No One Is Innocent -
No One Is Innocent - Gazoline
No One Is Innocent - Drugstore
No One Is Innocent - Barricades Live
No One Is Innocent - Frankenstein
Noon Xoxo - Stunt ain't No Pancakes
Noon Xoxo - Stunt attack on Open Windows
No Perfect - A Day like Another
No Place For Soul - Full Global Jacket
Nor Belgraad - s/t
Nord - The Only Way to reach The Surface
Nord - The Implosion of Everything that Matters
Norm? - Schyzophrenia
Normandie Invasion - n°2
Normcore - Six Pack
No Return - Inner Madness
Northern Lights - Oracle
Northheart - Freedom Earth
Norvhar - Kauna
Nose in the Nose - s/t
No Sky Above Us - s/t
No Sky Above Us - Rift
N.O.Sonic - Welcome
Nosonic - L'excuse
No Sun in San Francisco - Principles and Particles
Nostradamus0014 - Maxi
Nostromo - Ecce Lex
Nostromo - Hysteron-Proteron
Nostromo - Uraeus
Nostromo - Narrenschiff
No Surrender - Wonderful World War
Noswad - La Part des Choses
Noswad - From Dust Till Dawn
Not Bad - Spook Up your Life
No Terror in the Bang - Eclosion
No Terror in the Bang - Heal
Nothing But Echoes - The Sixth Extinction
Nothing But Real - s/t
Nothing For Free - Speeches are Useless
Nothing From No One - The Paintful Truth
Nothing From No One - Requiem fom Mankind
Nothing More - Game of Truth
Nothingness - démo
Nothingness - Beyond Senses
Nothingness - No Happy Ending
Nothing to Prove - Metronomicon
Not Scientists - Staring at the Sun
Not Your Animal - Not Rock And Roll
Nouvel R - Les Yeux dans la Foule
No Vale Nada - Le Coma des Mortels
No Vale Nada / Aleska - Friendship is not a Scene
No Vale Nada - Demain
No Vale Nada - Alter Ego
Novels - Picture Perfect
Novels - Saviors
Nowhere - CD/DVD
Now, Voyager - Seas
Noxious Enjoyment - Extending Perversion
Noxious Enjoyment - Whore-King-Class
Noxious Enjoyment - Have a Nice Death
Nozeüs - Maxi
Nuestros Derechos - Struggling with The Dark
Nuisance Sonore - La Compilation des Musiques Actuelles
Nuisible - Inter Feces et Urinam Nascimur
NuitCarmin - Incipit
Nuit d'Encre - De l'autre côté
Nuit Macabre - Chapitre III : Odeur de mort
Nuith - Ode to Beauty and Chaos
Nunslaughter / Antiseen - Split 7"
Nunslaughter - Christmassacre
Nutcase - From the Depths
Nvrvd - Coma
NWB Nowhere Boy - Gold
Nydvind - Tetramental I - Seas of Oblivion
Nyseius - Militae
Nyxtone - s/t
öOoOoOoOoOo - Samen
Oai Star - Zulu Oscar Bravo InDub
Oaks - Les Matins Mauves (qui font suite aux Nuits Blanches)
Oathbreaker - s/t
Obdurate - Burning by the Sun
Obdurated - Living in Failure
Obdurated - The Answers within
Obscurantis Order - Démo
Obscurity - s/t
Ob-Shak - s/t
Ocean - C'est la Fin
Oceans of Slumber - s/t
Oceanwake - Earthen
Octane - The Life I Choose
Octane - Back to the Game
Octavion - Corp.
Octavion - The Golden Ratio
Octavus Lupus - s/t
ODA - Bloodstained
Ode to Decay - Omega
Odezenne - Au Baccara
Odonata - Gravitational Perturbation
Odonata x-1 - Cosmomega
Oedipe - Amaeru
Oerjgrinder/Calvaria Fuck Fever - Split
Oestre - Génération Spontanée
Oestre - Biotope
Oestre - La Piste des Larmes
Oestre - La Dernière Renaissance
Offending - Human Concept
Of Fire - Dräparen
Of June - Rêve Erotique
Öfö Am vs Lahius - Split
Öfö Am - Tales from Outerspace : An Octoman's Odyssey
Ogmasun - Out of the Cold
Ogrob - Ein geisteskranker als kunstler
Oïkoumen - Dystopia
Oink - Humanity’s Removal
Ok Choral - Ok Choral
O'Kee Pa - Derdeba
Okploide - Flores y Golpes
Olc Sinnsir - The Throne of Dead Emotions
Old Caltone - Final Horror
Oldd Wvrms - Mater Serpentium
Ol'Dirty - Get Fat
Oliva - Raise The Curtain
Ølten - s/t
Ølten - Mode
Omalium - Redemption Through Salvation
Omega Massif - Geisterstadt
Omega Crom - Blood, Steel and Fire
Omission - Pioneers of The Storm
Om Mani - Help is on the Way
Om Mani - Apology
Ommatidia - In this Life, or Next
Once Upon the End - The Next Chapter
OND - A Tribute
Ondt Blod - Natur
One Burning Match - One Burning Match
One Dollar - Demo 4T
One Hell - Démo
One Last Shot - First Gear
One Last Shot - Even Cowboys have Sundays
One Life All-In - The A7 Session
One Life All-In - Letters of Forgiveness
One Minute Silence - One Lie Fits All
One More Season - Démo
One More Season - Maxi
One More Season - Posthumes
On Enterre La France - V/A
One Peak'S - Maxi
One Rusty Band - Voodoo Queen
Onesta - Back to Reality
Onesta - We Got Game
One-Way Mirror - Destructive by Nature
Oneyed Jack - Prepare To Reactivate
Onfz-D - Médiastaz
Onirik Illusion - The 13th Hour
Oniromancie - Moreton Waves
Onskapt - Draco Sir Mihi Dux
Ontario - Cosmic Sherpa
O-nyx - I Believe
Opal Insight - Heir to Anger
OpeNightmare - Pinks of the Vintage
OpeNightmare - Robert
OpeNightmare - Silent Scream
Opeth - Watershed
Ophidian Spell - Nux/Hêmera
Opposite Self - Almost Over
Oppressive Light - Life hates Me...
Opram - Live
Optimist - Vermächtnis
Oracles - Miserycorde
Orakle - Tourments & Perdition
Orakle - Eclats
Oranssi Pazuzu - Valonielu
Orden Ogan - To The End
Order of 315 - Antipi
Origami Geijutsu - The Hibakusha Haikus
Origine - The Sheep, The Octopus and the Pink Flamingo
Orkhys - Awakening
Orkhys - A Way
Orkhys - Legends
Orly Chap - Valley of Joy
Ormyst - Arcane Dreams
Or Not ? - Pleasure
Or Not ! - Shooting from the Stars
Oscar Nip - La Nuit des Arcs en ciel
Oscar Nip - Electrochoc et Fantaisies Electriques
Oscil - First Step on My Moon
Oslo Tropique - s/t
Oslo Tropique - Entre les mains des robots
OSM - Plagued by Doubts
Ossuaire - Le troubadour Nécrophageophile
Osted - Blind Reflection
Otargos - Ten-eyes Nemesis
Otargos - Spawn from the Abyss
Otargos - Kinetic-Zero
Otherside - No Flame No Sense
Otium - Sacrified Generation
Otium - Sit Down and Breathe
Ouessan - Sensation
Oui Oui Oui - Ok Ok !
Oural - Brumes
Out - Unik
Out5ide - Tumbleweeds
Outburst - Pure Trash
Outcast - The Source of All Creation
Outcast - Self Injected Reality
Outed - La Matrice du chaos
Outed - Ondes de Gravité
Out For the Count - Between Light and Shade
Out of School Activities - All Good Cretins go to Heaven
Out of School Activities - Dissociative Identity Disorder
Outrage Ryzhom
Overcharger - Words for My Enemies
Overcharger - All that we had
Overcharger - Origin
Overhead - No Time Between
Overhead - Telepathic Minds
Overload - The Imagery Process
Overmars - Affliction, Endocrine... Vertigo
Overmars - Born Again
Oversoul - Me[n]tal Medication
Overstrange Mood - Which Way ?
Overwind - Illustrator
Ovtrenoir - Fields of Fire
Owl Cave - Broken Speech
Owngame - Perspective Childhood
[own]Slaught - [Dilemma]
Oxees - Préliminaires
Õzaru - Limbes
Ozma - Hyperlapse
Pacôme Rotondo - World of Confusion
Pagan's Mind - Heavenly Ecstasy
Painful Defloration vs IxCxT - Split CD
Pain Society - Taming the Pain
Paku Puawaï - Eponyme
Palace Inopia - Mémo
Palace Inopia - Arms wide Open
Palatine - Grand Paon de la Nuit
Pallass - Devotion of Souls
Pamplemousse - Think of it
Pandra Vox - Windswept
Pangora - s/t
Pangora - Unleash The Kraken
Paradis Minuit - De Rouille et de Sang
Parallel Minds - Headlong Disaster
Parallel Minds - Echoes from Afar
Paranoid Cats - Thought Control
Paranoid Cats - False Love
Parára - Parára
Parazik Matik - Publicité Mensongère
Parazik Matik - Tous des Animaux
Pariadelux - Topsy-Turvy
Paris'Click - Assassine Logique
Parisian Walls - The Eternal Hunter
Parlor Snakes - Disaster Serenades
Parpaing - Ca sent le Ciment...
Parpaing Papier - Tester les Casques
Parpaing Papier - Croire au Printemps
Part-Time Friends - Born to Try
Part-Time Friends - Fire
Part-Time Friends - Weddings & Funerals
Parween - Parween
Parween - Géographie Croisée
Parween - Point
Parzival - Casta
Pascal Bailly - Colères et Envies
P A S T - Never Fall Down
Pastors of Muppets - s/t
Pat Kebra - Le Coeur sur la Main
Pat Kebra - Mon Coeur a Dit
Pat Kebra - Décoffrage
Pat Kebra - Electrosensible
Pat O'May - One Night in Breizh Land
Pat O'May - Welcome to a new world
Paul Gilbert - Vibrato
Paul Gilbert - Behild Electric Guitar
Paul Péchenart - Intacts
Paus - Mithra
Pauwels - Elina
Pauwels - Poena Cullei
Pavé - s/t
Pavé - s/t
Pavillon Rouge - Legio Axis Ka
P.O.D - Satellite
Peace is just A Break - Little Boy
Peach From The Laid - Subliminal
Peach(f.t.l) - Addiction
Peach ftl - Supernova
Pendact - Days of War
Penitence Onirique - V.I.T.R.I.O.L.
Penitence Onirique - Nature Morte
Pensées Nocturnes - Nom d'une Pipe
Pensées Nocturnes - Grand Guignol Orchestra
Pensées Nocturnes - Douce Fange
Perihelion - Zeng
Perihelion - Örvény
Përl - R(a)ve
Përl - Luminance
Perm36 - Névroses
Perpetual Escape - Heavy Face
Perpetual Escape - In Search of Light
Persefone - Spiritual Migration
Persefone - Aathma
Persona - Elusive Reflections
Pervert Asshole - Welcome to My Zombie Cat House
Pervy Perkin - Totem
Pervy Perkin - Comedia : Inferno
Pete the Pirate Squid - Don't correct Me if I'm Wrong
Pet Trap - Pet Trap
Phazm - Hate at First Seed
Phazm - Antebellum Death'n Roll
Phest - L'Immobile
Philip Sayce - Streamroller
Phil Manca - Layers of Pain
Phil Vermont - Time has Come
Phoebus The Knight - Ferrum Fero Ferro Feror
Phoebus The Knight - Chronicles
Phoenix Avenue - Fangs for Sale...
Phoenix Avenue - Egregor
Photograph - Big Day
Phyllisdietrichson - s/t
Pi1 - Odyssey : The Evolution of Pi1.1 Shodoukan - Question
Picture - The Dwelling
Pictured - The Strand of Time
Piednoir - Souvenir de la Houle
Pierre Daven-Keller - Kino Music
Pierre-Mary Reverdy - Illuvatar
Pigeon - Démo 2010
Pigs - You Ruin Everything
Pigs - Gaffe
Pigs - Wronger
Pills for Tomorrow - Castle Rock
Pilori - Trip à Bières
Pilori - Demo 2016
Pilori vs Dakhma - Split
Pilori - A Nos Morts
Pilori - Quand bien même l'Enfer et de le Déluge s'abattraient sur Nous
Pink Tatami - EP
Pink Tatami - Chapter & Verse
Pipedreams - Sufferings...
Pipedreams - Another Way
Pipedreams - Disclosure
Pipedreams - When the Souls Escape
Pipes and Pints - The Second Chapter
Pitbulls in the Nursery - Equanimity
Pitkän Matkan - From Despair to Rebirth
Pg.Lost - Key
Place-id, - Vers l'Intérieur
Plaisir Vallée - La Musique de Plaisir Vallée
Planète Asphalte - Schizo/Prophete/101
Plastic Age - Split Brain
Plastic Riot - EP
Pleasure Addiction - Extra Balls
Pleasure to Kill - Le Carnage
Plèbe - Plèbe
Plèbe - Congo Square
Plebeian Grandstand - The Vulture's Riot
Plebeian Grandstand vs Cortez - Split
Plebeian Grandstand - Lowgazers
Pledge of Silence - Démo
Pledge of Silence - Guilty as Charged
Pleïad - 1.17
Pleïad - Speech... Is... Gold
Pleïad - Lights in a Cave
Pleymo - Rock (Avis Défavorable)
Pleymo - Rock (Avis Favorable)
PLMB - Tell Yer God We're Here
Pneu - Pince Monseigneur
Pneu - Highway to Health
Pneu - Destination Qualité
Pogo Car Crash Control - Panenka
Poil - Dins o Cuol
Poil - Sus
Poil Ueda - s/t
Point Mort - Look at The Sky
Point Mort - R(h)ope
Poison Heart - One Poison drives out Another
Pokerface - Game On
Polair - Injustice/Disasters
Polar Bear Club - Sometimes Things Just Disappear
Polar Bear Club - Chasing Hamburg
Polaris - The Va'adian Chronicles
Polarys - Cosmic Singularity
Polychrome - Equilibrium
Poney Club - Gusty Winds Exist
Poney Club - Tighter than a Tick
Pord - Wild
Por H O Por V - s/t
Porn - Maxi 4-Titres
Porn - Glitter, Danger and Toyboyz
Porn - From the Void to the Infinite
Porn - Call Me Superfurry
Porn - Deconstruct
Poste 942 - Long Play
Post-Mortem - Mankind Autopsy
Post-Mortem - Monumental Pandemonium
Post Offense - The Fear behind your so called Perfection
Post Trauma Mariachis - Anonyme par Vocation
Praetor - s/t
Praetoria - The New Reign
Praïm Faya - Abyss of a light planet
Pray Manticore - EP
Pray Manticore - II
Preacher and Bear - The Storm has Come
Presence of Soul - Blinds
Pression - Consensuel
Pressure - We are All to Blame
Pretty Johnny - L'essentiel c'est de garder le Sourire
Pretty Mary Dies - Put our Names on the Walls of Your City
Prisca - Tas de feraille
Primal Age - The Light to Purify v.2.0
Primal Age - A Hell Romance
Primal Age - The Gearwheels of Time
Primal Age vs Mostomalta vs Cherish - Kill A Theory vol. II
Primal Age - A Silent Wound
Primal Age - Masked Enemy
Primal Rage - Awakening the Masses
Prime Sinister - United in Violence
Primitive Man - Scorn
Primus - Green Naugahyde
Prismeria - Requiem
Prix Spécial - Au Carrefour des Héros
Problems Solved - Love in Pain
Process - Lourde Attirance
Process of Guilt - Faemin
Profanatica - Sickned by The Holy Host & The Grand Masters Session
Profane Burial - The Rosewater Park Legend
Profetus - ... To Open the Passages in Dusk
Prohom - Peu Importe
Proletaria - 30 Minutes Rockstar
Promethee - Nothing Happes Nobody Comes, Nobody Goes
Prong - Scorpio Rising
Prong - Carved into Stone
Prophetic Scourge - Calvary
Prophetic Scourge - Gnosis : A Sorrower's Odyssey
Prophets of Rage - s/t
Prosperr - Black Museum
Protest - Have a Rest Please
Protestant - In Thy Name
Protogonos - From Chaos to Ashes
ProxTest - Démo
Prungk - A New Beginning
Pry - From Morph
Pry - Transcendent Iridescence
Pryapisme - Hyperblast Super Collider
Pryapisme - Diabolicus Felinae Pandemonium
Pryapisme - Epic Loon OST
Psome - Oratorium
Psychedelic Witchcraft - Sound of the Wind
Psychoïd - Thrash-test
Psychotic Reactions - Compilation
Psycroptic - The Scepter of the Ancients
Psygnosis - Human Be[ing]
Psykokondriak - Gloomy Days
Psykotic Dreams - Songes & Désillusions
Psykotic Dreams - Désirs et Perversions
Psykup - Le Temps de la Réflexion
Psykup - L'Ombre et la Proie
Psykup - We Love You All
Psykup - Le Temps de la Réflexion (réédition 2016)
Psykup - Ctrl + Alt + Fuck
Psykup - Live in Bikini
Psylaw - Maxi
Psylaw - Sculptures
Puddle of Mudd - Come Clean
Pulse - s/t
Pulsion - Maxi 5-Titres
Pulsion - Arkanum
Punish Yourself - Holiday in Guadalajara
Pur Boeuf - Empalé c'est pesé
Purge of Sanity - Disruptif
Purly - Massacre
Purse Snatcher - Narrated by
Pur Sons - Compilation vol.1 : Terre de Ziq
Pussy Drinker - Stoned and Drunk
[P.U.T] - Like An Animal
Put The Gun Down - EP
Puzzle Of Skin - Exit
Pvrs - Solstice
Pyramido vs Suma - Split
Q-Sek'S - Premier Jet
Qantice - The Cosmocinesy
Qualia - Copies qu'on forme
Queen(ares) - From this Ground from this Sea
Quick & Dirty - Falling Down
Quiet Dan - When the Earth was flat
Quietus - 0,012% Biomass
Quintana Dead Blues Experience - Older
Quintana Dead Blues Experience - One of Us
Quintessence of Versatility - s/t
Quintessence of Versatility - Reveal the Truth
RAB - Rab 2
Rachel - démo
Rachel - Dans nos Têtes
Radius System - Eponyme
Radius System - Work in Progress
Radius System - Escape/Restart
Radius System - Almost Nothing
Radius System - Architects of Yesterday
Raffal - Compilation vol. 1 : Independent Rising
Raffal - Compilation vol. 2
Ragaraja - Egosphère
Rage Art - Virtual
Raging Speedhorn - Hard to Kill
Rajna - Otherwise
Rakel Traxx - Bitches Palace
Ralph of London - Yellow Sky Highway
Randy Twigg - Behaviour of the Birds
Rankken - History of Violence
Raptor King - Dinocracy
Raptor King - Dinocalypse
Raspy Junker - World of Violence
Raspy Junker - Bad Queen
Ratamahatta - Ramasse
Rattlesnake - Rock You All
Ravages - Hier, demain, maintenant
Ravencult - Morbid Blood
Raz'Rockette - New Direction
R.D.S.K. - Apocalypse of Mind
Reach Inside - Like No Place on Earth
Really Addictive Sound - s/t
Recueil Morbide - Waste of Senses
Recueil Morbide - A Neverending Fight
Red Beans & Pepper Sauce - Red
Red Cold Seasons - Demo
Red Dawn - Algorithm of Destruction
Redemption - Angel
Redemption - Three of a Kind
Red Kunz - Teeth, Hair & Skin
Redlight - What's Going On ?
Redlight - Astronauts
Redlights - Road of the Past
Redlights - Rock'n'Roll & Fairy Tales
Red Money - Shake, Burn & Love
Red Mourning - Time to Go
Red Mourning - Under the Punishment's Tree
Red Mourning - Flowers and Feathers
Redrum04 - A New Era
Redshift - Duality
Redsphere - Facts
Redsphere - Immortal of Voids
Redstones - Up & Down
Red Tape - Radioactivist
Refused - War Music
Regarde Les Hommes Tomber - s/t
Regarde Les Hommes Tomber - Exile
Reincidentes - Cosas de Este Mundo
Remains of Morpheus - XXI Parallels
Remind - L'Enfer du Décor
Remind - Le Maître du Je
Remorse - Red
Remorse - Zero
Repetitor - Prazan prostor medu nama koji može i da ne postoji
Reprisal - Boundless Human Stupidity
Reptil - Throne of Collapse
Republic of Rock'n Roll - Golden Place
Republic of Rock'n Roll - Upside Down
Republic of Rock'n Roll - The Last of Us
Rescue Rangers - Guitars and Dust Machine
Rescue Rangers - Join Hate
Rescue Rangers - Divisive
Resistance - Lord of Torment
Resistance - To Judge and Enslave
Resistenza - The Rocky Spur
Rest in Furia - Silent Beholders
Rest in Peace - Oceans of Time
Resto Basket - Le Seum
Restricted Area - Démo
Restricted Area - Empty Box
Retrace My Fragments - Vertizontal
Retrace My Fragments - Vertizontal
Retrace My Fragments - Ethereal Flux
Revenance - Omen of Tragedy
Revengia - Eraser
Revive - Belief of An Old Past
Revok - Biocarbon Amalgamate
Revok - Program Medics and Cathode Clinics
Revok - Bad Books and Empty Pasts
Revok - Bunt Auf Grau
Revolution Within - Straight from Within
Revolver - s/t
Rezistenza - s/t
Rezistenza - Version 0
Rezistor - Beware the Silent
Rich Robin - Trigger
Rien Faire - s/t
Riffless - Ghost is a Woman
Right 4 Life - Pride and Joy...Have gone Dull
Right to The Void - Light of The Fallen Gods
Riktus - Démo
Riktus - Dégénération
Riktus - Devotion
Rimel - Transparent
Rinch - Odyssée
Rise - Zarathustra
Risei - s/t
Risei - Des Signifiants Vides
Rise of Doom - Purgation
Rise Of The North Star - Demonstrating My Saiya Style
Rising Stoner - Birth and Revenge
Rising Sun - A Sweet Taste of Aggression
Riviera Paradise - Ready for More
Roberdam - Je rêve donc je suis
Robert Openight - Air Fart One
Robot Orchestra - V
Rock Of Ages - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Rococo Room - Démo
Rod Barthet - A l'ombre des Sycomores
Rollywoodland - Dakr Fate for the Judgement Day
Ron Moor - Youth
Ropoporose - Elephant Love
Rorcal - The Way We Are, the Way We Were, the Way We Will Be…
Rorcal - Myra, Mordvynn, Maravaa
Rorcal - Monochrome
Roseaux - Roseaux 2
Rosemary - The Angel's Share
Rouge - Derrière les Paupièreshare
Roxane Arnal feat. Baptiste Bailly - Doorways
Rozedale - Rozedale
Rude Revelation - s/t
Rude Revelation - Lost in Entropy
Run of Lava - Corrosion
Run of Lava - Exploded Allusion
Run Ronie Run - Baise le Monde
Run Sofa - The Joy of Missing Out
Rusthead - Gear Up
Rüyyn - Chapter II : The Flames, The Fallen, The Fury...
Ryan Perry - High Risk, Low Reward
S.Pam - Sans Titre
SaaR - Gods
SaaR vs Maudits - Split
Sachta - Anosognosie
Sacrilegious Impalement - Cultus Nex
Sacrilegious Impalement - II Exalted Spectres
Sadako - Stupid Fate
Sad And Insane - Departure
Sadness - Somewhere along Our Memory...
Sadness - Tundra
Saga - 20/20
Sahona - Eponyme
Saïlence - Another Chance
Sainte Ombre - Contes et Châtiments
Saint-Valentin - Pack
Salem - Foutues Rengaines
Salò - L'appel du néant
Salving Thy Amiss - Horsewreck, oh trail’s Highlight
Salving Thy Amiss - Amid all this mess, a weak splendour !
Samba de la Muerte - Colors
Sa Meute - Hyperbore
Sammsara - ...With Damage
Samuele - Les filles sages vont au paradis, les autres vont où elles veulent
San Carol - Houdini
Sanctuary - Resilience
San Francisco Red Corner - EP#1
Sang Froid - All Nighter
Sangham - Intangible
Sanguinarium - The Way Of
Sanktuary - Something Fierce
Sans Modération - Compil Punk-HxC-Ska du Sud
Santa Marta Golden - El Fallo Humano
Santa Marta Golden - Resilience
Saoni Ma - Nocif
Sapeins - s/t
Sari Schoor - Never Say Never
Sarkazein - Préliminaires...
Satan Jokers - Addictions
Satan Jokers - Psychiatric
Satan's Host - By the Hands of the Devil
Satra - Sands of Time
Saturn - Relatives
Saturnalia Temple - Gravity
Satyricon - Satyricon
Savior - Empty Space
Saw - Paranoia
Saw - Bipolarity
Saxon - Call to Arms
Saxon - Heavy Metal Thunder Live
Saxon - The Eagle had landed 40 Live
S-Box - El Viaje
S-Box - Element part One
Scala Mercalli - New Rebirth
Scandal - Best Scandal
Scandal - Temptation Box
Scandale! - #1
Scareone - Futur Atrophie
Scarlean - Ghost
Scarlean - Ghost (réédition 2018)
Scarlean - Soulmates
Scarlean - Silence
Scarlet - Cult Classic
Scarlet Anger - Kill the King
Scarlet Anger - Dark Reign
Scarlet Anger - Freak Show
Scarlet Anger - Martyr
Scarr - Demo
Scarred - New Filth Order
Scarred - Gaia/Medea
Scarred - s/t
Scariff - Calling your Name
Scars Divide - s/t
Scars From A Dead Room - Vengeance
Scars of Chaos - Daemonic Alchemy
Scars on Murmansk - TTDP
Scarved - Lodestone
Sceau de l'Ange - Phénomènes
Sceau de l'Ange - Ascendance
Schisma - Entre ces Murs
Schlaasss - Casa Plaisance
Schlaasss - Yoga
Schmürtz - Salaire Facultatif
Schoolyards - Stubborn
Schrodinger - Santa Sierra
Schwere Artillerie - Brutal Bebop Show
Science of Depravity - Beyond The Love of Mankind
S-Core - Riot...Process Engaged
S-Core - Gust of Rage
S-Core - Into The Deepest...
Scorch - [Silence]
Scorch - Maxi
Scorch - A Genoux
Scorch - One Big Loss Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind
Scorn - Winds of Torment
Scornforger - Neighbours are livin' Dead
Screaming Kids - Bien avant que le Soleil ne se lève
Scythia - Of War
Seaholder - Demo 6-titres
Seaholder - HB855 12b
Sealight - Dead Letters
Second Class Citizen - Dr Zarhkoff's Diary
Secret Police - Demo Tape
Secretum - Happy Happy Killing Time
Sectu - Gerra
Sedative - Ictus
Sedative - Lobocaine
Seeds of Mary - The Blackbird and the Dying Sun
Seeds of Mary - Love
Seekers of the Truth - Tinman
Seekers of the Truth - Oldskull Revenge
See You at Sunset - s/t
Seide - Beyond The Fallacy
Seine - Sno Sna
Selenic - Resilience
Self Defense - Implosion
Selfhate - 22h22
Selfhate - Ombres & Lumière
Self Torture - Dead Center
Sempervivum - Death by Prescription
Sendwood - Fist Leaf
Seneca - Reflections
Señor Madcap - Démo 5 titres
Sentence - Everywhere
Sentinhell - The Advent of Chaos
VII - Grand Chaos
VII - Inferno 2
Septaria - A*
Septembre - Si c'était à refaire
Sequoïa - The Forgotten Link
Sequoïa vs Liu Kang - Split cd
Serenius - Equilibrium
Serj Tankian - Harakiri
Serj Tankian - Harakiri
Serments - Utopia
Serments - Erotic Drive
Sermon - Till Birth do us part
Serpent Bite - Army of Darkness
Seven Bowls of Warth - Salt Your Wounds
Seven Daily Sins - Say Yes to Discomfort
Seven Days - Alive
Seven Eyed Crow - Dark Ways to the Sun
Seven Eyed Crow - Icarus
Seydr - Every Clound has a Silver Lining
Seyminhol - Ov Asylum
Sha - Spanking O.V.A.T.I.O.N
Shaârghot - Vol. 2 : The Advent of Shadows
Shaârghot - Vol. 3 : Let Me Out
Shades of Syn - Rust from Inside
Shaggy Dogs - Renegade Party
Shaggy Dogs - Sorry for the Delay<
Shaka Ponk - Evol'
Shake before Use & Kidsgofree - 7"
Shall Not Kill - s/t
Shall Remain - Back from the Path
Shall Remain - Time Heals Nothing
Shall Remain - Cold As Ice
Shane Cough - Intraveineuse
Shangri-La - In my Veins
Shaps - Sous les Pavés
Shärk - No One Left to Blame
Shay Ofer - ... And the World shall Burn
Shedding - Introspection
Shedding Skin -
Sheeduz - All Be True
Sheever - XS of Fortune
Shels - Sea of the Dying Dhow
Shels - Laurentian's Atoll
Shelving - Imihs
Sherkan - Inner
SheWolf - s/t
SheWolf - Sorry, not Sorry
SheWolf - Parasite
Shineski - Leave you in the Dark
Shinken - Démo
Shinken - Something Worth Fighting For
Shinlysum - L'Ombre des Mondes
Shinra - Démo
Shinra - Des Choix sont à Faire
Shoefiti - Fill the Silence with your desires
Shoemaker Levy Nine - Pantheon
Shoot the Pianist - Full-Time Rock'n'Roll
Shores of Null - Black Drapes of Tomorrow
Shorter than Fast - Ep
Shorter than Fast - Plus rien n'a d'Importance
Show Me Your Universe - Origins
Shredding Sanity - Modern Inertia
Shuffle - #WontTheyFade?
SiAu - A la Lueur
Sibyl Vane - Prêt à Porter
Sibyl Vane - Paradoxes
Sibyl Vane - The Locked Suitcase
Sickbag - A Perfect World (of Shit)
Sickbag - Bushido Codex
Sickbag - Shade among Shades
Sick n'Beautiful - Element of Sex
Sick Sad World - Murmuration
Sidilarsen - Eau
Sidilarsen - Une Nuit pour 7 Jours
Sidilarsen - Machine Rouge
Sidilarsen - Chatterbox
Sidilarsen - Live in Bikini Dura Sidi
Sidi Wacho - Libre
Sigur Ros - Agaetis Byrjun
Sihia - Apparences
Sihtu - v.i.t.r.i.o.l
Sikh - Reset.Diagnosis
Sikh - s/t
Sikh - One More Piece
Sikth - Dead of A Dead Day
Silent - Extreme
Silent Dawn - Asylum
Silent Images - Knightfall
Silent Opera - Reflections
Sileo Ad Nauseam - Demo
Silicium - Apocalyptic Scheme
Silmarils - Apocalypto
Silure - Route de Troche
Silver Dirt - Never Give Up
Silver Snakes - Saboteur
Silverstein - Arrival & Departures
Silvertrain - Walls of Insanity
Simia - Spécial
Simone Choule - éponyme
Simone Terigi - Rock Meditations
Simplixity - The Shed Skin Chapter
Sin - k3
Sin Cera - L'Autre fera le Lien
Sinister Days - Serve/Destroy
Sinlust - Sea Black
Sinn - Suspension
Sinner Sinners - Cardinal Sins
Sins of Shadows - Master's Way
Sins of Shadows - Imperium
Sipping - 49.25/06.20
Sipping - Fin d'une ère
Sir [headache] - A Juicy Point of View
Sirocco - Lambay
Sith - [leiden]
Six Flying Putanas - Eyecatcher
Six Ft Ditch - Recreational Violence
Six Grammes Eight - 6G8
Six Grammes Eight - De Larmes et de Sang
Six Grammes Eight - LXVIII DCBD
Six Grammes Eight - Hopeless
Six Grammes Eight - Aldebaran
Six Grammes Eight - Betrayal and Mistakes
Skahinall - The West in Hell
Skald - Le Chant des Vikings
Skald - Huldufolk
Skannibal Schmitt - Schmitt 2000
Skeleton Crew - Shining Blood
Skid Row - Rise of Damnation army united rebellion Chapter Two
Skinny Puppy - Handover
Skull vs Nic-U - Split Cd
Skull - Evil Water
Skunk Anansie - Anarchytecture
Skycald - Forward into the Past
Skydiving - Learn on Me
Sky Fisherman - s/t
Slap Betty - 94720
Slapdown - fundamentally Wicked
Slash - Apocalyptic Love
Slatsher - Human Light Leakage
Slave One - Disclosed Dioptric Principles
Slave One - An Abstract and Metaphysical Approach to Deceit
Slavery - To Sedate Agony
Slavery - War is Peace...Dead is Dead
Slaves of Imperium - New Waves od Cynicism
Slave to Sin - Control and Beliefs
Sleazy Town - Unfinished Business I & II
Sleazy view - Démo
Sleazy view - Four Scars
Sleazyz - March of the Dead
Sleazyz - Glitter Ghoulz from Hell
Sleepers'Guilt - EP
Sleepers'Guilt - Road to Emptiness
Sleeping in Gethsename - Burrows
Sleeping Romance - We All are Shadows
Sleepmakeswaves - Made of Breath Only
Sleeppers - Interaction
Sleeppers - Keep Focus
Slide on Venus* - Pixel
Slide on Venus* - Davis Bowie was Right...
Slide on Venus* - Put Music to Your Troubles
Slide on Venus* - Topless
Slim Wild Boar & Forsaken Shadow
Sling69 - s/t
Sling69 - The Threatened Kind
Slipknot - Iowa
Slipknot - Vol.3 The Subliminal Verses
Slit - Cronaca Nera
Slit - Ode To Silence
Slönsha - Démo
Slovenly World - Alternate Ending
Slutbox - Made in Us
Sly de Bruix - Au-delà des Pistes
Small - Come
SmartxBomb - Demo
Smashed - Spreading Death
Smash Hit Combo - Hardcore Gamer
Smash Hit Combo - Nolife
Smash Hit Combo - Loading
Smash Hit Combo - Reset
Smash Hit Combo - Playmore
Smash Hit Combo - L33T
Smith/Kotzen - s/t
Smokehead - From The Abyss
SMS Crew - Underground Child
SMS Crew - Maquette 2-Titres
Sna-fu - Tonnerre Binaire
Sna-fu - Mighty Galvanizer
Sna-fu - Knives & Bells
Snailshow - démo
Snailshow - Collecting Years
Snap Border - Alternative Current Box
Snap Border - Icons
Soan - Négligé Chic
Sodom - Epitome of Torture
Sofian Mustang - Back to Nowhere
Sofy Major - s/t
Sofy Major & One Second Riot - 10" split ep
Sofy Major - Permission to Engage
Sofy Major vs Membrane - Split
Sofy Major - Idolize
Sofy Major - Waste
Sofy Major - Total Dump
Soho Riot - Square One
Solar District - Proxima
Solar District - Quantum
Solar Fake - Frontiers
Soleil Noir - Ici, Ailleurs...
Solekahn - Nightlights
Solid State - So Solid
Sollertia - Light
Sol Niger - Démo
Sol Niger - Condamné
Sombre Croisade - Litanie du Mal
Sombre Croisade vs Augure Funèbre - L'aube Illusoire
Sombre Croisade - Balancier des Âmes
Some Pedestrians - Blackbird
Somewhere City - Somewhere City
Sonic Addictive - Welcome to Neon City
Sonic Carnage - The Final Legion
Sonny Red - Extent of Soul
Sons of Secret - French Cuisine
Sons of Senoka - The Blacksky stand Alone
Sordide - Ainsi finit le Jour
Sordid Leader - Serpent Aeon
Sore - Gautam
Sore Breathing Cold - Come Back Home
Sore Breathing Cold - Safe Until Night
Sors Immanis - Sinistre Présage
Sors Immanis - Au dernier jour...
Soto - Inside The Vertigo
Soto - Divak
Souf(f)re - Devotion:Connection
Soul Betrayed - Soul Betrayed
Soul Control - Cycle
Souldrainer - Heaven's Gate
Souldrainer - Architect
Soul Driver - Stand Up and Walk
Soulfly - Prophecy
Soulfly - Enslaved
Soulfly - Totem
Soulmaker - Discordances
Soulslicer - Pandemic
Soundcrawler - The Dead-end Host
Sound of Memories - To Deliverance
Sound of Silence - La Case de los Lamentos
Soupir - Il est d'étranges Soirs
Southern Cross - Rise Above
South Impact - Codex
South Impact - Semper Fidelis
Soviet Suprem - Marx Attack
Soviet Suprem - Made in China
So Was The Sun - Plastic Gun Fight
Sowge - Etre Un
Spaghettic25c - Dance with Me
Spank - Moment d'Absence
Spark Gap - The Boys from Alaska
Spark Gap - Fearology
Spectrale - ?
Speed Rock Machine - s/t
Speewy Noisy - Démo
Speewy Noisy - Last Food
Spellbinding - Par delà l'Hymne des Souffrances
Spheres - s/t
Spheres - Helios
Spiders - Shake Electric
Spinning Heads - Change the Game
Spiral Dogma - Bacteria Stigma
Spirit - Hommes ou Diables
Spirit Bomb - Tight
Spiritual Dissection - Mors Ultima Ratio
Spitback - Two Faced
Spitback - Dissident
Spit Ethny - Manifeste
Spitfight - Knife Leaving Corpse
SpitFire - Devil's Dance
Split - Tales of Vanity
Split Back to 90's Old School Death Metal
Split Brain - Orpheline EP
Split Brain - Ecrasés par notre héritage
Split Tape #1 - Klang!!! + Da'Wa + Ace Out
Split The Atom - EP
Split The Pit - Compilation Underground
Spylacopa - Demon John
Spylown - Depth
Stabwound - As Humanity Dies
Stage Dolls - Always
Stagnant Waters - Stagnant Waters
Staind - Tormented
Staind - Break The Cycle
Staircase Paradox - Songs are Minutes made to last Forever
Staircase Paradox - Lower Manhattan Hipster Elite
Staircase Paradox - Shaking Heart Stopping Moment
Staircase Paradox - ... Made to Last Forever
Staircase Paradox - Landmines have Feeling too
Staircase Paradox - Desktop Exodus
Stangala vs Stonebirds - Kreizh-Breizh Sessions vol. 1
Stake-Off The Witch - Palace Court, Flat 19
Stanley Kubi - Music by...
Starbynary - Divina Commedia - Purgatorio
Staretz - From Lead to Gold
Starset - Vessels
Stasia Momento - Manifestwo
Status Quo - Back2 SQ.1
Steel in Mind - s/t
Steel Panther - Balls Out
Steff Tej & Les Ejectés - Since 88 vol. 2
Steignyr - The Prophecy of the Highlands
Steignyr - Myth through the Shadows of Freedom
Steinbock - Till The Limit
Stellardrive - ERS 1. - ERS 2.
Stellardrive - Omega Point
Stellardrive - Ecotone
Stellardrive - ERS-4 : Speak, Memory
Stellar Temple - Domestic Monster
Stens - Stens
Stentor - I:1-13
Step in Fluid - One Step Beyond
Step in Fluid - Back in Busines
Sterenno - Messager du Vide
Stereostar Sixty Nine - Make out The Target
StereoTypical Working Class - Démo 4 Titres
StereoTypical Working Class - Illusion
StereoTypical Working Class - Every Clouds has a Silver Lining
Stevans - Stevans
Steve Hogarth & Richard Barbieri - Not the Weapon but the Hand
Steve Lukather - Transition
Sticky Boys - Calling The Devil
Stigma - When Midnight Strikes !
Stillborn Messengers - Sightless
Still Burn - The Last Breath before the End
Still Creep - A New Dawn
Stille Volk - La Peira Negra
Still Rising - In the Beginning
Still Square - Laissez les Rêves
Still Square - Hard Rock'n'Roll
Still Storm - No Rules
Stinking Lizaveta - Sacrifice and Bliss
Stinky - Against Wind and Tide
Stinky - From Dead-end Street
Stinky - Of Lost Things
Stinky Bollocks - The Thread of Life
Stinky Bollocks - Second Breath
Stömb - Fragment
Stömb - The Grey
Stonebirds - The into the Fog... and The Filthy Air
Stonedrive - A Moment of Weakness
Stone from the sky - Songs from the Deepwater
Stone Horns - Rise of Apophis
Stone Horns - Chimaira
Stone Sour - House of Gold & Bones part 1
Stone Sour - House of Gold & Bones part 2
Stormhaven - Exodus
Stormhaven - Liquid Imagery
Stormhaven - Blindsight
Stormhunter - Crime and Punishment
Stortregn - Uncreation
Storyboard - Instruire le Vent
Stratovarius - Under Flaming winter skies (Live in Tampere)
Stratovarius - Unbreakable
Streetlight Manifesto - Somewhere in the Between
Strike Back - EP
Strike Back 95 - Where I Stand
Stubborn - Settling of Scores...
Stubborn - Bless This Mess
Stubborn Trees - Roots
Stubborn Trees - The Stronger The Wind
Stubora - What We wanna See is not what we See
Stubora - Bleeding My World
Stubora - The Almighty
Stubora - Resurrection
Stubora - Horizon Noir
Stubora - Ecorché Vif
Stud - L'Instant Tanné
Stud - Transgressif
Stuntman - Among the Ruins
Stuntman - Signed in Blood
Stuntman & Chere Catastrophe - Split 10"
Stuntman - The Target Parade
Stuntman - Incorporate The Excess
Stupeflip - B.O. " Parenthèse "
Stupid Karaté - s/t
Stupid Karaté - Punk is a free pricing corpse
Sturgis - The Drill
Stygmate - Vivant
Style Trip - Gargoyles in Nightmare
Subcity Stories - Behind the Memory Tree
Submission - Codes of Conspiracy
Subterranean Masquerade - Mountain Fever
Suckerstarz - Easy Romance
SudCore - Compilation Métal-HxC-Néo du Grand Sud
Sugar and Tiger - Cristal Temporel
Sugartown Cabaret - The First Time I Lost the Road Map
Sugartown Cabaret vs L'Homme Puma - Split CD
Sugar Wizard - Drifting Mind
Suicidal MAdness - Par delà le Bien et le Mal
Suicidal Tendencies - 13
Suicidal Tendencies - Still Cyco Punk after all These Years
Suicide of Demons - A New Beginning
Summer Storm - First
Summon The Octopi - Nonversations EP
Sumo Disentery - Compilation
Sumus Diabolus Incarnatus - Les Louanges de Bael - Livre 1
Sunderfeet - Nightmare for Myself
Sunders - Chronicles
Sunflowers - Castle Spell
Sunken - Demo 2003
Sunshadows - Red Herring
Sunstare - Ziusudra
Sunz of Anarky - Hope Us Once : 1er aux Puces
S.U.P - Hegemony
Superbeatnik - No Hand Hold
Superbutt - The Unbeatable Eleven
Superbutt - Black Soup
Superbutt - You and Your Revolution
Superbutt - Music for Animals
Superfiz - Superfiz
Supernoisiest - Gudgeon from Hell
Super Poussin 2000 - Pinky Core Muzik
Superscream - Some Strange Heavy Sound
Superscream - The Engine Cries
Super5tars - Double Mixte
Superstatic Revolution - We kneel in the Pews by the Confession Box
Superstatic Revolution / Submerge - Splt CD
Superstatic Revolution - Goodbye Mr Wanton
Superstatic Revolution vs Pupille - Split cd
Super Timor - Tout le Monde aime Super Timor
Surgery - Living Dead
Surrounded by Sins - Unshared
Surtr - Demo
Surtr - World of Doom
Surtr - Pulvis et Umbra
Suunya - The Edge of Nowhere
Svarti Loghin - Drifting through The Void
Svinkels - Dirty Centre
Swamp Terror - Gathered for Carnage
Swansong For A Raven - Secret
Swarm - Mad in France
Swarm - Omerta
Swarmageddon - Inhuman
Swatt - Démo
Swatt - Leaving the Concrete
Swell and the Glamorous - And Then I was There
Sweatmaster - Animals
Sweet Needles - Tormenta
Swine Diamond - Swine This Year
Switchback & Tedh Secret - Wrong path to Evolution
Switch Off - L'Expérience Interdite
Sworn - s/t
SWR - South Street's Nightmare
Sybernetyks - Dream Machine
Syderia - Evolve or Die
Syd Kult - Weltschmerz
Syd Kult - Damnatio Memoriae
Sylver Cycle - Sylver Cycle
Sylvester Staline - Gonna Spread Hard Drugs...
Symbio - Paranoia
Symetry - Roots Project
Symfonia - In Paradisum
Synapse - Singularities
Synapse - Alter Echoes
Syn:drom - With the Flesh Unbound
Syn:drom - Iconoclasm
Syndrom 187 - L'Echec
Syndrom 187 - Ex Unitate Vires
Syndrom 187 - s/t
Synopsys - Le Temps du Rêve
Synphobia - Rising
Syntax Error - Interesting Results
Synthetic Waterfall - Inside the Different
Syrinx - Contest the Void
System Of A Down - Toxicity
Systr - Gazole
Systr - Megamachines
Taciturn vs Anemone - Split
Taf - Give and Take
Taf - Give and Take (Réédition)
Taf - Polluted
Tagada Jones - L'Envers du Décor
Tagada Jones - L'Envers du Tour (DVD)
Tagada Jones - Le Feu aux Poudres
Tagada Jones - 6.6.6
Tagada Jones - Les Compteurs à Zéro
Tagada Jones - Descente aux Enfers
Tagada Jones - 20 Ans d'Ombre et de Lumière
Tagada Jones - Dissident
Tagada Jones - La Peste et le Choléra
Tagada Jones - A Feu et à Sang
Tagada Jones - TRNT Best Of 1993-2023
Ta Gueule - Surpuissant
Talbot - EOS
Talbot - Scaled
Tales of The Tomb - Volume One : Morpras
Talia - Thugs they look like Angels
Talian - Scraps from the Mire
Taliandörögd - Neverplace
Tal K Mas - 2050
Tal K Mas - Le Fils des Cendres
Tall* - Kombusha Mushroom People
Talvienkeli - In a World Full of Clouds
Taman Shud - Dogs and Gods
Tambours du Bronx - W.O.M.P.
Tample - Summer Light
Tanen - Fragments
Tang - The Quietness booms about on the Walls like Birds in Panic
Tang - Another Thousand Days, Out of This World
Tang - Dynamite Drug Diamond
Tang - Still No Sunrise
Tangaroa - Day
Tanguero - Metamorphoses
T.A.N.K - Tank
T.A.N.K - The Burden of Will
Tankrust - The Fast of Solace
Tankus The Henge - I crave Affection Baby, but not when I Drive
Tantrum - The Frontiers bursts into View
Tao Menizoo - Album
Tao Menizoo - So Blind
Tao Menizoo - Journey through A Devastated Mind
Tapetto Traci - Sucre d'Ogre
Tarah Who? - The Last Chase
Tardis - Never Grow Up
Tarja - The Shadow Self
Tarsius - Avancer
Tasmaniac - La Dernière Chance
Taste the Void - In Search of Light
Tavistock - Tavistock
Tawn - ReConNaissance partie1: Naissance
Tayobo - Django Bang
Tayobo - K-barré Core
Tchaï Bom - 1er Degré
Tears Eviction - Emotional Bleeding
Tears Eviction - Once Again.......Draconian Decay
Tears in Vain - Demo from Demons which Cruelly Act
Tears in Vain - Archaic Modern Pathologie
Télégram - s/t
Tellma - Swansong
Tellma - Météorite
Tellmarch - s/t
Temesta/Remorse - Split CD
Temnein - Time to Avenge
Temnein - 404 B.C
T.E.M.P. - S'attendre au Pire
Temple Town - Scarland
Tempt Fate - Holy Deformity
Tenebrarum Infanteus - Same
Tenebrum Infectus - Same
Tensuo - Petites Musiques d'Intérieur
Ternaïd - A Little Voice
Terror - Rhythm Amongst the Chaos
Teska - Singularity
Tess - La Dame de Coeur
Tess - St Charles
Tess - La Confrérie
Tess - Que s'élève la Poussière
Tesuji - Mirage
Tetrazepam - Spread Your Venom
Thalamus - Hiding from Daylight
Thalamus - Hiding from Daylight
THC - Melanoma
The 13th Block - Day One
The 30th of July - s/t
The Absolute Never - Once upon Never
The AM - Utopia Cd Promo
The Amsterdam Red Light District - I'm not Insane
The Amsterdam Red Light District - Gone For A While
The Amsterdam Red Light District - Sapere Aude
The Apostasy - Ite Missa Est
The ARRS - Condition Humaine
The ARRS - ...Et la Douleur est la Même
The ARRS - Trinité
The ARRS - Héros Assassin
The ARRS - Dans la Chair et par le Sang
The ARRS - Soleil Noir
The Artramps - In Studio...
The Artramps - London Underground
The Artramps - Red Shutters
The Ascending - Eponyme
The Astro Zombies - Convince or Confuse
The Audience - Celluloïd
The Austrasian Goat - Stains of Resignation
The Austrasian Goat - Principles of Disillusion
The A.X.E. Project - Stories from a Lost Realm : part II
The Basement - Prelude
The Betrayer's Judgement - Philosopher
The Beverly Secret - Heroes die before Enemies
The Billy No Mates - The Way of Redemption
The Birds End - Birds End
The Blackout Argument - Decisions
The Blackout Argument - Remedies
The Black Painters - All the Sad and Stupid Songs of all time...
The Blackstone Co - Betrayed
The Black Stout - Pinte d'émeute
The Black Widow's Project - Heavy Heart
The Black Zombie Procession - We Have Durt Under...
The Blind Suns - Offshore
The Blue Butter Pot - Let Them Talk
The Bootle Doom Lazy Band - Blood for Bloodking
The Boring - Craving for Change
The Brooks - Any Day Now
The Brutal Deceiver - Go Die, One by One
The Buffalos - The Mahogany Secrecy
The Butcher's Rodeo - Like A Hobo on A Bison
The Butcher's Rodeo - Ghosts in the Weirdest Places
The Butcher's Rodeo - Backstabbers
The Buttshakers - Sweet Rewards
The Canyon Observer - FVCK
The Canyon Observer - Nøll
The Chainsaw Blues Cowboys - The Good, The Bad & The Chainsaw
The Chainsaw Motel - Bad Trip & Endless Roads
The Chikitas - Wrong Hotel
The Cinelli Brothers - Almost Exactly
The Cleaner - Would You Like to be Blasted
The Clock goes Red - Common Ground
The CNK - Paris brûle-t-il ?
The Cold Within - A Burden of Reason
The Cold Within vs See The Light - Split Cd
The Dali Thundering Concept - Eyes Wide Opium
The Dali Thundering Concept - Savages
The Daltonz - Suedehead Rock
The Darkness - Last of Our Kind
The Darts - Boomerang
The Dawn - Loud Tunes & Furry Tales
The Dawn - They Die Better That Way
The Dawn - The Dawn's Hard Reboot Protocol : The Grieving Process
The Dead Musician - Set your World on Fire
The Decline - Broken Hymns for Beating Hearts
The Defibrillators - Electric Fist
The Defigurheads - Chaos and Cosmos
The Devil Wears Prada - Dead & Live
The Devil Wears Prada - 8:18
The Diogènes - Qui pourrait craindre le bien ?
The Divergents - A Blast from The Past
The Dopamine Addict Quartet - Pad Treatment
The Dukes - Smoke against The Beat
The Elderberries - The Little House
The Elektrocution - Open Heart Surgery
The Elektrocution - Rise to the Sun
The Eternal Youth - Nothing is Ever Over
The Etherist - Selves
The Evpatoria Report - Maar
The Eye of Silence - s/t
The Faceless - Planetary Duality
The Famous NTM - TFNTM ep
The Fantastikol Hole - The Mathematikol Oil
The Finkielkrauts - s/t
The Flicker (Rock Band) - Your last Day on Earth
The Foxy Ladies - Not Sorry
The Gay Corporation - Spit your Anger on My Face...
The Gentleman is Dead - Never Down
The Gentlemen of Leisure - Ten Thousand Feet and Rising
The Glossy Sisters - C'est pas des Manières
The Golden Grass - Absolutely
The Grasslers - Bluegrass Time Machine
The Great Divide - Tales of Innocence and Experience
The Great Divide - Linger Over, Linger On
The Great Old Ones - Al Azif
The Great Old Ones - Tekeli-li
The Grey - Dead Fire
The Greygut's - No Guts No Nuts
The Guardogs - Beware of the Dog
The Guardogs - Ocean Call
The Headliners - Too Young to Fall in Love
The Hellectric Devilz - The Hellectric Club
The Hellectric Devilz - The Devilz Playground
The Heretic Process - Here/Chaos/Begins
The Hill is Burning - From Alpha to Omega
The Hits - Hard Nut
The Holy Curse - Take it as it Comes
The H.O.S.T. - Love, Birth & Disillusions
The H.O.S.T. - Masks
The Hyènes - Ca s'arrête jamais
The Hyènes - Verdure
The Jack Art Band - The Life and Times of Candy Rose
The Jones - Silver Faces
The Joystix - Punchline
The Joystix vs High-School Motherfuckers - Split
The Last Brigade - Silver and Gold
The Last Embrace - Inside
The Last Embrace - The Winding Path
The Last Shot of War - Piece of Hate
The Last Vegas - Bad Decisions
The Lilix & Didi Rock Band - Autre Chose à faire le Soir
The Locomotive Sound Corporation - s/t
The Long Escape - The Warning Signal
The Long Escape - s/t
The Lost Communists - The Last 12 Nights of a Pastor judged guilty
The Losts - Mystery of Depths
The Magpie Salute - High Water 1
The Maniax - Before the End
The March - Crawl Space
The Married Monk - The Belgian Kick
The Marshals - Les Bruyères Sessions
The Menzingers - Hello Exile
The Milton Incident - Innocence Lost
The Morganatics - Never Be Part of Your World
The Morganatics - We Come from the Stars
The Morganatics - The Love Riot Squad vs The F-World
The Moorings - Unbowed
Them Stones - s/t
The Nazmen - s/t
The Nazmen - Ass for Breakfast
The Nes Nation - s/t
The Newtons - Elevation
The Newtons - Elevation (n°2)
The Noctambulant - The Cold and Formless Deep
The Nocturnal Project - Melancholia
The Nucleons Project - Kill'em all but my Boys
The Nunchaks - s/t
The Oath - The End of Times
The Ocean - Fluxion Aeolian
The Ocean / Mono - Transcendental
The Offspring - Splinter
The Old Dead Tree - Second Thoughts
The Old Wind - Feast on Your Gone
The One Hundred - Subculture
The One Hundred - Chaos and Bliss
The Outburst - [Life]
The Outburst - Party Time
The Parallel Project vs Freaklab - Animus Anima
The Patient - Romance
The Perkins - EP
The Phantom Carriage - New Thing
The Phantom Carriage - Falls
The Pookies - The Stunts Fights and Mariaches
The Pregnant Dancers - Rebirth
The Prestige - Black Mouths
The Price - A Second Chance to Rise
The Primitives - Cavemne Reunion
The Prisoner - Life of the Mind
The Psyke Project - Apnea
The Raging Project - Future Days
The Random Monsters - We pretend it's All Right
The Rapports - Taking Off
The Real Underground - Volume 7 et 8
The Rebel Assholes - Deactivated
The Red Barons - Together
Therion - Fleur du Mal
The Rodeo Idiot Engine - The First Fall
The Rodeo Idiot Engine - Consequences
The Roost - Alice
The Rusty Bells - Rebirth
The Sativa League - War-Time Medication
The Semitones - Glitch
The Shell Corporation - Force Majeure
The Shooks - Come on Come Out
The Sideshow Tragedy - After The Fall
The Silencers - Silent Highway
The Silent Era - Wide and deep and cold
The Skeletons Fall - Des Fleurs sur mon Panzer
The Sons of Saturn - You'll never want to do anything...
The Soul I Am - From Suicidal Archetypes to Nowhere Spirals
The Soul I Am - Le Reflet
The Soul I Am - New Slave Order
The Soul of Bushido - Tome 1 : Hagakure
The Sound Comet - Soundcheck
The Space Octopus - Tomorrow We'll be Gone
The Stamps - Fuckin'car
The Stranglers - Dark Matters
The Supercopters - Psychos/Heroes
The SuperSoul Brothers - The Road to Sound Live
The Sword - High Country
The " Tan " Case - Est notre seule Liberté...
The T.A.W.S. - Beyond the Path
The Texas Chainsaw Dust Lovers - The Wolf is Rising
The Texas Chainsaw Dust Lovers - Film Noir
The Third Grade - Of Fire and Ashes pt. I
The Third Grade - Of Fire and Ashes pt. II
The Third Memory - Et de cela rien ne Ressort
The Third Project - The Fall and Rise of the Ninja Squids
The Traders - Too Young So Old
The Trap - The Trap is set !
The Twin Souls - The Twin Souls
The Twisted Minds - Neo Dogmas
The Walking Dead Orchestra - Architects of Destruction
The Walrus Resists - The Face of Heaven
The Washing Machine Cie - Nutty as A Fruitcake
The Water-Pipe Cult - 5 songs 1 cd
The Wooden Pearls - Strip Me Loud
The Yokel - Y
The Young Gods - Knock on Wood
Thibault Maurin - Above
This Deafening Whisper - Duodecim
Third Eye - Land of Compromise
Third Eye Machine - West Balkans Project
Third Eye Machine - Romkert
This Deafening Whisper - A Matter of Knife and Depth
This Friday 13 - The Monster EP
This is The Girl - Eponyme
This Life - Lies About The Truth
This Life - Stories of the Year
This Year's Girl - Personal Ghosts
Thomas Breinert - Lunapar Chic
Thomas Fersen - C'est tout ce qu'il me reste
Thomas Grimmonprez Quartet - Big Wheel
Thomas Howard Memorial - At the end of the Yard
Thomas Howard Memorial - Bonaventura
Thomas Kahn - This is Real
Thorbjorn Risager and The Black Tornado - Come on in
Thorgen - Messager du Mal
Thornafire - Leprozario Lazareto
Those Bloody Arms - s/t
Thrashback - Possessed by Thrash
Three Moons Ago - Write Your Story
Thron - Abysmal
Through My Eyes - Blinded by Hatred
Through My Eyes - Fearless
Thulium - Unleashed Dragon
Thulium - Thulium
Thump - This is Agaist Them
Thunder - Rip It Up
Thy Apocalyspe - Fragment Troisième
Tiger Joe - Bestial Devastation
Tigerleech - Melancholy Bridge
Tim Chesley - The Last Blue Sky
Time Lurker - Time Lurker
Time Lurker - Emprise
Times of Grace - The Hymn of A Broken Man
Time to Burn - Burn the Lie Down
Time to Burn - Starting Point
Time to Burn - Is.Land
Time Will Tell - The Last Circle
Timo Kotipelto & Jari Liimatainen - Blackoustic
Tiny Voices - Erosion
Tio Manuel - The 7th Road
Titans Fall Harder - Evolve
Tit's - Second Round
TKM - The Kantian Metaphysic
TKM - Gouttes de Novembre
TKM - Génération
Tocacake - Enfermés
Todd Rickson Club - Keep A Knockin
Together - The Odyssey
Tokyo Sex Destruction - 5th Avenue Soul
Tokyo Sex Destruction - Sagittarius
Tol Eressea - Démo
Tol Eressea - Des Fleurs de Pierre au coeur du Mal
Tom Fool - Lift
Tomia - Lost in a Beauty
Tom Leeb - s/t
Tommyknockers - Songs for Nothing
Tomorrow's Eve - Mirror of Creation III : Project Ikaros
Tomy Lobo - Golden Birds
Tone Down/Nothing Between Us/Broken Fist - Split CD
Tool - Lateralus
Toothgrinder - Phantom Amour
Torn in My Pride - Hapiness in 2012
Torn in My Pride - Numbers
Tortured Soul - End of Dreams
Total Reject - Pure Vomit of Alcohol
Totengeflüster - Vom Seelensterben
To The Vanishing Point - the planes cut through the grey sky...
Totorro - All Glory to John Baltor
Toucan - De Nuit
Touchstone - The City Sleeps
Toumaï - Sapiens Demens
Toundra - s/t
Towards End Rapture - Of Genius and Madmen
Towersound - The Island of Demon
Town in A Mess - Demo
Toxic Lily - Trick or Treat ?
Toxitoys - No Brain Inside
Toxitoys - Listen to the Voice of Greed
Toxxic Toyz - Mutation
Toybloïd - Modern Love
Toyz - Carte Blanche
Tractopelle in Versailles - Marquise des Anges
Tracy Gang Pussy - Black
Tracy Gang Pussy - Number4
Trank - The Ropes - monolith edition
Trank - The Maze
Tranzat - The Great Disaster
Tranzat - Ouh La La
Trapped in Freedom - Six Frites Under
Trashbug - Murs de Verre
Trashington DC - Let your Body Talk
Trauma - Imperfect like A God
Trepalium - Alchemik Clockwork Of Disorder
Trepalium - H.N.P.
Trepalium - From the Ground
Trepan Dead vs Heresy - Split CD
Trepan Dead - Just a Foretaste
Trepan Dead - Obsessional Dysfunctions
Trepan Dead - Anonymous Grindoholics
Trepan Dead - Instinct
Treponem Pal - Evil Music for Evil People/Survival Sounds Remixs
Tribal Tech - X
Tribok - s/t
Tribes - When Everything Collapses
Trigger - Trigger
Trigger King - The Giant Rooster EP
Trigone Plus - L'ombre de l'horloge
Tripalium - Blastfame
Tripalium - Démo 2005
Tripod - Lèche
Tripod - Data Error
Tripod - Deviances
Trivium - Vengeance Falls
Troïdes Priamus Hecuba - Bienvenue à BIOZ land
Troïdes Priamus Hecuba - Vous êtes ici...?
Tromatized Youth - Tromaville against the World
Trompe le Monde - All In
Tropical Mannschaft - To be continued...
Tropical Mannschaft - Chapter 3
Trunk - Don Mefistou
Trunk - el GiNsU
Trust - Fils de Lutte
Try To Win - All is Illusion
Try To Win - Stay True
Tsar - Acte II
Tumido - The Orgy
Tusk - The Resisting Dreamer
Twage - Twage
Twelve Diversions - Forward becomes Backyards
Twilight Motion - Dark City
Twin Pricks - Young at Heart
Twisted - Save your Planet, Kill Yourself
Two Steps Forward - The Freakshow
U-Bilam - Evolutions of Mind
Uddu - Hellcats
U.D.O. - Rev Raptor
U.D.O. - Celebrator
U.D.O. - Steelhammer
Ufych Sormeer - Crazy MAC
ULF - Echo Promise
Ulrich Forman - Chapter III / A Perfect Storm
Ultraphallus - The Clever
Ultra Vomit - Objectif Thunes
Ultra Zook - Epuz
Ultra Zook - Epuzz
Ulver - War of the Roses
Unborn - Inhumation
Unchained - Oncoming Chaos
Uncolored Wishes - World under Control
Uncolored Wishes - Fragrance
Uncomfortable Knowledge - Black Queen
Uncomfortable Knowledge - Lifeline
Uncommonmenfrommars - Longer than an Ep Shorter than an Album
Uncommonmenfrommars - I Hate My Band
Uncommonmenfrommars - Easy Cure
Uncut - Invincible
Uncut - From Blue
Uncut - Space Cowboy
Undercover Slut - Amerikkka Macht Frei
Underflesh - Black and White
Underflesh - The Sailing
Underground Society - Dreadfull Days
Underoath - Ø Disambiguation
Underschool Element - Démo
Underschool Element - Rien de Plus
Underschool Element - Tango
Under The Abyss - A Wavering Path
Under The Abyss - A Future Behold
Under The Sun - s/t
Undervoid - s/t
Undobar - Strength in Disguise
Undr - s/t
Unfit - Somewhere between Heaven and Hell
Unfold - Aeon Aony
Union Jack - Violence
United Guitars - Vol. 3
United Guitars - Vol. 4
Unleashing The Beast - s/t
Unleashing The Beast - Jusqu'aux dernière heures
Unlogistic - Capitulation
Unsafe - Manipulative Progress
Unsafe - Masterpieces of the Absurd
Unscarred - Fake Democracy
Unstoppable - Hammer of Light
Unsu - K.I.A.I.
Unswabbed - Instinct
Unswabbed - In-Situ
Unswabbed - Tales from the Nightmare vol. 1
Until Dawn - Horizon
Until the Uprising - The Awakening of the Damned
Until the Uprising - Twisted Reality
Until the Uprising - Out of Time
ÙØ - Utopies Ordinaires
Uplift Spice - s/t
Upon Us All - Hubris
Urban Attack - Against Atao
Usquam - Ex-Nihilo
Usual Crap - Sauvage
UVR - Blood on the Satellite & Plastic World
UVR - Teen Assassin
V - 42
V/A - Anal Supersonic Sex vs Binaash vs Flavoured Brain vs Dog Faced Corpse
V/A - Another Kind of Death vs Adrift vs Moksha vs Moho
V/A - A Tant Rêver Du Roi Records
V/A - Bbarpappa Butchery vs Butchered Beyond Recognition vs Red Cum
V/A - Beats and Sounds #1
V/A - 4ways Split Grindcore
V/A - Compilation 2FCH : Saison Grise
V/A - Compil' Dooweet - Ghost Ship, Sworn Enemy
V/A : Infected Society vs F Stands For Fuck You vs Miserable Failure
V/A - Music is a Drug
V/A - Ocean of Ashes
V/A - Yattai/Boris Viance/Vengeance/Tina Turner Fraiseur/Nolentia/Grunt Grunt
Vae Viktis - King of Shadows
Vagiant - Gospel According to Vagiant
Vagina - Made in Silence
Valentine Lambert - Luna
Val Experience Band - Osmium
Valmara - s/t
Valse Noot - So Straight Architecture
Valve - Thermoclines
Vandenberg's Moonkings - MK II
Vandenberg's Moonkings - Rugged and Unplugged
Vanden Plas - Live & Immortal
Vanguard X Mortem - [vanguardismortem]
Vanilla - Plays Fantastique
Vegastar - Vegastar
Vegastar - Maxi
Vegastar - Un Nouvel Orage
Veilburner - The Three Lightbearers
Veils of Perception - Black Metric
Veld - Sin
VelvetSeal - Lend Me Your Wings
Velooo - EP
Vendeurs d'Enclumes - Décadrant
Vendetta - Drôle d'Idée
Vengeance - Cristal Eyes
Venosa & Nesseria - Split CD
Venosa - Dancing Together under A Rain of Ashes
Venus in The Dust - s/t
Venus in The Dust - Beyond Trouble
Ventre - Ventre
Ventura - Pa Capona
Venturia - Dawn of A New Era
Venus Star - Setyphorus
Vera Cruz - Skinandteethandnails
Verbal Razors - Settling of Scores
Verbal Razors - s/t
Verdée - s/t
Verdée - Dans nos pas
Verdun - The Cosmic Escape of Admiral Masuka
Verdun - Ästral Sabbath
Verdun vs Old Iron - Split
Versari - Ostinato
Vertex - Scalable
Vertical - Something for You
Vertige - Populaire
Vesperine - Parmi les Autres
Vesperine - Perpétuel
Vicious Georgeous - Des Mots du Lait ?
Vicious Grace - All My Gods are Monsters
Vincent Dupas - Longue Distance
Vincent V - Son
Vinegar Hill - Ghost Flowers
Vintage Vendetta - Not Born to Win
Vintergeist - Nemossos
Violence - Opus 1
Violence from Within - Reminiscence
Violent Revolution - Damaged Society
Vipères Sucrées Salées - s/t
Virage - Daleco
Virgil - Initium
Virginie - Dreamer
Viridiana - Oedipe
Virus IV - Darksun
Visavis - Great
Visavis - The Art of Collapse
Viscreal Bleeding - Absorbing the Disarray
Vise Versa - Living A Lie
Vision of Disorder - From Bliss to the Devastation
Visions of Dystopia - A Nightmare on Dystopian Street
Vital Breath - Duality
Vitor Hublot - Contes la Libido Ordinaire
Vitsaus - Sielunmessu
Vivid Remorse - Down to The Wire
Viza - Aria
Voice of Ruin - s/t
Voice of Ruin - Purge and Purify
Voice of Ruin - Cold Epiphany
Volbeat - Outlaw Gentlemen & Shady Ladies
Volbeat - Seal the Deal and Let's Boogie
Volbeat - Let's Boogie
Volbeat - Rewind Replay Rebound
Volin - Volcan
Volo - A son Frère
Volte Face vs Corbeaux - The Meeting Point
Von B - s/t
Von Pariahs - Hidden Tensions
Von Pariahs - Genuine Feelings
Vorpal Nomad - Hyperborea
VS - Just A Sign (Part II)
VS - Cities R Real
V13 - s/t
V13 - Pudique
V13 - Puzzle
Vulcain - V8
Vuyvr - Eiskalt
Wacky Freaks - s/t
Wahead - Gaïa
Wailing Trees - Insert Sun
Wake the Dead - The Things we can't Forget
Wake the Dead - Meaningless Expectations
Wake the Dead - Under the Mask
Wake the Dead - Still Burning
Wake the Dead - Still Burning
Waking The Sleeping Bear - Porno Future
Walhalla - Release the Beast
Wallack - Loveless
Walnut Grove DC - Deeper
Walrus Resist - Staring from the Abyss
Walter Trout - Alive in Amsterdam
Warattah - Distortion
Warattah - Hatred & Strength
Wardhill - A Pledge to Lava
Warfaith - Blood and War
Warfaith - Wise Man is Dead
War From A Harlots Mouth - Transmetropolitan
Wargasm - Manhunt
War Inside - S.U.T.U.R.E
Warnam - Origines
Warning - Métamorphose
Wars - We are Islands after All
W.A.S.A.B.I. - The Wicked Six
Watcha - Mutant
Watcha - Falling by the Wayside
Watch Your Six - Green Fairy
Watertank - Sleepwalk
Waverly Lies North - A Soul in the Void
Waykopp - Wake Up !
Ways. - Are we still alive?
Way To End - Various Shades of Black
WD40 - Dégri'punk
Weaksaw - s/t
Weaksaw - James Huston Jr
Weaksaw - The Wretched of the Earth
We Animals ! - Re-enter the Zoo
We are the Fallen - Tear the World Down
W.E.B. - Tartarus
Wedingoth - Candlelight
Wedingoth - The Other Side
Wedingoth - Five Stars above
Weend'O - Time of Awakening
Weeping Birth - The Crushed Harmony
We Fall As One - Wolfpact
Wektu - Nouveau départ
Welcome Noise - Marathon
Welcome To Miami - The (silent) Cathodic Chaos
Welcome To Miami - Casanova.Frankenstein.vs.Baron.von.Chaos
Welcome X - éponyme
Welcome X - Vol.2
Wendy's Surrender - Hold on For Victory
Wes Waltz - More is More
W.E.T - No Swagg
What's Up the Kids ? - Compilation
Wheelfall - Glassrew Point
Wheelfall - The Atrocity Report
When Icarus Falls - Over the Frozen Seas
When Icarus Falls - Aegean
When Icarus Falls - Circles
When Reasons Collapse - Tale of Crime
When Reasons Collapse - Full of Lies
When Reasons Collapse - Dark Passengers
When Reasons Collapse - Omen of the Banshee
Where Eagles Dare - Unholy Remains
Where Eagles Dare - Ocean of Blood
Where Giants Once Stood - The Changing
While Heaven Wept - Vast Oceans Lachrymose
Whispering Tales - Echoes of Perversion
Whispering Tales - Ad Abolendam
Whispering Tears - Esprit Souillé
Whisper of Death - Epilepsy
Whisper of Death - Noise of Obstinacy
Whisper-X - Warside
White Crocodile - Je t'aime l'Amou
Whitemour - The Devil inherits the World
White Note - Undo Me
White Note - Oppositional Defiant Disorder
White Sofa - A bout de fil
Whitney Shay - Stand Up
Whodunit - Welcome to...
Whodunit - Memories from a Shit Hole
Whourkr - Concrete
Whourkr - 4247 Snare Drums
Why Aliens Why ? - The Great Disclosure
Widespread Disease - Death of Mnemosyne
Widespread Disease - Chaos
W.I.L.D - Agony of Indecision
Wildernessking - Mystical Future
Wild Mighty Freaks - Guns and Cookies
Wild Mighty Freaks - Rhythm'n Blood
Will Haven - Muerte
Wills49 - Appetite
Wills49 - Machinery
Winter Blues Band - Tale of a lone lil boy
Winterever - Première Danse Macabre
Wire Edge - Salt of the Earth
Witch Cross - Fit For Fight
Witchthroat Serpent - Sang-Dragon
Witchorious - s/t
Withdrawn - Skull of the Weak
Withdrawn - The Strongest Will
Within Temptation - Hydra
Without Skin - Worships
Wizard Must Die - L'Or des Fous
Wizards Beard - Four Tired Undertakers
Wizzö - Real Hot Stuff
WNTRHLTR - Deu-ils
Wolf's Gang - Apocalypse
Wolve - Lazare
Wombat - Une Pierre à l'Edifice
Wooden Stake vs Druid Lord - Split
Woody Murder Mystery - Lost in Beaucaire
Working Klass Heroes - No Excuses, No Remorses
Working Through - Rouages
worMACHINE - 3
worMACHINE - Album
worMACHINE - TV Brain
Wormcast - Compil' 2002
Wormfood - Jeux d'Enfants
Wormfood - Posthume
Wormfood - Decade(nt)
Wormfood - L'Envers
Worms Eat Her - s/t
Worn-Out - s/t
Worselder - MMXIV
Worselder - Red Shift
Worst DNA - Polaroid
Worst Doubt - Extinction
Wrath from Above - Beyond Ruthless Cold
Wrath of the Nebula - The Ruthless Leviathan
Wuizit - Vicieuse Odyssée
Wulfshon - Prinnit Mittilagart
Wünjo - Extralucide
Wyleo - Circles
X-Makeena - Derrière l'Oeil
X-TV - Exit
X-Vision - [Confused]
X-Vision - Promo 4-Titres
X-Vision - Time of the New Slavery
X-Vision - So Close, So Far
Xavier - Sprayed Love
Xavier Boscher - Cosmic Variations
Xavier Boscher - Starseeds II
XCIII - Majestic Grief
XCIII - Transiense
XCIII - The Blue EP édition spéciale
Xentrix - Bury The Pain
Xhohx - Karyotypexplosion
Xicon - Theogony
Xnoybis - Solace
Xplorer4 - Space Xplorer4
X Syndicate - Dead Or Alive
Xtrunk - Not in Vain
Xtrunk - Full Confession
XxX - s/t
XY - Memories/Now/Dreams
Y ? - Don't Ask Me
Y ? - Second Birth
Yadam - Safeplace
Yan Wagner - Couleurs Chaos
Yarblocks - Démo
Yarblocks - The Deadly Sunrise
Yard of Blondes - Murderology
Y Blues - Belong The Barrel
Yeallow - Senses
Year Of No Light - Nord
Year Of No Light - Nord Deluxe
Yellowcard - Lights and Sounds
Yerban Kuru - s/t
YGGL - Gaijin
Yngwie Malmsteen - Blue Lightning
Yoda Rising - Lies and Greed
Yog - Grindcore Deluxe
Yog - Years of Nowhere
Yog - Half The Sky
Yorblind - Blind but Alive
Yotangor - King of the Universe
You Lose ! - All In
You Me At Six - Truth decay
Young Cardinals - Lights, Burns, Despairs
Young Cardinals - Sunset Chaser
Your Own Film - I'm Here
Your Shapeless Beauty - My Swan Song
Youth Gone - EP1
Ysé - Nouvelle Ere
YS Theory - s/t
Yugal - Enter The Madness
Yurei - Night Vision
Yur Mum - Tropical Fuzz
Yurodivy - When deep Waters...
Yuzu! - Radio Non-Sens
Yurei - Night Vision
Yvan Marc - L'ancien Soleil
Yvonne La Nuit - Bright Stars
Yyrkoon - Occult Medicine
Yyrkoon - Unhealthy Opera
Zaang - Perdition
Zacharie Defaut Trio - Milady
Zalem - Double CD
Zantek - s/t
Zapruder - Straight from the Horse's Mouth
Zapruder - Fall in Line
Zarach Baal Tharagh - Abomination
Zarboth - s/t
Zarboth - Kwakiutls
Zatokrev - Bury the Ashes
Zatokrev & Vancouver - Split ep
Zaum - Divination
Zavorash - Same
Z-Band - No Loose Behaviour
Z-Band - Apocaliquids
ZDRI - s/t
Zebarges - Too Big for Love
Zebarges - Stay Barges or Die !!!
Zebarges - Dirty Rotten Killers
Ze Gran Zeft - Watch The Crown
Žen - Jantar
Žen - Suncani Ljudi
Zentaura - Made with Blood
Zenzile - Electric Soul
Zenzile - Elements
Zero District - Maxi
Zero District - Dark n'Roll
Ze Roll Zealotz - s/t
Ze Roll Zealotz - Spark
Zero Mentality - Black Rock
Zetlaskars et la Trompida - Arrache tes Côtes
Zeus! - Motomonotono
Z Family - Chapter II : Origin
Z Family - Chapter III : The Dark Awakening
Zhol - EP 2012
Ziwök - Démo Live
Ziwök - Brainwaves
Ziwök - Single
Zoe - Dirty Little Sister
Zoë - Back into the Light
Yojimbo - s/t
Zolle - Zolle
Zombie Eaters - Bruit®iste
Zombie Eaters - 2
Zombie Eaters - Axe et Cible
Zonaria - Infamy and the Breed
Zooglicrust - Zooglicrust
Zôon - Politikon
Zoroaster - Matador
Zubrowska - Family Vault
Zubrowska - Are Dead
Zul - El Golpe de la Acuja
Zuul FX - The Torture never Stops
Zvëöpreh - Bleeding Past